How is dragon fang?

My advice would be to ignore Dollparts. He’s banned from the community discord and is basically a living meme in the community due to his stupidity.

If youre looking for a more vanilla style medium to low pop server Dragonfang is perfect for that.

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@Moothilda: Most likely, Neppa is currently level 8 and makes her short forays to areas just south of Stormwind, slaughtering Defias bandits and occasional wolves and spiders. :smiley:


Awesome, so it isn’t you I’m running from :sweat_smile:

On a side note, my second char is lvl 5 and is called Nappa… I wonder if they destined to meet each other one day :thinking:

@Moothilda: Maybe… and since someone got me confused with someone else, I believe there is also someone called Noppa on the realm. :smiley:


How fun :smile:
Given the low numbers we should have more room to be creative, and yet we all go for the same names :joy:

@Moothilda: :smiley:

Neppa’s name actually came from N(ight) E(lf) P(riest(ess)) and then finding a suitable ending. So, yes, not very imaginative on my part. Many of my characters, both retail and classic have names that give clues to their race, class or both or fow a few, their home realm.

Remdur (murder) is unsurprisingly an assasination rogue.
Helar and Helia are healers…
Trulla, Trella, Trelwia and Trelw are trolls… :smiley:
Gnemor and Gremor are gnomes…
Belordon and Berulion blood elves…
Shanna, Sharria, Shamonstona and Shaminella are shaman…
Neprionus is quite obviously a (male) night elf priest…
Undowar an undead warlock…
Manna is located on Mandokir.
Dreanna is located on Dreadmist.
Loraci is an orc warlock…
Dora, Delea and Delis are druids…

And so on… :smiley:

Not all my characters have such names, but relatively many do.

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I also has a low Ally on Dragonfang It is a joy to play there. The only reasom I’m no spending all my time there is that I really really HATE PvP. So I live in constant fear of the futlure, and try to level as slowly as possible.


You were more creative with Neppa than I was with Nappa :smile:
I have a chair with nappa leather next to me when I created mine :sweat:

In retail I have to bring some help when creating a char because the amount of chars with possible names already are taken, so when creating there I always look in books with fish or mushrooms/plants or birds and pick a latin name with a fitting meaning.
Or a name from old mytholigies :blush:

On Classic I still have more room to pick a name - On hydraxian I have picked real names, that I think is fitting to the race and char I have in mind.

I have also created Moothilda on Dragonfang, because some think it’s important to show a classic char on this forum :laughing:

Don’t live in fear, they are very predicable when it comes to pvp, you just have to learn where they run, so when the warning pops up you start your game of hide and seek and go to the areas where you know no one is :wink:

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