How does a melee class beat a frost mage?

Ohhhhh never mind I see!

And don’t worry, I don’t have much interest in discussing the game with players who hide their characters, it’s generally the sign of a player with zero credentials.

Edit: I see you again, for the second time, doing exactly what you accuse me of doing, unprovoked…again! :rofl:


i can tell u as ww u cant kill mage in 2v2 no way. he can live solo 6 min with no heals if he is decent player the amount of control they have is utter unfairness on melees. as warrior same thing u cant touch a mage outside stuns. best option is to go healer or dps he play with and kill him first unless its rogue mage and rogue can stealth in your face and eat all day so u must go mage whoever designed mage must be the worse pvp player in existence to make them so op vs melee. in 3v3 tho should not be issue killing mages u can have support of your team and u need 3 ppl working together to get this cringe class down but its possible…

I think this is inaccurate. I think the mage can make a lot more mistakes than the warrior and still win that matchup.

Let’s see… As far as mages go, I’d consider myself a bad mage. If a warrior charged me, I’d either use dragon’s breath or blastwave. Get some distance, then root. And put down the orb and blizzard, and all the instant cast spells I can dredge up. Warr charges again, either dragon’s breath or blastwave again, depending on what I used the first time.

The ranged stun, I’d just blink it. Bladestorm, just iceblock it.

Heroic leap? I still have frost nova.

And while all this is going on, I’m unleashing instant cast after instant cast, all of which slow you at least 50%, and have proc chances to root you completely.

Snowdrift is also handy. If you get in melee range, I just pop it and you get stunned for 4 seconds.

Could also alter time the damage if you manage to stay in melee long enough to break ice barrier.
Displace to get away if both charges of shimmer are spent.

The iceform (think that was what its called) pvp talent replaces icy veins, and makes me immune to stuns.
And then there is that ice wall I can put up to create a barrier you have to walk around.

Oh and after all this, I can pop cold snap and reset the cd on all the frost spells.

On top of that there are the mirror images, that cast frost bolts that slow you. And invisibility.

And unless I’m mistaken, you have to hit me to heal with bloodthirst.

I don’t know, man. Seems like I’d have a lot of tools to counter yours, then a lot to spare when you’re all empty.

But I actually hope I’m wrong. I main a melee class. Hopped on mage yesterday to see how other melees counter me. So far, with 600 pvp ilvl, they don’t.

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My beef is that all that damage also has a cc component. There is no choice to be made. Most classes have to make a choice with each gcd. Either cc, like roots, stuns, snares etc. Or deal damage.

Not so for frost mages. They just do damage, and the cc happens automatically.

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Here’s a fun thing that happened to me earlier today. Was in wsg, and a dk, a ret and a rogue were on our fc, who was standing on our flag spot with the enemy flag.

I put down the orb, and the instant blizz proc. Blinked in and used snowdrift. All of them were stunned, and by the time that ended, a few more of our team had arrived, and we destroyed the three hordies easily. FC didn’t even bother to move.

Seems balanced. :smiley:

As ww monk main, this is my experience too. If I try to chase down the mage, I just get slowed and rooted and exploded. If I try to pillar hump and play defensively, they just blink into los and root, snare and burst. I can stay alive for a long time if that’s all I’m trying to do. But I can’t get close for long enough to do any significant damage.

Not saying its impossible to win, but it does feel like the mage can make ten mistakes and still have the upper hand, while I am finished if I make one single mistake.

Maybe it’s a skill issue. Which is why Im asking. How can a melee class beat a frost mage? Tips and help much appreciated. :slight_smile:

Im not playing mage so i cant speak from their perspective at all. As fury i feel helpless against really good mages but against bad-mid tier ones i dont feel all that helpless at all n often kill them without using major defensives.

Strangely enough i find arcane mages far more oppressive than frost, they dont seem to have cooldowns at all on their mobility. no idea if thats imaginary or not, arcane is kinda mehh so chances are ive just encountered really good arcane mages.

Currently the meta is meele/caster/x. If you are meele just go on the second guy and if you are caster hit that guy and occasionally hit Mage here and there interrupting his Polymorphs. As Ele I love Hexing Mages. If they have no other partner that has decurse in their team it helps a lot. Once you kick his Poly your Hex is almost guaranteed (unless they are NE and Shadowmeld).

