How furry are you?

Give me answers - how much of furry are you?
Tell me how many WoW furry races do you play
Playable “furry” classes in WoW are:

  1. tauren - the OG furry (incl. highmountain tauren)
  2. worgen
  3. pandaren
  4. vulpera
  5. draenei (unguligrade anthro space goat, sorry im not making the rules)
  6. dracthyr (‘scalies’ are considered a subtype of furries)

if you own a druid class this should count as extra.

Now - confess!
I have 3 vulpera and 2 draenei and 1 pandaren (locked at 30) and 1 dracthyr rn.
That makes me a WoW furry despite not being furry irl O.O

At least I don’t play a druid.

ok, now you go. Face the truth.


crypto-furry detected!

Guess I am an furry Anthro now :dracthyr_shrug:

is there a cryptocurrency for furries now? :thinking:


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It is not that bad once you got used to it

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Welcome to the Dark Side. We have been expecting you.


It’s the weekend - the degenerates are on shore leave from HMS Goldshire.


Not furry at all .i dont play furry races :triumph:

Pretty sure in order for something to be a furry it needs to have fur.

nah, check furwiki - “furry” aesthetic covers fur-covered, scale-covered chars, amphibians and antrho animals, even if they have “skin-skin”

Flag n move on.

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Very. I have all those races except Vulpera and Dracthyr, and 3 Druids. Rip.

They are all past characters except this lady here and one Druid which is a NE.

Anyway, why does it matter? I’m not exactly running around in a costume in a convention, you know.

I am this furry;


These Furries again :face_vomiting:

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3 pandaren (monk, hunter, rogue), 3 vulpera (shaman, priest, warlock), 3 worgen (warrior, druid, mage), dracthyr, tauren (paladin).

Also an extra pandaren shaman, vulpera warrior and worgen priest that I levelled during the long boring days of Shadowlands but no longer have time to play actively.

Ngl I wouldn’t play tauren if there were any better paladin races, but it’s a case of picking the least bad :dracthyr_shrug:

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Keeping it 100.

This was before woke ideology, furries weren’t a thing.

I always thought having a Feral Druid that’s a Worgen would be cool; if I’m not mistaken, Worgens can’t be Horde and I’ve been playing Horde ever since I started playing World of Warcraft.

If they made Worgen Horde, I might be more inclined to level mine which I think is level 4 or something.

Not all of as had a full Brazilian!

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