How hard is it to find and ban bots?

can you show me where did i say that?
and secondly why are you thinking that you have right to tell people what to do and pouring salt on their wound>?
if your mad at something in your real life its better to fix it there not coming here and sending your anger toward other people


Never said I did. What I do have the right to is give my opinion based on fact. Nor am I pouring salt into a wound. They’ve already accepted their punishment. All I said was.

“Good. Don’t do it again.”

Now who’s the one projecting? My personal life was, is, and will always be, absolutely sod all to do with you.

But to indulge you only once, my personal life has problems yes. same as yours. But as you apparently think it’s open season on private lives. How’s yours today?

I actually couldn’t give a rat’s dropping about you outside of this forum but you seem to want to drag personal lives into this so…

everyone has some problems in their life to deal with it but you are bringing them here.
you are saying botts (a program that its not even reall is clever than him)
then your saying good that you got banned,.
after that you were keep blaming him.
even now that your talking to me you are insulting me for no reason. i dont even know you.
you dont even know me.,
you dont even have a proof for what your saying to me about ashrbinger.
only someone that is mad about everything in life is like this,
otherwise why should you insult random people?


Correctly for botting. Good. he was banned for deliberately breaking rules.
What should I have said? “Oh I’m sorry you broke the rules and were perma banned for an activity that actively damages the game for other users.”

That is such a strange hill you have chosen to die on.

It would appear, (to the surprise of no one who has read your posts recently) that you did in fact not read the entire post.

You either missed, or chose to miss because you think it scores you a point, this rather important end to my post.

I wrote that edit long before you started your post here accusing me of personally attacking the poster in that thread. You may now apologise, but we all know you wont.

You were the one who started accusing me of having personal issues.
When you do that son. You are fair game. You don’t get to do that and then stand like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar sniffling through snot bubbles “I never did nuffink!”

Aren’t I the lucky one.

I know. I just wanted to see if you would bite.

And you did.

Again. You accuse me of somehow being mad at everything in life.

Do you even begin to see how childishly stupid you are right now and why I feel like I’m standing stooped over a petulant toddler holding one hand on my hip and wagging my finger with the other hand and telling you “Just because you saw Billy kick the cat it doesn’t mean you have to as well”

I didn’t. Im insulting you.

i dont know what i did that made you so mad and angry at me that your saying these things to me. but i report and ignore you .

first you said the worst things to him and i then you are using this kind of words to say i didnt break any forums rules
like this.

your that level 42 mage in classic. that were keep trolling me with the ashbringer thing all the time and now you are posting with your blood dk here.
its so interesting THAT you were creating topic about its time to bring battle tag posting.
and at the same time saying this kind of things to me and other people based on anger.

anyways this is not healthy, GL :smiling_face_with_tear:


Just be sure that you know the difference between multiboxing and botting.

For the record, just because Souldefiler and Alaric often agree does not make them the same person, nor am I Souldefiler or Alaric even though I more often than not agree with them.

If multiple people disagree with you, it´s not generally because it´s one person altposting (though such members unfortunately do exist), rather it´s simply because you´re wrong. :wink:

You can use resources like to see if someone is posting on an alt or it´s a different account in the future. It will save you the embarrassment of making wild and unfounded accusations like this just because you don´t like what they´re saying. :beers:

Why are half the people here talking like they are an expert on the subject but get their posts generated by ChatGPT?

Blizzard already does this, it’s called Warden. No it does not violate privacy laws because they simply run their detection code on the client end and send back the result, which contains no sensitive information.

A bot doesn’t need an API, they usually create their own scripting APIs as an abstraction layer for development. They can directly call into the game’s binary code to do whatever they want.

You are are talking about the Lua API and REST APIs in the same paragraph as if they are the same, or have anything to do with one another.

What does this even have to do with AI? Let me assure you there are no AI based bots that start reverse engineering and hacking the game by themselves.

