How involved are you in RP?

Most of my characters have RP friendly names (except the Tauren Rogue, because come on, Tauren Rogue :rofl:) and transmogs but thatā€™s about it.

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Everytime the race changer toy give my mage tauren and im in stereotypical wizard tmog with pointy hat and robes and stave it makes me rofl aswell :joy_cat:

Would you like a cup of tea? sugar free or sugar rich?

That you need a few more.


ye not intro rp cringe how players find it fun as well erp disgusting

You gotta open it right at 6AM (not for you). If youā€™re even 2 minutes late that means someone else used up all the good RNG from the vault.

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Clearly where Iā€™m going wrong.

Thank you friend!

Not anymore, but I still try to use appropriate names and respect others that do RP.


Donā€™t have the time to role-play these days like I did in the past. So I just play the game as and when I do have free time, respect those role-playing in an area and try to limit any intrusion or none at all.

Still use proper names for a RP realm though. Did think now any again to come back as one of the pandarenā€™s I have or my goblin but for brief appearances really. Definitely a fun thing to do though, the community is really helpful and nice after all.


Only in so far as any monk I have has a chinese type name and dresses like the NPCs in Pandaria, and any hunter has to be dressed to hunt, no cloak to get caught in bushes.

I donā€™t do outright RP, but I think about my characters. Like what suitable name they should have, in relation to race/class. Sometimes I decide that some of them are siblings, or long time friends to each other.
I spend a lot of time with transmog. But for example low level chars, they have simple looks, since they are young and new in their career. A young tank will have a simple sword and shield, and plain armor. But I still love that I can make a nice matching look. I know not everyone thinks so, but to me, transmog is one of the greatest additions to the game.
Then I do more colorful or grandiose transmogs when they get to high level. Since I love pet collecting, I like to pick out a pet for them that suits their style, and of course a mount too.
I tried actual roleplaying many years ago, when I was ended up in a rp guild. And I really admire those who do it. But it was just way too stressful, to play the game and be ā€œin characterā€ at the same time :sweat_smile:
So I guess it would be ā€œname and backstoryā€ for me :slightly_smiling_face:


I scowl at people in Goldshire. Is that being involved?


All the way. Once I realized that I can RP in WoW my fun inside WoW increased by 1000%.

I would fully commit to RP, but people are (eventually even I) so rushy for the gearing up, I can not get into it. There are many places suitable and specifically created for RPing that stay idle and empty. I would beg for developers to fill these places with interactable NPCs (with lots of communication options) so at least we could fullfill the RP need with NPCs. There can be a feature which you could create your own quests, using other NPCā€™s and real players as well. This character Iā€™m posting with is a holy priest Asumathivae pronounced as Asumashiva. Name means Asumā€™ath Ivae, Daughter of Light in tribal Elvish, so Iā€™m into some RPā€™ing right?

Iā€™ve always thought about it but donā€™t really know how to go about it. I donā€™t think bringing my epic to the game would go down to well.

I really need to finish that damn thing.

Thatā€™s why you never make any goldā€¦

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Aaaaaaaaall the way, baby! Iā€™m in two RP guilds, 50 out of 60 of my chars are RP characters, I regularly run RP, and try to recruit more people to give the hobby a try!

Plus since RP is my main activity in WoW, I am fully impervious to content draughts, because we make our own content. :relieved:


I do think about background stories, name and behavior for my characters, but thatā€™s about it. I do some RP casually sometimes but last time seems to be ages ago

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As a Manā€™ari I am not that surprised
People are open minded, but not that mutch


And for that reason not many have seen me in Stormwind city. If I have to visit there for some reason, I always use a disguise