How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

Because they are an excellent source of gold. I farm them in lfr and sell them to god-tier raiders like you for lots of gold.

I need more gold to buy xmog pieces and pets to continue with my filty casual shenanigans.


you make no sense at all. seriously.


If you’re putting yourself through something you hate for something as little as Augment runes you need help…
It’s the same as hating Islands and still grinding them to get your neck to 46 or whatever just to get 5 ilvls upgrade, which is like 1 ilvl in total…

If you’re not a top competitive raider you don’t need any of the above. Also your argument is not really for removing LFR but more like making runes available from more sources.

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Idk, if LFR was as “needed” as some people say.

I dont think there’d be 1k gold reward and 5k worth runes reward for doing it :stuck_out_tongue:

like, if some people wanna watch a movie instead of playing a video game that’s cool, to a degree.
but I dont get what’s up with all the rewards if its sole purpose is to “let you see the content” :joy:


That example about pet battles sums it up perfectly. If you don’t like pet battles, you can play the game without even touching them. Same goes for LFR too. You aren’t forced to do LFR and even completely skipping it won’t make any difference.

Removing LFR wouldn’t make the part of the playerbase who only did LFR before suddenly change their mind and shoot for higher difficulties, they’d go back to the days where they weren’t setting a foot in any raid. Vast majority of the playerbase is playing casually, so LFR is here to stay.

So LFR players can sell them on AH for some pocket change? Not that LFR is the only source for augmented runes anyway.


The thing with LFR and accessibility is like this: the game originally was made for gamers, and the gamer mentality is “give me a challenge I like (very important point), I want to strive to conquer it”. But at some point at the end of Wrath of the LK and later during Cataclysm, they (Blizzard) decided that 12 million gamers is not enough, so they started trying to attract movie goers. There is a fundamental difference between the mentality of a gamer and that of someone going to the cinema. When you go to the cinema, you want to see all of it because you payed for a ticket (and maybe you even payed for some overpriced popcorn and soda as well). This is the crowd for which the game became more and more accessible, the people that are not gamers, at most players.

The trouble with the idea of removing LFR now or anything similar is that there is a huge movie crowd already in the game, and the game cannot afford to lose subscribers that it already has at this point. It wouldn’t even be fair towards them if you think about it, LFR (and other accessibility) has been in the game for 7 years now, it’s the cinema aficionados’ game as much as the gamers’ game. They can’t remove LFR anymore than they can remove raiding in general, or remove RBGs - they created a player base for this feature and they created expectations from the game based on LFR. I’ll remind you that last time they decided to remove something that also created expectations, like flying, or like 10 player raiding, it wasn’t that well received, certainly not from everyone.

So bottom line: was it a mistake to push for more accessibility from the get-go? Yes, they managed to disappoint a large part of the original public of the game, the gamers. After Wrath ended and the accessibility pushing went further and further, they started leaving in droves, and kept leaving, and the game never recovered from that. But if that was a mistake, trying to remove LFR now would be a mistake of the same type.


Didn’t you quit wow?

The peak was in Wrath, yes, but it also had the first ever flatline of subs as well as the first ever real loss of subs. So I can agree that WotLK was one of the best expansions, Activision doubled down on the mistakes of it, instead of its strenghts. Also Wrath didn’t have LFR.
As for the GS, the addon came in late Wrath, there was no such thing in TBC.


not like you have to do anything, usually you can just place ur character near boss and go afk make a coffee, speaking from real experience :smiley:

pretty sure he’s at least semi-competitive tho.

yeah true, except pet battles mostly reward stuff that’s linked to pet battles.
I win 20 PvP pet battles in a row? good for me, i get a box of chocolate, and few gray items and leveling stones.
I get 1000 pets? good for me, but all rewards I get are around pet battles.
even weekly quests reward something related to pet battles, instead of free 385 pieces :joy:
Pet battles dont throw all sorts of rewards at you for participating so no, that’s a very very bad comparison.

and why isnt it part of normal, HC and mythic raiding? :joy: :joy: sigh…

other one being LFD? :joy: and 3rd one being getting lucky on ur table missions :joy: right…

can you read?


No need to get salty. Was just asking. Saw a post made by you about quiting and giving all your gold away? I could be mistaken.

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I am a salty stick

You can tell him the truth you know Bucky instead of trolling him.


I’m being trolled? O dear.:disappointed:


yeah ill be deciding today if im quitting, most likely i wont quit but im very impulsive so I might just :smiley:

its a prank bro :ok_hand::joy::100:

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Wait what. Am i being trolled or ar you pranking me.? :confused:

I would not want you to quit cause my wish might not come true of meeting you in game and playing together :grinning:.

Same as how LFR rewards stuff that’s linked to raiding.

Since when LFR rewards those free 385 pieces?

Because they already drop higher quality gear than LFR?

You can always buy them on AH.


LFR is not raiding… Activision already aknowledged it is sightseeing…

Since Legion.

So does LFR, but it has an additional insentive for Mythic raiders to do it, rather than Mythic dropping them.

You can also buy potions from the AH, Herbs, Food, Feasts and so on, yet farming them is always more cost efficient. Augment runes are the only resourse that isn’t.


issa joke :smiley:

yeah i think ill stay, most likely but idk… Ill probably be in perma grumpy mood. :smiley:

where did I say LFR rewards free 385s?
and while you asked, Titanforging.


how are runes linked to gear xD jesus…
my brain…
cant comprehend this much.

“yEaH LfR gEtS rUnEs sO lfR pLaYeRs cAn sElL tHeM oN aH foR sOmE pOcKeT cHange”
“bUt nOt nM, hC and M bEcAuSe tHey gET hIgHeR qUaliTy gEaR”

Idk if I should find it funny or sad, lowkey both tbh.

oh damn, thanks for telling me!!
ill go buy them off the AH now, so people can have a “pocket change” :joy:


So? He is still the one who shouted about how LFR is satans but crack. So what if he isnt playing it anymore, he is still to blame

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