How do you stop Burnout? šŸ”„

Stop playing when things start feeling like a chore. :dracthyr_nod:

Theyā€™re making another one? Hopefully theyā€™ll actually finish it this time and not just fill the world with hundreds of the same handful of Merlin trials. That whole second map felt almost completely useless.

Just stop playing, take a long break.

I do it all the time.

In fact Iā€™m doing it right now, wtf am I doing here??!

Focusing on single player games atm, fomo nonsense ainā€™t even in mind.


Well to say hi to your frens of course :smiley:


Stop playing wow if it burns you out, or at least start playing less and play something else.

Burnout limits differ from player to player. When I feel burnout with a character I normally offset that feeling into another character. When I start feeling it with the game in general I play less overall and focus my efforts into other games, but still playing a bit of wow on the side.

If youā€™ve hit your goals, maybe see if you can up those limits a bit - go for 2200 rating from 2k? WoW will still get boring at some stage in the season.

Probably like many at the moment weā€™re just waiting for 11.1 and the new raid. But thats at least 5-6 weeks away.


Do something thatā€™s not have to do with mythic+, alot of stuff out there.

Hang up your weapons and take a break for a few months differing person to person.

Only come back if you develope a real urge to do so.

If you come back just out of boredom chances are you will just end up in the same burning boat again.

Seems pretty obvious, but if youā€™re getting burned out just take a break from WoW until next season. I usually skip the last 1-2 months every patch and play various stuff I got on Steam sales. Although this patch I stopped playing earlier than usual, because I just didnā€™t enjoy M+ that much after all the changes they made after DF. Bottom line is, donā€™t force yourself to play.

Itā€™s really sad to read how an addict asks how to commit to addiction even more.
bruh, just donā€™t undo your burnout and enjoy life outside more?

Or log into your Steam Account after 8 years and find out one of your friends gifted you the Skyrim Special Edition with Anniversary Bundle and boot it up :smiley: Been having some fun exploring the world and with the 78 free CC mods and armour/weapons collectibles including mounts and pets. Its been a fresh experience from the gear grinds, KP grinds and all grinds. Especially finding their ā€œdungeonā€ system interesting - more about puzzle solving than boss mechanics. Perhaps Blizz may introduce this to their Delv system to keep it fresh.

I may only be back for Midnight and to check out PH - more out of curiosity to see if my fears of a convoluted system will be true or not, because lets face it Blizz devs are going to do it their way whether we like or hate it.

taking my own advise and buying a game blindly today

choosing to do it on the ps5 for a relaxed experience

think i might try

  • Outer worlds
  • GTA
  • Outcast
  • Medevil dynasty

like the look of them on the store, not really played any of them ( apart from GTA vice city in the past )

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A bit of a hasty assumption but I suppose to put your ā€œsadnessā€ to rest. Itā€™s not that I have to play itā€™s jsut that I actively enjoy the games current state except Iā€™m feeling some burnout, so Iā€™m asking if thereā€™s a way to bypass/ best deal with it cause I want to go back to enjoying it.

Thankfully my addiction phase of playing WoW is over so I wonā€™t be going doing that rabbithole, however thanks for the concern.

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have you purchased a game ?
if so which one

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I have, not downloaded it yet thoug. Tinas tiny wonderland I think itā€™s called. Basically DnD type borderlands if I understand it correctly.

Was on sale from like 60 to 12 so I thought why not

i challenge you to complete it first play through no deaths


Challenge accepted, Iā€™ll even stream it so you can be sure I ainā€™t gonna cheat. Then Iā€™ll save it till im done with my league challenge Iā€™m on rn, then Iā€™ll let you know when Iā€™ll start xD.

Have you played it then?

Calculate how much time you spend ingame at an average per week/day etc.

Divide this into productive time (time spent regarding reaching your goals in pve/pvp/other stuff) and unproductive time (the opposite, for example jumping around in capitals)

if the latter is a significant number of hours per day - try to cut this one off as much as possible. and spend this time on IRL activities, if possible recreational ones - or other games if the first is not possible.

i dont think alternative activities in a game you are burnt out from is a solution, by own experience this causes even more burn out and frustration.

no but if its like a DnD

id assume it has many many ways to die

Hmm, the new game or borderlands 2 dlc? Because that dlc was fantastic. Either way I hope youā€™ll enjoy yourself

Letā€™s say that it tries to be story-wise only

Stop playing. You said you still want to play. But dont. That feeling will bottle up slowly in your mind.

And then, when S2 rolls arround you will begin full force with 150% motivation.

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