How does a melee class beat a frost mage?

Where did you found that take in my message?

Sure, Im always for that, tbh Im eating guys like you on breakfast in duels. I will post link on youtube video of that duel in every thread where you unsult someone, okay? How do I find you?

This forum really is not the place with adequate community who can use arguments, it seems.

I will find you in elwyn.

Right now or what? Or you trying to escape now?

Nvm I checked your forum activities, you just going from thread to thread and insulting people, cheap low iq troll.

no i will find you one day this week im sure you play everyday im just busy at the moment.

You’re funny.


To be fair you should never out damage a sp if you’re not cleaving.

Your st damage shouldnt be stronger than dot classes multi dotting, that defeats the whole purpose of dots.

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As I said above, that depends on the class you’re playing. UHDKs just hold W at them, Feral/Assassination require only middling uptime to apply the bulk of their pressure, Retribution now plays at 20-30 yards and SV Hunters can fight them without ever leaving a pillar.

Warriors struggle into them, as can Monks if the Mage is playing Blink and not Shimmer.

Not every class has the tools to endlessly sit on Frost Mages and I think that’s fine. I firmly believe that the game is better off for having at least one spec that impedes melee/melee cleaves - it’s just a shame that many have gotten too used to hitting target dummies.

No. Overcontrol.

You feel that you lack reasonable uptime on Frost Mages with:

  • Double Charge.
  • Double Heroic Leap.
  • Storm Bolt.
  • Avatar Root/Snare break.
  • Odyn’s Fury Avatar Root/Snare break.
  • Bladestorm.
  • Spell Reflection.

Including the Charge/Leap CDR provided by the Slayer tree? Do I have that right?

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Find their IP and visit their doorstep with a baseball bat.

Just let them have it for once, we’d been dealing with endlessly mobile warriors for way too long.

Did you already get into the mage? To melee range? Ok m8!

Who says you’re supposed to be allowed to beat a Frost mage as a melee? Why should melee classes be favoured against them? Does the whole universe revolve around melee classes? What if melee classes are supposed to have counters and not just be able to steam roll every caster into the ground?

On the subject of ferals, I find it surprising that someone seems to think that mages have an unfair advantage against them, not that I’m an R1 player or anything.

Also I’ve found DKs a little awkward to handle as a mage. Maybe I wouldn’t have found this if I knew how to play the matchup better.

I don’t know; maybe mages are too strong. I’m not highly ranked enough to know, but as a mage main who skipped SL and DF, I am having fun with the broader toolkit, I must say.

Also, as a bg player, I feel like Aff locks, S priests and Boomies may be way more powerful in that arena at least. I’ve been levelling my druid with a view to trying out the latter.

I mean… how could I not?

Even if you make the mistake of not mounting towards them out of the gate, you still have two Leaps and nearly three Charges to open the game with. How are you not connecting? o.O

If you’re being serious then Godspeed King, I hope you find the Frost Mage nerfs you seek. Maybe they’ll amputate their legs or something for you.

Idk about other classes/spec but as ret you can’t.
Most abilitys are range true at 20 yards max but mage can stay away 40 yards and pew pew you while you are stuck to the ground.
Blessing of freedom is insta stolen in all cases.

Roll a Warrior. Charge charge, leap leap zug zug zug BZZZZZZZZRRRTTTT

I like the idea that every spec should have a hard counter. I would still like to see more skill involved in frost mage play, instead of every dmg button also doing cc.

I think we’d all like that, but unfortunately this is the game we play now. M+ gameplay has no time for GCDs that aren’t damage unless it also has hard CC attached to it.

Maybe you do, but only a few classes do have hard counters and only a few classes ARE hardcounters to anything

As it stands right now, Frost mage is the lowest brain rot choice if you wet your pants from a melee. Everybody said it already, there’s no point to argue about this.

From your average 1500 player to your Multi R1 awc champs, you will read the same opinion. If you die as a Frost mage to a melee, you must’ve left your room to answer the pizza delivery guy for more than 20 seconds

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