How do you want Sylvanas to die?

Godfrey Headshot 2.0 in some pompous moment. And something highly ironic.

Her myriad fans, including Danuser would never allow it.

All of that is speculation. Reflecting merely your opinion based on what we know so far.

My opinion is similarly based on what we know so far and how I reflect upon it.

So , until the lore unfolds nobody knows.

So your argument is what, “Cant you see this is what will happen?”

Uhm no, cause I dont think that will happen lol. I believe is as simple as that

You are saying we should just scrap the script as Garrosh 2.0 and All I am saying is I dont believe that.

Sylvannas always had “questionable” methods, even being kind of evil, but she also always had motive. To end the evil of evils, Arthas the Lich King.

So yes, I seriously doubt she is doing all that cause she is bored at home lol. And yes she has parallels with illidan , helping Azshara only makes sense if she knows something “we dont” cause its clear she never will be anyones pwn! Thats like the core of her character since Arthas made her a Banshee. So yeah, until I see that sht of a script unfold (entirely to the end), I refuse to believe Christie Golden turned Sylvannas into a puppet. It just doesnt fit.


No, my point is that given the facts it is quite ridiculous to call people short-sighted who disagree with your widely speculated conclusion, and that the hints so far are all in one direction.

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Well we’ve argued with people several times and so far Sylvannas has turned every fight in her favor.

Teldrasil she practically won.

Undercity was a draw, trapping and almost killing Alliance leaders, evacuating the city succesfully and blighting it all, making it unusable for everyone.

Even the Battle for Dazaralor which the Alliance won, actually pushed the Zandalari right into her arms, and tempered them for vengeance.

Then as we know from Datamine she will also succeed in destroying the Alliance fleet in 8.2.

So yes, everything points in the direction of Anduin not posing any kind of threat to her lol.

So ofc you need Jaina to team up with Hordies to stop her (as Anduin correctly said he cant beat her alone, I give him that).

So yes, when Anduin admits in a cinematic “You know what I need help I cant beat her”

And then your average guy shows up in forum being like “Sylv is stupid she cant strategise”

Well excuse me, I call that shortsighted.

Not because of the disagreement but for all above reasons^^

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Ok, I’ll call you equally short-sighted and leave it at that.

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Burn she with all her Loyalists, before orgrimmar wall. No mercy, no peace. burn them down.

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