Honestly, the problem with spriests now is they’re slightly overtuned. Simple as that.
Spriest was already doing good before the October 8th buffs, it was starting to appear on the ladders more often, and saw decent success in AWC too.
For example i as a Arms Warr still couldnt out damage a spriest while maintaining 100% uptime and interrupting every cast on CD, while throwing all the stuns and kite’ing during Void Form basically i was the most disruptive i could and i was still out damaged easily by them every game and that was before October 8th.

Yet for some reason balance team still decided it’d be fine to significantly buff the spec (10% isnt a small number) like 3rd time in a row?

Now they’re doubling the damage of everyone else along with Warlocks and Ferals with all their cleave and rot damage :man_shrugging:

Levelled a Feral because I’ve played it a lot in previous expansions and I fancied unapologetically hopping on the FotM train for once. Only at like 1.9k MMR in 2s atmo, messing about with a friend’s Resto Sham while I try to readjust to the Feral playstyle, but I’ve queued into a couple of Frost Mages already.

So far I’m genuinely finding Voidweaver Disc Priests to be more oppressive than the Frost Mages they’re playing with. Void Rift moves at almost the same speed that I do on a Feral even before factoring in the undispellable/unshiftable 50-70% perma-snare. It even drifts through pillars/LoS and other solid objects to get to you, so you can’t even kite it around corners lmao.

If you don’t have/commit some form of movement-based mobility (Charge, Leap, Roll etc) to create some initial distance that’s it, you’re in the wheelchair permanently.

This is the exact sensation you experience on every Warlock spec when trying to play into WW. Attempts at casting get snuffed by SHS/Clash/Para/RoP/Sweep, as well as WDP knockup which AFAIK even goes through Precognition, but I’m not 100% on that.

FSK follows even Honour-talented max range Gateway on half the CD, and if they’re good enough to place Transcendence on your Port they follow that as well. You also have to spend a Soul Shard on Soulburn before you Port, because otherwise you’re stuck in the same Disable from the start of the game to the finish because for some reason their auto attacks refresh it.

All the while they get to sit on their Roll charges to escape to LoS if they ever overextend into you.

You pray theres a semi-decent pillar you can run back to for when its “their turn” even though usually its always their turn. Hope you can out-run them on the pillar, though knowing mage. You can’t.

Or hope you can just kill them before they do anything but mage has so many get out of jail free cards, if you cant purge Alter time you’re in trouble vs mage usually.

It does, as it is not an interrupt. The interrupt happens because your character is moved. Any spell castable while moving would not be interrupted.

I play duels, and I never beat FM in this exp as Feral and as fury. Simply don’t know how, so much control and instant, castless abilities…

Mage counters warrior whats the problem? its only like when you jump on a spriest/lock or dk on fury and tunnel your way to victory no matter how much they try to outplay you.

and coz you are not the best player.

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Never even pretend to. But this is still…

The “issue” is that Frost (and to a latter extent Arcane) is the only caster that forces you to consider your GCDs and spell usage at all times, instead of only when you’re already popping cooldowns on them.

Even at 2k MMR in 2s I’m frequently (and have been for multiple expansions) watching Fury Warriors kick me on Shadow (as a Warlock), instantly Spell Reflect while I’m already unable to cast Mortal Coil, and then Storm Bolt me before the interrupt even wears off. These people are objectively terrible but they get away with it into almost every wizard because of the way that melee interact with ranged.

Frost Mages can actually punish you for misusing your toolkit, which is why they’re so disliked. Combine that with melee’s (on average) low skill floor and high popularity and you have a recipe for lots of angry gamers.

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They are disliked because you can get dizziness of your camera movement, because of insane amount of blinks/repositioning per second this abomination class/spec has nowadays.

Also, the idea to give frost spec all key abilities from fire is 10 iq move from developers.

The problem is even if you use all your tools perfectly - Mages still have plenty of other tools to answer. Their anti-melee kit is simply too strong.

I wonder why did they even give them that knockback thingy? So much uses in BG/Arena which Mage was already good at. Creates a gap, works as another instant interrupt, can knock you off behind pillar to LoS your healer, can throw you out of the ledge. Honestly with what Mages bring to the table - a knockback is a completely unnecessary addition which boosts their kit to absurd levels.

Everyone playing against a Mage feels like a child. The amount of playmaking kit is simply absurd and all you can do is only react to it.

But you play feral how do you lose? and how do you play 400 shuffle rounds this early in the season and not have 2k ?

If you want i will duel you on my frost mage and i will show you a thing or two about how the game should be played let me know if you are interested.