How do you feel about Fated/Awakened Season in World of Warcraft

I don’t even know what those are i am so out of the loop.

I’m having a blast, personally. Took the dive into Mythic dungeons for the first time and while I can’t speak for the prior difficulty of Mythic, the current difficulty feels like a meaningful step up from Heroic that has made me pay more attention to mechanics and my rotation.

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I’m afraid not for me lol. The loot that I got on my dh is purely received from players that where with me in the dungeon not needing the loot :p. And then I still had to roll for the rings against 1 person and lost them all.

Well if the numbers that they gave from the Blizzcon during BfA hold up then raiding itself is only feaseable because of LfR. The Percentages of People that play NHC/HC/Myth are 9/5/2. Only LfR has with 44% player participation the only double digit number.

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I think in Shadowlands people like it a lot purely out of frustration: we had a raid where you were forced to do it to get shards or something (I’m trying to forget), then another raid that was the hardest ever… and basically 2 years of running the same dungeons over and over.
Conduits and covenants were horrible during the first raid…
OFC people would find amazing something cool and new.

… this expansion was good, people are not interested in eating a reheated Sunday soup.
Especially when you lock gear vendors behind doing raids. I’m forced again to raid for a chance of a Bulleon.
I don’t like being forced to do stuff :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
Could I just don’t do it? Yes. Will others get cool stuff I will not because of it? Yes. Am I ok with it? No.


This season is kinda waste of time, nothing to go for, gearing up for no reason or purpose

Tried M0s, feels like I’m a freshly dinged 70 gearing up all over again XD

Haha, i had that feeling aswell in some m0 dungeons.
Even though it felt like my alt was a fresh 70, (470 ilvl for the m0) it was doable and we cleared it.

Also ran all dungeons on +2 this week on 2 chars and i like the squish in m+ numbers, i do believe they should have kept the change of M+ till the War Within.

A new expansion always has some new features and changes and i do feel this change would have been better at the start of the expansion.

I like it a lot. Doti HM replacing the 2 M+ parts is a nice change. I like having more mechanics. And the HM is quite brutal. The difficulty of the dungeons feels like I am at the beginning of the expansion again. I like it.

I like Fated. I do not like the Fact, that the fact, that the Gear Reset is done every season and so basically the only thing left of value from 3 to 4 are the legendary Axe and the Evoker Legy.

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Here are my critic points regarding fated Seasons:

  • If Expansion dungeons return from S1 to last Season, they should be massively re-balanced (most DF dungeons are so overtuned for the average player - regular +4 key players don’t count as the average player anymore imo btw.)
  • Raids shouldn’t rotate. All Raids of the expansion should be Fated/Awakened EVERY WEEK. So that players can actually play they raid they like.
    • Btw. there isn’t a single Raid that was interesting to me in DF, meaning literally every Raid was useless, boring content for me the last 2 years. Such things are the reasons why I don’t raid, alongside the immense time requirement to find a group and even start the Raid at times, not to mention even finish it.
    • Sanctum of Domination I at least completed a few times during SL S2/S3/S4…
  • The Process of Fated/Awakened content needs to be more streamlined imo. Were it not for this weeks 4 Mythic dungeon quest I wouldn’t even know there was a Vendor at in Valdrakken for that gear.
    • What is so hard just adding a “go and talk to XY NPC” quest for every such thing in a path? It doesn’t even need a lot of dialogue lines. Just a “hey, go visit that new NPC vendor, look what they offer, here is how you get the currency”.
    • In all honesty, even as someone who reads the weekly news and patch notes… The game does a :poop: job at pointing out new things, features and content regularly. Even if it is just seasonal content. I really don’t want to know how much a new/returning/casual player struggles with such additions to the game and even finding them
  • A major Mythic+ rework should never again be done from Season-to-Season.
    • That’s something they should do exclusively every expansion launch, so everyone starts below the entry-level of Mythic.
    • That way it makes it easier for everyone to adjust to the changes and make progress. This season we have basically 2 player pools.
      • The one that could jump right in straight away due to being high key player from S3.
      • And the others, that now constantly hit the M0/+2 brickwall and struggle to climb said wall.

I surely could talk about a lot more stuff, but not everything is tied specifically to the S4 content changes. So for now, that’s it.

It doesn’t really influence me for the most part but I didn’t take it as a good sign when they introduced this.

I think they need to scrap it and just let the legendaries die after the season is over, get replaced by new gear in a new season. I don’t even get invited on my paladin to anything because it doesn’t have the legendary and I’m not about to sit and wait for a full premade to be able to play for 2-3 hours. So paladin is dead to me until TWW.

First season 3 started becoming like that and now season 4 is full-on degenerate.

Join raid for fyrakk to kill fyrakk to get legendary. Nope, kicked because no legendary. Actually degenerate community.

I would rather have a season of stuff like Plunderstorm and Remix than awakened.

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Puny no! Don’t give them ideas!


baps Puny

Bad Puny!


No they just need to revert it back to like it was originally and do away with this RNG. Go back to NM or HC and kill the boss pick up the quest and get on with it.

Yes I am suggesting that a legendary has no place in an easy mode like LFR if you consider NM is only about 0.0001% harder.

i like them - no need to learn new encounters. they could add affixes tho.

People are looking forward to MoP remix so I guess it makes sense they released a fated season where there are no new raids or dungeons to master.
Well aside from the m+ overhaul.

I’ve already done all raids on hc this season, already have KSM, 4 portals and almost have the ilvl that I wanted to reach. So what else is there to do aside from casual stuff I’ve been doing already?

MoP remix will be a nice distraction. Doesn’t mean I’ll be ignoring my main, sure I’ll do my weekly 10 or two and run a few older raids, but doing MoP remix will keep me entertained for sure.

Oh, I’m going to do the MoP Remix as well.
Will be nice to actually get my druid to max level xD

But no more blunderstorm!

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