How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

Will you stop acting like some lfr Social justice warrior you are just annoying people just leave it alone i dont like LFR and i agree with him you acting like a lawyer to lfr is not going to make me change my mind.


blame for what? :joy: he’s right.
you can just “blame” people for “being” right because you dont like the truth :joy:
that’s not how any of it works.


Yes, it’s essentially tourist mode. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Yeah, people are obviously getting fully mythic geared in LFR. That +50 ilvl TF with socket and extra stats is definitely common.

Oh wait…

No? LFR doesn’t drop anything decent, the only thing that are lower quality than LFR gear are WQ rewards.

Or you can keep farming those crafting materials for a 30 minutes more, sell the extras and buy runes with that gold. It’d definitely help since you obviously don’t like doing LFR.


Shh :wink: go buy some runes, help out those in need with some pocket change.

I mean if runes drop from all raiding levels, how are LFR players going to get their… dum tss… pocket change?

Except WoW is a game, not a movie.

It doesn’t matter if it is common or not. What matters is that is possible and it shouldn’t.


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I’d dispute that, they started leeking subs when they brought CC into Cata Heroics and made them harder. You seem to forget the “outcry” at the time.

You also seem to forget how people would leave every time the zone’d in to the one CC dungeon in WOTLK which was HOR.

“Gamers” as you call the hard core base cryed over WOTLK being too accessible. Blizzard listened to them, made Cata harder and lost millions of subs. They quickly reversed this policy when they realised what was happening, but too late to reverse the decline.

As for hard core players there always was and always is content for them. You have M+, Mythic Raiding, Arena, etc. so I really don’t get all the hate leveled at people who play on lower difficulties. It makes no sense at all.

WOW will never see the amount of subs it had back then in any case, it had almost a monopoly in the MMO market at the time. Now there is competition from everywhere and PC gaming is in a steady decline in all market segments worldwide, overtaken by console and mobile.


but even after they made cata easy peasy, people didnt return, so ill assume it has more to do with other changes than dungeons being hard.

for example, I left for 10 years after wotlk ended not because the game was hard but because PvP was turned into an actual trash. so that’s -1, my arena partners did the same so that’s -3. etc

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A lot of the time when a customer quits your game they go and play something else, something they presumably paid for. They don’t sit and look at the television waiting for you to fix it. It is like if you make a bad car and someone changes to another model, you find it very hard to get them back when you make a good one.

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They have made a mess of PvP over the years, no doubt about that.

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LFR titanforges to 360ilev once in a blue moon. I very much doubt that there are mythic raiders running around in there hoping for a tiny percentage 360ilev drop.


Doesn’t that mean I should be the target audience for it? The casual player who’s favorite thing in the game is professions like picking flowers and fishing (Yes most of the time I fish for Slimy mackerels to make fish sticks for a quick buck). Yes I have done absolutely nothing for any gear piece I have and I do think that is part of the problem. Gear is so easy to obtain it has no value.

Games have difficulty levels, and LFR is the lowest one. Nothing unusual there.

Except it does. If TF was common everyone would reach to +385 ilvl within weeks after Uldir opening, without doing nothing but LFR and M0 dungeons each week.

Random legendaries and set pieces were the excuse for doing LFR in Legion, but neither of those exist anymore in BfA. Anyone raiding heroic or mythic has next to no chances of getting an upgrade from LFR.


True wow is not made for the ppl who loved the game back in wotlk, tbc and vanilla. Still I see no harm of bringing up the state of the game even tho ppl seem to think I’m an butthole (plz Blizzard don’t ban me) for bringing up issues I think are big part of the problem.

Issues that YOU see are a problem which is your OPINION. Not a fact. Opinions are never facts. “LFR is ruining the game” is a opinion not a fact like so many people claim. Learn to differentiate opinion and facts.


I never stated these to be facts, if I did plz quote it. If it isn’t clear I have no facts to prove that LFR, ilevel and accessibility is ruining the game. These are opinions also a lot of ppl I know that used to play the game agree with me. That’s their opinion and still not a fact. There really is no facts about anything relating to sub count or anything since Blizzard stopped showing them at WoD.

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If your theory is to have any merit, it means that “quickly reversing the policy” should have also quickly reversed the trend. Guess what, it didn’t. Not only that, but the highest drop in subs in Cataclysm wasn’t even just after the start.

Gamers made World of Warcraft, and not only it but every Blizzard game great, losing gamers meant losing the soul of the game.

“Hate leveled at people”?.. Sorry, but it’s you who make no sense at all. Not unusual.

We agree on this, it won’t.

It was a great game, and had the largest market share, but it was nowhere close to having a monopoly. But other companies tried to compete and get their slice constantly. 2006 saw the launch of known titles trying to capitalize on very well known franchises like Dungeons and Dragons Online and Guild Wars Factions. 2007 had Lord of the Rings Online, 2008 had AION, Warhammer Online and Age of Conan. But what happened is they didn’t stop Classic WoW or TBC’s growth levels, despite the franchises being super well known. Why? Probably because WoW really was awesome.


except, that’s what happens without exagerations :joy:
everyone running around with 375+ ilvls few weeks into uldir. lmao

yeah now its runes unless you wanna pay 50k each raid night for runes only.

yeah, more chance in warfronts.

define fact.

What? No! You are wrong, you are SOOOOOOOO WORNG! WoW came in a marked filled with MMOs and it won. It won over all of them! After that it got challenged by numerois others MMOs and it won again.

Yeah, right, that is why Witcher 3 on PC broke all time records for sells. Mobile gaming has nothing to do with PC and Consile gaming. It is completely different market and to say that is the couse of gaming decline is ridicilous, because it doesn’t have the same audiance. Mobile gaming is made for other people, it has no impact on the PC community at all, except burrying Activision’s stock.
Just because publishers like Activision REFUSE to make good PC games, cought cough Witcher 3, cough, doesn’t mean that there is no market for them, if anything, Witcher 3 is the myth braker that publishers are pushing for the past 10 years. Witcher 3 has the most PC sales of all times, and even 4 years later it still sells coppies.

I did read a comment somewhere saying FFXIV was saved cause they made it to be more like wow. I really think wow should try be more like wow maybe it could save itself too.


PC gaming is losing market share every year consistently:

From Forbes ( a reliable source for things financial)

So 74% of the gaming market is now mobile or console based.

From an investment point of view it does not return the same bang for your buck and this will be its eventual demise as it is more lucrative to invest in other platforms.

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