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Warden does not, for example and as Zug suggested, scan any RAM that is not being used by the WoW client itself, in compliance with DPLs. And that was the entire point of that subsection.

This is entirely correct.

It has more to do with AI, both traditional (which is basically just making a computer fail at something it can easily do perfectly, for ex. missing a ball in Pong as opposed to being unbeatable) and modern (Actual baby steps in machine learning, far from being able to reverse engineer the game but still able to adapt to changing envirotments better that some less capable players) than you seem to think or want to believe.

With all due respect, you can “assure” me of whatever you want, it doesn´t acctually change what I see at work every day, and I´ve been doing this professionally since Blizzard was still called Chaos Studios. :beers:

For ex. in Call of duty and BF there are now bots that actively change how they evade depending on what weapon they are engountering, instead of being easy fragbait for noob tubes by cowering behind a wall for a predictable amount of time. Many of the more modern bots are, for players and GMs, close to indistinguisable from other players without following them for extended periods of time until certain patterns start to repeat.

That´s what so laughable about people suggesting that thea can “solve the bot problem themselves” an that “simply adding more GMs” is teh ultimate be-all end-all solution … they can follow the obvious ones for 5 minutes each at known farming locations and snag 10-12 an hour, so 80 let it be 100 in a full workday.

And at the end of the day the total impact of that is laughably small in light of the thousands of bots active at any given time , because there are hundreds of farmspots, and by the time you´ve “cleaned” one twice as many new bots are up at the same spot… And that doesn´t do anything about the hundreds farming inis alone, flying around gathering, or in more recent cases even actively running dungeons with unwitting players. That Tank that speedruns a timewalking ini and doesn´t communicate at all but just keeps on trucking? That is no longer guaranteed to be an actual player, and has not been for a shocking amount of time.

The bots people complain about and assume to be able to eradicate “because they´re so easy to find” are the harmless ones running on obsolete software., The mindless T-1s in a world that is ever faster progressing past the T-800s to the T-1000 and T-X, to use Terminator Lore as a reference. The ultimate endgame is bots that are indiscernible from actual players, and therefore undetectable and unbannable :beers:

Of course it does, else out-of-process tools would be impossible to catch. There are no DPL violations because they simple run the detection code and send the answer to “Hack detected yes or no?” (in an obfuscated manner of course, so you can’t simply intercept the response and change it to “No”) back.

As for the giant wall of text about AI, it’s all irrelvant. Bots work with state machines, behavior trees or something similar, not trained neural networks. There’s literally no reason to. Even your examples of CoD and BF are very trivial to implement and has very little to do with “cutting edge AI coding”.

People really need to stop using the AI buzzword for everything, it’s beyond rediculous.

And since it´s legal and easy, that´s why bot detection in all games still primarily relies on ingame behavior patterns instead of beang able to simply flag OOP code? Because we’re all just willingly complicit in botting as opposed to simply having our hands tied by legal concerns.

Please, just as with Zug, feel free to send your resume or consulting offer to any number of game studios, since you appear to have all the solutions and an in-depth knowledge of what actually happens on a day to day basis. Because all of the things we´ve been doing are apparently completely wrong and have nothing to do with the actual realities of the ecosystem we work within 24/7/365 :beers:

I really need to stop engaging with these threads… every armchair coder that´s written a webpage or a 5 line script appears to believe themselves gods of coding, it´s pointless to discuss it and attempt to educate people that “already know everything” but for some reason can´t gat a job in an industry that is actively looking for exactly the skill set that they supposedly possess.

This is just wrong. Warden wouldn’t even exist if probing the user’s machine wasn’t necessary and they relied on in-game behavior and heuristics only. I’ve also seen disassembled versions of several warden modules and I can guarantee you they use things like NtQuerySystemInformation and NtReadVirtualMemory.

I never said I had solutions against botting. It is indeed an incredibly hard problem to solve, and an ongoing cat-and-mouse game.

I already have a job tyvm. And no, it’s not writing a webpage or 5 line scripts.

This is however not by any stretch of the imagination the same as actively scanning current RAM contents for processes unrelated to the WoW client itself, which is explicitly forbidden by law in most locales.

Systeminfomation is predominantly HW configuration and OS version information and says effectively nothing about which 3rd party applications are running, and a properly optimized system with even a modest amount of RAM (32gb+) does not even need a swapfile to run games, so parsing it is a exercise in futility that might catch 1 uneducated botter in 10000 who happens to be running on decrepit hardware. Any remotely saavy botter with current hardware has their swapfile completely deactivated just in case.

Furthermore, most botters are running on VMs to begin with, so even the Sysinf is artificially generated and effectively useless. :wink:

Yes, that is exactly what NtReadVirtualMemory is used for, reading and then scanning memory pages of processes that seems suspicious. Which leads us to…

It’s used to query the system handle table to identify processes that have an open handle to the WoW process. If it was illegal to scan random processes, it wouldn’t suddenly be legal to scan processes that happen to have an open handle to the game.

But thanks for confirming you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

And yet it still cannot directly parse the physical RAM as you repeatedly claim.

And yes, I was in fact slightly incorrect on the systeminformation (BTW the proper syntax is NTQuerySystemInformation), because to be honest everyone thinks they´re an IT pro and I´m honestly not really paying attention anymore because it’s all just rehashing the same things that have been previously clarified. But it´s scope is signifciantly more limited than you claim, even with regards to SPI…here is the documentation from the Windows SDK for a refresher.

Long story short; if everything you say is true as stated, why can´t games simply detect widespread applications like CheatEngine? I mean, they´re loaded into RAM, which you repeatedly state is completely legal to parse, and they´re also running processes that everyone knows cannot possibly be obfuscated (/s). and therefore should easily be read with NTQSI?

I wil however add the caveat that my my original background is in forensics and data recovery, and I now do primarily backend maintenance, so there are certainly some aspects of how anticheat softwares function that i´m not fully aware of as their maintenance is not my daily bread an butter. So your victorious “Gotcha” moment is merely a result of my specialization being not 1:1 anticheat development but merely somewhat closely related as well as me simply not really paying attention anymore out of boredom. You could just as well try to criticize a pastry chef or Confisoir for not immediately knowing the difference between a Hollandaise and a Bernaise.

I never mentioned physical RAM, just memory from other processes. If you search for the word “physical” in this topic, nothing will show up before your post.

Realized that already and edited it before you mentioned it here.

They can. That’s why people modify them replacing all the strings with random gibberish to be less detectable. I’m pretty sure WoW instantly closes when you attach standard CheatEngine, but don’t quote me on that as I never used it.

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Then you apparently missed the point that Zug and I were discussing to begin with and latched on to it inadvertently, resulting in this disconnect of the arguments. Happens. :beers:

Neither the word “physical” or “RAM” were mentioned by anyone so far. My response was to you claiming that scanning memory isn’t done because of legal reasons, which is simply not true. You somehow turned that into me making false claims.

I’m telling you, I never mentioned any such thing.

Stop buying gold for real money → in-game gold becomes virtually worthless as it cannot escape the WoW ecosystem → bots waste real money to get some worthless currency → they fade away into the darkness.

Just saying…as long as “we” spend real money on WoW gold, they will find ways to bot.

But yeah, that’s not really gonna happen so we just have to live with it.


Again, you seem to have simply missed the point taht was originally being discussed.

Most Users, which I think we can both agree applies to the majority of the people on these or any other gaming forums, do not usually think of the swapfile or other VM when they speak or RAM or Memory, but are specifically referencing the physical memory itself.

And just as you assumed that the discussion was about all memory, I assumed that you were cognizant of this, and were therefore arguing an untruth.

No harm, no foul, we have clarified the disconnect and can now move on.