How do you stop Burnout? šŸ”„

Take a break, play something else. Try out a new game.
Personally i log into GW2 every once in a while and do some stuff in there.

Works for me pretty well. Iā€™m lucky that Iā€™ve got several things to do outside gaming - recently got back into Airfix model aircraft, and diamond art always keeps me occupied for a few hours a night.

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I switch to another game for a couple of days, or play Anniversary Classic.

Best is to add variety in your spare time, I play all rounder, do bit of PvP, Raiding and daily activities, & occasionally either play Classic or other games and sort them as little segments for example :

1 hour of PvP, then I log off and either go out for a walk, or just any activities, come back, do an hour or two of dungeons/raiding, take another break (do other stuff) log back in and do maybe another hour of pvp, or other modes.
Simply keep yourself busy and you might see your activities in a different perspective with a much more clearer mind.

I only do stuff i enjoy in the game and i play other games aswell. It can be days between every time i login to wow. Also FOMO doesnt work on me.

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How to stop burnout? Listen to the Pandarensā€¦
ā€œSlow down, life is to be savored.ā€

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Quit for a bit and come back.

Or, better yet, donā€™t actually set any great deal of goals at all. Just play when you want to and let whatever skill you have carry you to whichever point it will.

Stop thinking about dailies, weeklies, grinds, or responsibilities. Itā€™s a game, and thatā€™s that.

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Water. Lots of it.


Regular breaks, setting goals and a healthy pace towards them. Making time for other games and other hobbies. Making any game your mono-game is a recipe for burnout for most people.

It is.

The only winning move against this kind of nonsense is to not play.

Games are meant to entertain you. The reward of WoW is the sights you see and the friends you make. If you lose sight of that and start thinking only in terms of purple pixels and item levels, and boy do a lot of people do that, you are making a very grave mistake and itā€™ll cost you.

The exact price depends on the level to which you fall, but expect something somewhere between losing your relationships in favour of ones only in WoW and getting a depression.

Retail, ironically unlike vanilla which was called World of Warcrack, is intentionally designed to addict you with chores and checklists. Dragonflight cleaned up a ton of it, and this expansion even more so, but thereā€™s still some of it there and it is absolutely ready to take your mental health for a spin if you allow it to.

Set realistic goals - plan what you want to do and how youā€™ll do it.
Or just donā€™t. Go casual. Play whenever you want and can, and at no other time, like I suggested in my other post.

This did find me my obsession that is Yakuza/Like a Dragon. Definitely recommend trying things this way.

As for the main topic: at least so far nothing has managed to fix my burnout fully. I can enjoy other games but Iā€™m struggling to enjoy wow. Breaks make it better, but they donā€™t fix it, even after months. Only times Iā€™ve been enjoying myself this expansion were when I was being a gremlin in the world and in some delves too.

Soo give yourself time, see what happens : ) Orr try something new! Surely thereā€™s content you havenā€™t tried yet or at least in a while?

Need for speed games are on sale for 4ā‚¬
Nfs heat is quit a blast for that low amount of mony, havent played one since nfs most wanted

You also can warm up your drift skills for 11.1

I took a 8y break.

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i take prolonged breaks from playing wow once i feel like im done.

atm im returning from one of such 1.5 month breaks - plan to log in to cata classic to catch up gear a bit via farming dungeon tokens/ vp before DS lands which i plan to play and back to doing limited amount of m+ on my aug . gotta get at least KSM before season ends although m+ are so bad this seaosn that this along most likely will suffice - might buy boosts for portals gonna see - just so that in S3 i can stop after getting KSM :slight_smile:

I switch things up, play games alongside WoW and donā€™t force myself to do anything I donā€™t enjoy doing :slight_smile:

Play other games.

Games currently in my rotation:

  1. World of Warcraft
  2. Genshin Impact
  3. Wuthering Waves
  4. Halo

World of Warcraft: My go-to game when I want to watch a movie on Netflix.

Genshin Impact: This is the Best live service game Iā€™ve ever played. Itā€™s great if you want to lose track of time, and it has great storytelling and exploration environments.

Wuthering Waves: Flashy combat thatā€™s very satisfying, the design team did a great job with the characters and the environment, comma, however, the game does suffer from not having an overarching story.

Halo: Greatest First Person Shooter, nuff said.

i take 1 month long breaks, usually by the time i get back thereā€™s more stuff to do.
once i run out of new stuff ill just start doing old quests & zones for transmogs.

For me it isnā€™t so much about burnout but more to do with not wasting my time. I donā€™t care about ranks or most achievements and I have what I need now. With season 2 quickly approaching, there isnā€™t much point upgrading my gear as itā€™ll be useless soon enough.

I donā€™t do anything to combat this, I just play less.

I do spend my time getting my alts to lvl80 before the anniversary event, and its xp buffs, ends. I have one more to go.

My friend blindly gave me Mirrorā€™s Edge. (Not Catalyst, the original)

My God, that was good.

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I burnout tanking alot mmr and rating after reset so I just played more and pushed it back. Fought fire with fire and won. :dracthyr_a1: