The progression for my charachter have been quite linear, heroics some m0 some delves, some vault and some crafts.
As a Solo dips… ive pugged my way (with like 70% of my own keys) to around 2200ish rio. have completed 8s in almost all dungeons. 1 week i managed to 2+ my 8key into a mist10. so i quickly got a group for that and could collect a mytic piece from the vault the following wednesday. But more often i only managed to +1 8keys… and no one plays +9keys?? so then its deplete and go again… and hope you dont +2 into a city of threads…
If you add this tho this weeks affix that was just was a complete dong combo… extremly hard to get a group, extremly hard to finish the key… so after 2 nights of bobbing between +5->+7keys and too many hours in LFG… i kinda gave up, hope for new “easier affix combo” next week
Creating my ownkeys i tried to be more casual about the “requirements” f.e a +5key… let a 610 dh tank come and do it, let a monk heal it, let some warlock and a hunter come and dps. Everybody got the gear should be good?
Yaaa, we sure make it happen… but comparing to just bring a Metatanka and a coupple of blue dps + healer, not even comparable. So im totally aware that being picky is an easier path to succses and kinda get it that you choose, when doing a 10key, to not take a UH DK.
unless im extremely lucky with finding a group strong enough to +2 my 8key into a useful dungeon, and then lucky to find 4 pugs that dont leave and will complete the +10, and then im lucky enough to actually get an upgrade from the vault i will not get the itemlevel and never get invites for others m+ keys etc etc.
-How do you get over this wall?
-How do you find a guild in retail? In classic it was discords and guildadds ingame, Retail only have boosteradds.
As for finding a I can find out if our guild is recruiting, otherwise you can look at the section for the forums for your realm to find better guild recruitment ads.
I dont even know where to start looking for a commuinty when i hardly know how to find a guild… and still i guess the “wall” will still be there, for a lowrio nonmeta class… unless i over like a long period of trial time become accepted.
commiting to a mytic guild with like 2-3 fixed nights/week raidaing? can probably be abit hard for someone like me… but maybe thats whats required.
It can be done, last night I posted in “looking for group” in my wow discord and within a few minutes we had 2 paladins, a warrior, a dh and a shaman, hardly a meta group, but we timed a couple of 10s. It can be done, just not in group finder.
Not relevant. But find it hard to believe that u just picked up the 4 first that answered your call and rolled with it :D… you probably did some background check? ilevel? rio?.. u could probably also took the paladintank and shaman healer infront of a blooddk and a holypriest?
yeah, then im done… i see how it comes out :D… oo he crys but he dont wanna raid 3 times a week.
But what annoys me it that its so close that i could keep progressing in the game.
If i f.e would pay for a “rio-score” boost… all of the sudden the playground would be open again.
then you still wouldnt get in because without 530+ itlv which you get from mythic gear nobody would invite you either. they would just wait for 535 + dk farming his GV after his mythic raid.
and each week this barrier grows just higher and higher.
just unsub and play something else. or find a mythic raid guild
Find a casual community (Scared of Dungeons, Dungeon Dojo, Fail Train and many similar out there).
These tend to have fair simple rules (don’t be rude, play nice, Don’t be judgemental). They are basically doing the moderation that Bliz probably should be doing.
You might not push 15s or Mythic Raids but you’ll get surprisingly far.
The PuG scene is not really fit for purpose anymore. Don’t know if it can be fixed.