How do you stop Burnout? 🔥

I have recently been feeling a bit meh about WoW, still love it and intend to play in the new patch but after getting my delves mount and reaching 2k in rating I can’t be asked to grind anymore this season and I’m a bit burnt-out to be honest.

But I want to play more but just don’t have that umpf to keep going.

So I ask you, what is your method for stopping or avoiding burn out?

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Set realistic goals for your powerlevel based on the content you’re doing. Play other games every now and then to reset your palette.

For the powerlevel example, if you only do delves, don’t chase gilded crests or the item levels that require guilded crests to upgrade too. You won’t need more then 2-3 hero tracks items with how inconsistant and/or grindy it is to get gilded crests from those, even at the new rates of 45 to 15

If your goals aren’t power level oriented, then I would still say set goals, but just not oriented around player power (like mog collection or something else)

Roleplay also tends to make one more invested into the game, altho amittedly not the content side of it and I wouldn’t advice investing in that unless you’re already interested in that.

TL;DR avoid the trap of investing several hours into content if it only translates to 1 or 2 ilvl upgrades a week.


I’ll make a new character. Think up a backstory for them. Or level a class I never did the Class Hall on during Legion (I’m slowly running out, and I really don’t want a warrior… lol). Or fish a lot. Do some epic bg’s if I’m in the mood. The more pointless and not-goal-oriented, the better :smile: Just free play, have fun, stuff like that.

If ideas like that don’t catch my fancy I know I need a break.


They say to fight fire with fire, I have been doing that hence :dracthyr_a1:


Play less. Pretty simple really. :sweat_smile:


Fair I suppose, could try and 100% the rest of the delve achievements.

Could also continue with the every class atleast one max level thing I have going on and wanted to do, nice simple gameplay.

How do you do that here I wonder.

Simple and probably effective, currently streaming a bit of league and play some marvel rivals with some friends, so I could also just enjoy that for now and come back when I feel like it.

I do have to add that balance is key. Playing too little can lead to apathy towards the game, so that doesn’t help either. You need to find the right amount that keeps you interested, but that fuels a desire to play more.

Then balance I will strive to find. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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But of course, the best thing to fight off burnout is new enjoyable content.
And that’s something out of our hands, unfortunately.


Too true :pensive:

best way to deal with burnout is to play another game
im sure this has been said like 100 times

im going through a phase where i play other MMO’s or RPG games

  • you can get inspiration by joining reddit threads for new games
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Well I have been playing more, I am pretty tired though. Might take Tahs suggestion and play less. Might even take a nap now and then :joy:


i plan to play Ashes of creation when it fully releases
and the new Howarts legacy 2 game

ashes of creation should fill in spaces when WoW gets boring though

I’d go with that tbh. You sound like you’re not really feeling it atm with WoW, and then nothing feels satisfying. Just going through the motions. It’s nice to take a break, the game will still be here and the itch no doubt will start itching again :wink: And then things do feel engaging and satisfying, at least, that’s my experience.

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Sometimes the only answer to burnout is a break but I find variety does it for me most of the time. Other times I play less WoW and play other games more. Occasionally only a complete break from WoW will suffice.

At present I’m doing various mount/mog runs and doing things on Siren Isle, until our raid break ends next week. The never ending knowledge farm is still going on alts as well.


Take breaks, read a good book or play some other games, there are so many great games out there that I missed out on while focusing on wow. I’m currently playing Elin and the new Indiana Jones game which is pretty good!


sometimes you just gotta buy a game Blindly

  • search the category you like ,
    for example RPG games
    and click on a random one and play it
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Do you believe that game is ever getting released? :smirk:

you can play it at the moment tbf. its in alpha 2

looks half decent

I do enjoy blind enjoyment, nowhere near a bad idea rn