How is dragon fang?

The census suggests its about 50/50 faction balance and low pop which would suggest high pop if we allow for bloated 2019 server sizes.

Is it a good place to role, either faction, don’t assume from this character i’ll go alliance.

dragonfang is low population on realm list, it means deadserver.

you can try bloodfang.

Doesn’t mean dead server, come on! Also I’m not looking to transfer this character i’m looking to role fresh.

Personally I see a low pop server (which as stated is probably bigger than '05 pop due to bloating) as a good choice. It’ll get busier when folks turn away from gank squads.

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you can creat alts on both factions of dragonfang, and check the amount of items on AH, that tells you population and faction balance.

and you can transfer to bloodfang, means you can reroll on it.

As a showcase last week, I killed 1 player total and received 17 honor for the kill.

I finished 482 in standing on the server with that 1 honor kill and 17 honor total.

That is the state of the server, people say it’;s active sometimes, but reality is there are around 400-500 total players who scored an honor kill last week, which barely counts as low pop.

It is close to 50/50, probably 55:45 Alliance:Horde, but in reality faction balance means nothing when there are no players actually playing. The server is a raid log server.

Hope this helps.



There’s a lot of players in the levelling zones, it doesn’t feel like people are rushing on this realm.

I never use AH myself so I don’t know the stat of that.

I find the players friendly and engaging when I come across them :slight_smile:

If you have the time try to play a char enough up to get out from the starter zones.
You could also join the Discord server and talk to people, but a lot of the players I have come across are not on Discord, so they don’t give the full picture.

Of course, if you are looking for a general and trade like Stormwind on Argent Dawn, this is not the realm to find it on.
But the WorldDefence channel announces a lot, so some pvp happens on this realm too :slight_smile:

If Dragonfang was not a PvP server I would be happily leveling there. There’s people around in the world and in the dungeons. There’s not too many AH listings with one and one and one of things, but sensible “bunches” of things. People are nice and sociable. If only it was not a PvP server …

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This server is really good . The AH is not full but you can get items through /2 really easily or get them yourself. The population is strong for a realm; in terms of PvP , yes it’s pvp but it is playable , for example my char is 49 and not being ganked


As a showcase last week, I killed 1 player total and received 17 honor for the kill.

I finished 482 in standing on the server with that 1 honor kill and 17 honor total.

That is the state of the server, people say it’;s active sometimes, but reality is there are around 400-500 total players who scored an honor kill last week, which barely counts as low pop.

It is close to 50/50, probably 55:45 Alliance:Horde, but in reality faction balance means nothing when there are no players actually playing. The server is a raid log server.

Hope this helps.

this comment further up says what the server is. dead.

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Honestly you’re just wrong and trolling get a life bud or get gud

Right so, people are supposed to believe your opinion, over an actual number based evidence? Explain to me how I am trolling with my EVIDENCE BACKED COMMENT, and your opinion based comment isn’t trolling?

Half the server hates you, the other half considers your ghost mushroom stupidity a meme now, and you are banned from realm discord.
… For starters.
If I were a new player, I would never even listen to you based on your reputation.
The good thing is that most new players ask the discord community first, instead you, because what you are doing here is the metric perfect definition of “trying to take down an improving community”
I like your 400 player constant number tho. Like it was 400 based on your post history, even when the server launched. It was 400 after 2 new guilds migrated here. And behold it is 400 again. Quality maths there brother.


I’ll keep this simple for you bud.
Your evidence is not compelling and is basic. Evidence can take multiple forms. Evidence can be biased and this makes it less compelling. The comment above this one clearly shows you are compromised and therefore your conclusions are worthless. Your maths are clearly in question as well so go get gud there bro. People are looking for genuine information about the realm; based on this post and the above post you are trolling.

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If ever there was a case for official numbers…

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Honestly, your numbers were debatable BUTTTTT you are right on the deadfang part.

I mean i understand people who enjoy playing alone you know, like a good skyrim but with 2004 graphics…

No really, don’t bother, if you really want to play solo-ish, try earth-shatter or even bloodfang, but leave this server where he belongs.

People can hate me all they like, the truth sometimes does hurt.

It was 400 based on scoring 1 honor kill for a tiny amount of honor and being standing 482 on the server. Would you rather i fabricate it and say thast my 1 honor kill put me at 4912 in standing like you and the rest of the idiotic server discord like to do to players to get them to join the server?

@Dollpartsftp: I checked what little data is available… In the past 7 days 550 alliance and 390 horde were detected with single scans. The time stamps for those scans are not available so we do not know on which day of the week or what time of day they were made at. Because CPC is now slower than it used to be (manual vs auto continue), those numbers are guaranteed to be slightly below truth. What those those numbers do tell us then? Well, at least 940 people played on Dragonfang within the past 7 days. That is not a huge number, but it is also not the actual total. Can we deduce anything from those very few values?

Possibly, to a degree. Let us make the worst case assumption and say that those values represent the absolute maximums within the past 7 days. On retail side, prime time peak represents approximately 25% of total active players of that faction on a realm as long as the realm has not gone into lockdown due to excessive concurrency. So, Dragonfang has at least around 2 000 alliance players (including myself) and roughly 1 500+ horde players total. No, those are not huge numbers, but the realm certainly is not dead. For comparison purposes… Sporeggar portion of the RP 5-way on retail side had approximately 400 alliance left and slightly less horde, when I last checked a while back… Because it is connected, it will survive, but on individual basis it is significantly smaller than Dragonfang.

Also, on a final note of this particular post, bashing a realm is not going to help it and some people are looking for non-crowded “homes” for themselves. Dragonfang fits that bill.


I see… :eyes:

One of the alliance players without Spy… Very very low lvl and not in my area? :blush:

But why don’t you take the positive hat on?
Yet u say it’s dead but neither do you help the realm.

Thousands of players might would hat transfers but bec of you. They might didn’t.
In the fear of a ”dead” server.

I hope you can see the work u participated in and glad u kept ur realm ”dead”
Ppl just need to join it and it will be fine.

But yet again. They won’t because of you.

So I hope ur server knows what u did gj, making the others chose another home.