How is it even possible that wow lore currently is so bad?

Jailer pretty much completely ruined whole wow lore. Jailer is just bs villain made out of nothing. Jailor has 0 motivation for anything. Jailor is just bad because he is bad. You could ask 7 year old to make up better villain than jailor.

The lore is so bad currently that there are people fearing how blizzard going to ruin wow in 10.0 lore wise. I really don’t get it how so wealthy corporation as blizzard is able to make so bad lore.


when i was 8 years old i wrote a 12 page crime thriller about a gang of people attacking the statue of liberty.

just proof that this guys point is possible.


I asked a 7 year old and he replied "now that is an interesting question, I surmise the good villain to be a complicated fellow, sharing personality traits that stand apart from the hero, but what motivates them. That is the question. Pulls down pie charts

For instance, Vilain A may share the same goals as the hero, just the paths differ"

This continued for several hours until I grew sleepy and needed my afternoon nap


if i ask a 7 year old what makes a good villian the answer would most likely be …


which ironically is pretty much the jailer.

is someone asked 7 year old me what a good villian is i would of probably said skeletor.

times change…

pound for pound best and most beloved villian of all is most likely Joker though

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Cuz big bald and 5 thingies right? Yhea totaly the same!

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Thanos with all the infinity stones would kick the Jailer’s behind with all the sigils.


i dunno about everyone else… but i find

big daunting end of the world type villains pretty boring…

i much prefer

sneaky intelligent mischievous villains.(not sylvanas though)


Yeah, the Jailor is really a nobody with no character, and no interesting thing about them. As if they didn’t even exist.

The Jailer on the other hand…

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guldan was a good bad guy imo.



Every character was ‘made out of nothing’ at some point.

If that’s what you think, then I’m sorry, but you haven’t been paying attention.

Again; you haven’t been paying attention.

That statement is hyperbole and nonsense and you know it.
Some very highly intelligent prodigy 7 year old maybe. An average 7 year old? No.

People? Or you?

It’s a subjective thing man.
Sometimes you just don’t like stuff.

I don’t get how such a wealthy corporation as Apple can make such horrible products. But that’s my subjective opinion on the matter; plenty of people enjoy their products.

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It’s sad to me, because I want to play World of Warcraft. Kingdoms fighting against each other, each having different agenda, viewpoints, perspectives and intentions.

Instead we’re now getting galactic threats after galactic threats, that threaten universe. While it may seem “dangerous” and thus appealing to some, as far as world or story goes, it’s weak.

It doesn’t really reflect what I wish MMO’s backstory should be - people.
If they want to create world, they have to create interesting factions and plurality of ideas and opinions among these factions and have you be able to choose some of them to support. Not threat-to-all. That’s too thin and breaks immersion.

That’s why Scarlet Crusade, Defias Brotherhood etc. are so popular. Because stuff like those are well put together and makes you feel like you live in a world. Rather than few-character story about few individuals that you need to stop for unexplained reasons.


But that wasent Thanos tho, just saying… And Arthas plan was what? Deathwing? Sargeras?

as soon as illidan took off in a space ship … i pretty much knew we would be going as well one day.

if i want space… i’d play elite dangerous… :stuck_out_tongue:

i want fantasy not sci-fi


only wow villain i liked was guldan tbh…

and he wasen’t really done justice honestly could of been wrote a lot better.

arthas is just the teens idol isn’t it… if wow wasa teen flick arthas would be the U-turn saviour of the world marry the girl and rule the kingdom type… but i feel they will probably do that with anduin at this point.

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So you liked the guy that died twice, a guy that was a slave to power in both his versions and mainly a servant of greater power?.. Dont like sci-fi but spaceships were a thing since TBC. Dont like the game overall and spends time moaning about most of the game… but only untill “sub runs out” right?

yea he had a interesting personality imo.

Yeah you are pretty accurate, may as well put my remaining sub time to use though in some way.

lord knows i’m not using it in game right now.

funnily enough was speaking to my guild discord about 9.2 and what they think (none of them currently play besides one person)

they all aren’t coming back besides that 1 person, at least 70 people and only 1 person plans to return for 9.2 … they all stopped in 9.1 as well. lasted longer than i did.

so u can moan at me for being here or whatever but truth is im not the only one there is many of us.


Nah… what i meant is i dont think you will ever dissapear, the forum moaning is your hobby at this point ^^

nah trust me i will go in january… don’t worry about it

a long with a lot of other who are just waiting for subs to expire.

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Will note that down.

will say i been about this forums for a long time though longer than some people probably realise, so i can understand why you think i wont :slight_smile: