How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

Don’t forget that LFR is reduced down into bite sized chunks so that players who may not be able to commit to a three hour+ stretch in the game can also still see inside.

The days of me being able to sit down for long periods of playtime just don’t exist for me at the moment so for me LFR is a godsend.


They did that with flex, or current normal with SoO for people like you. But even then it was mainly used by raiders. Whiel the difficulty was meant for non-guilded people or people with less time!

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Was that due to ridiculous requirements by leaders or just the take up was low by non raiders.

It’s too long ago I didn’t do them often xD

Oh yeah, you’re preaching to the choir. I was just mentioning one of several upsides of LFR and those totally validate the existence of the system. The fact that some vocal people want it removed shouldn’t even acknowledged tbh. But ah well, I like having a good ol’ argument/debate/conversation on the forums every now and then. :smile:

if you did not try normal yet is the same difficulty of lfr same mechanism, just no determination buff and queu button into 3 section.

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bosses deal less damage and some mechanics are not present in lfr has far has i know.

when i was doing normal or lfr uldir i see no difference at all.

I mean, cool, but you are not raiding, because LFR is not a raid. It is no different than the Lortheron assault. So any arguments that you need LFR to raid or that there weren’t enough raiders before LFR and was not justified to make raids for a small % of players, fall flat - face first.


LFR is a raid. I needed 7 determination stacks on Ghuun. yes there is less damage, but you need to do some mechanics at least to kill the bosses. I know, some bosses were totally undertuned (hello no maiden at fallen avatar) but most are not patchwork-standInAllTheFireAndKill.

For some LFR is the first look at the raid and then after it going for normal.

Of course people can get total elitist by saying normal is not raiding either, when doing it with a Pug ilvl requirement 386+, and on voice… (which I did)

I am sorry but I don’t get your argument here. Blizzard flat out stated that there were not enough people seeing the content locked behind the raid entrance in order to make it cost effective for the sheer amount of resources spent on it.

It is still 25 different (usually) people coming together to form a raid group in order to defeat instanced bosses therefore it is a raid. Whether you like it or not it is still a raid as governed by normal definitions of ‘raid’ in gaming terms.


You can’t compare an offline game to LFR. Google “Dark Souls Trainer” and it gets you 8m hits. People are hacking this offline to get around difficulty left, right, and centre.

That is not a statement from developers of the game, that’s a statement from higher, from ppl who don’t care about the game. Those ppl don’t understand the reason why there’s content that was seen only by those who used their time to hone their skills and gear to be able to see it.
It’s not the developers decision it’s the investors decision. Make games faster with lower quality to big variety of ppl.

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I know I am being facetious here, but what is it like working for Blizzard? At least I assume that you do work for Blizzard as you seem to know exactly what how the internal organisation operates.

Are you implementing that the game is called master piece cause you can use cheat engine to make it easier? I personally don’t believe that’s the case, it’s a quality game developed by best developers in the gaming industry, and these devs don’t care if ppl don’t have time to learn the game to get through it.


They have also flatout said that “I would never raid” is a lie, so and the 1% of players experiencing a raid is a Myth.


Yet the metrics that they have released showed that more players saw the end bosses of an expansion have increased since the release of LFR.

As for the 1% it always was a myth perpetuated by a player base that loves hyperbole, however hyperbole aside it was undeniably true that the proportion of the player base that saw the end boss of an expansion pre LFR was low.


I don’t work at Blizzard, if I did I assume I wouldn’t be able to speculate about their organization in public.
My statement there is based on the earlier statements made by Blizzard developers, like in the raid design 2005 video that I’ve linked before in this post. The case is that the design has turned full 180 from the original design and statements like “The world feels much bigger for everyone if there is unbeaten content” doesn’t apply because everyone can just que and do every raid in 15 mins.
I don’t want to say this is because of the merge with Activision, but after that the game has gone worse and worse. Activision has given Blizzard guidelines to cut costs and get games out faster. So yes I think statements that say “Everyone should be able to get all the content without doing anything for it” is bullcrap, and no developer that cares about their game would say that.


So? How is that a problem? TBC and WotLK were the two most successful expansions of WoW. The idea that LFR is content is as dumb as saying Warfronts are content. The game has to step back from its current trajectory and revitalize past systems that actually worked. LFR is for the most part a failiure, despite of how many people “raid” the current content through it, because it is not current content, it is a tourist mode of it. It has no barrier of entry, no skill requierment, hell, you don’t even have to play the game in order to beat the last boss. A game where you don’t need to do anything in order to kill the last boss is not a good game.


ghostcrawler said that lfr was a mistake and he created it.


Ofc everyone saw the end boss since all you need to do is to click the lfr button and follow some guy to see the last and supposedly 1 of the hardest boss in the expansion.

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