How does your character view the dracthyr?

I stand corrected then

I don’t like shapeshifting and reproduction mixing. It makes one think about questions such as, what happens with the baby when a pregnant druid shapeshifts.

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yeah…no x’D let’s not

I was once unfortunate enough to be part of this convo and was told by the party that advocated for these sort of thing that the explanation is quite simple: the baby turns into the same species as the mother. Aka a druid turns to a bear and is pregnant with cubs :scream: :rofl:
Always safe to never, ever go down this road of weirdness.

Kangaroo pouch.


My Pandaren’s sympathetic to them since they’ve found themselves in a world that is still alien and confusing to them, even if they are a bit weird and too militaristic to her to get used to.

Sadly a grim necessity when tackling worldbuilding, the rules of magic and deep lore. Face the darkness of the human soul boldly and emerge wiser, if forever changed.

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Few have shown interest in the Argent Crusade. Not something to concern herself with.

Alisinya: Nothing good has ever come from Dragons in close proximity to the Alliance. She is wary of them and keeps to herself when they are involved.

Much the same as Ren’dorei, Undead and Lightforged Draenei.

I’m asking if the night elf druid baby gets turned into a bear cub if the druid shapeshifts

Well something has to happen or our dear dragonqueen would look like an elf-balloon and I’m not sure of how many niche fetishes can be worked into WoW without even the dimmest bulb noticing.

Back to topic!

Well, any mage of mine would be full of sodium about these pretty dragonfolk getting innate magics that took a regular mage years to weave properly. Time manipulation? Reversing injuries? Disintegration beams? Give!

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Weird slimy freaks who - as with practically every new race they add - he’s not been convinced has a place in the Horde.



(To give a more honest answer my old Dragonmaw here was one of those that had an easier time trusting some of them. He will still see them as a threat, as heirs of deathwing and it will be his clan’s duty to be there once they show their true colours…
But he has met at least one he trusts with his life now.
In general, being around always offers some quite confronting rp. Be it them realising the dragon skull on his head, or him just being an angry old man telling them to soar off his lawn.)

… Dragonkin?

Not a fan, but tolerated.

Just more new races to get used to. A culture shock to be sure.

They’re the best. Just plain old amazing.


Too small to turn into a mount, unlike their superiors.

Malleable people, I’ll explain. Imagine waking up from a very long nap where the entire world has been shattered, your home somewhat gone, the structures you relied on barely holding onto a thread, your purpose and existence into question.
They all suffer from a mass case of identity crisis thus making them vulnerable people to be conned into any and all organisation or movement.

Now my OOC desires : I think it would have been a stronger narrative had Blizzard pulled a God Emperor of Mankind culling the Thunder Warriors with Deathwing with people like Emberthal indeed seeing her Weyrn slaughtered by Neltharion, Azurathel and Cynderthresh having survived and siding with the faction while Sarkareth remains sturbbornly loyal as he never had a single one of his warriors killed by Neltharion all while having random force on Azeroth shoving them into stasis. They just are in the unsuitable expansion. In Cata they’d be quite on theme.

Having revered the Dragons for years while living close to the Red Dragonflight’s brooding grounds, Khuzan is oddly conflicted on the Dracthyr.

While seemingly stout hearted and reliable folks, their history (once it became knowledge) troubles him greatly. He has seen Alexstrasza and Deathwing’s battle atop ol’ Grim Batol, he has seen the treachery of those who claim to tame the Dragons from that same mountain during the second war.

His eyes will be upon them for as long as is needed, and until he has seen them in action upon the Eastern Kingdoms for more than a handful times.

When true calamity comes they may be tested.

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Mork’s Vision of the Dracthyr: “Pointless. They will never be loyal to the Horde. Most of them serve the Alliance. So they have no will, no depth, no personality. Lost and mediocre creatures. But…they must taste good. To try.