How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

This is a lie from the executives in game companies like EA, Activision and Blizzard. Pc gaming is still the number 1 gaming platform by far, the only reason why these companies make those cashcrab mobile games is because the mobile market is booming in china. The only mobile game I have heard to be succesful was pokemonGO others have been forgotten and buried in the filth that is mobile market.

From my previous post:

So 74% of the gaming market is now mobile or console based.

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yeah, and 100% of these mobile games are garbage. Why is that? I think it’s because mobile games are made to be non creative games that just try to milk money from you. No effort monetized to heck (plz Blizzard don’t ban me), there is no losing in that market, that’s why no one who actually play games care of any of those mobile games.

There is a reason why Diablo immortal backlashed as hard as it did. Cause no one wanted it.

PC gaming is not mainstream. Mobile and console are. PC gamings brings steadily more money each year than the previous. Just because mobile is growing, doesn’t mean PC is declining.

I won’t disagree with you on that. I play PC games.

However I’m also a finance professional and I can assure you that based on those figures the big money will always chase the biggest market. This will leave less of an investment pool for PC, in time it could end up as a niche indy market as less and less people actually even own a PC now.


That is exactly why I don’t have any respect or trust in companies like EA, Activision and Blizzard. They are here to ruin games for a quick buck, that is not what I want.

See my above reply to Rekthal. PC gaming will steadly decline because it is all about money, once you start to lose your market share you start to lose investors.

PC sales are no longer what they were. Time was when every parent bought a laptop for their kid, one that could most likely play games as well. Now they are buying them an ipad.

I’m afraid this is off topic. I could write an essay about the filth that is AAA publishers but this is not a good place for it.

This is interesting thing to talk about. Article you quoted was poll from UK, i wonder how it goes globally? Probably similar ways. Increase on mobile seems to be mostly because of new people can enter to the world of gaming with very little starting capital. So, PC gamers are not moving on other areas but more and more new people start gaming because of ease on the mobile phones. Some maybe find it fun and also get consoles or gaming PC.

Where i live i have noticed that in last few years attitude towards gaming has changed to lot more positive and widely accepted everyones hobby. Gaming PCs and gaming PC pheripherals are HUGE in advetisements right next to washing machines and multimixers. PC gaming has become more socially acceptable and totally main stream. I thank mobile gaming for this. My point being, mobile gaming is not really taking away pc players but bringing new people into gaming market and it also can be a boost to pc gaming by making gaming more socially accetable.

I am sorry this was totally off topic but it was something i been pondering lately and just had to reply on this.:grimacing:


You are right, PC sales are a lot higher than what they were 15 years ago. PC game sales are a lot higher as well, how you see that as a decline is beyond me. Mobile gaming and PC gaming are two entirely diferent markets that do not compete against each other, they have diferent demographic and do not compete against each other. I would rather agree that PC and Console do, but again Witcher 3 the myth buster that crushed sales shows that there is a huge interest in PC games, it just that AAA publishers don’t invest in them.


I feel pointing at lfr to much is dumb since you cant force everyone wanting to be social

Besides would you really want someone that doesnt take raiding serious in your team anyway

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No someone that doesn’t want to raid shouldn’t raid, but everyone should try raiding. These ppl I would take to my raid group, and I did exactly that in wotlk with icc. The thing is now they would go LFR and they would get an experience that has nothing to do with raiding.


Sales of actual PCs are in decline and I don’t think you understand market share. Just because Witcher 3 (a fantasic game IMO) was a success doesn’t mean PC is going to make a comeback.

The reality is that when gaming companies are out there chasing investment money and speaking with shareholders it is becoming harder and harder to justify investment in PC over mobile and console.

At best in years to come PC and Console games will have almost 100% overlap as only aiming for one platform isn’t justifiable investment wise. This will very much change the face of games like WOW into the future.

The other thing is most people playing PC games grew up with owning a PC, at least I did. That is also changing. And market share is one of the biggest metrics when deciding on an investment, PC is now a smaller segment of that market.

The thing is that they don’t try, like Activisions plans for Blizzard is to make more games with less quality. This is why AAA games fail, it’s not because ppl don’t want games for pc it’s because very few want to make quality games.

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If you are a big games company which is easier to maintain and make money from, farmville or wow?

Ofc Farmville, I’m not here to talk in companies perspective I’m here as a customer. It is very clear to me that these companies don’t want me as a customer cause they can’t manipulate money from me with their monetization.

Also it’s very sad how the image of the company means nothing now days.

This is why the indie market as risen up and is very successful. I also have a finance digree and I’m working as an accountent for 9 years, so I have a grasp of market shares. There is one big issue with looking at it as collective data. Mobile gaming exploded in the past 5 years, while PC gaming has seen steady growth. While both industires fly under the banner of gaming, they totally diferent and should be treated as such. PC gaming is not making a comback, because it never took a dive. Maybe we are seing one right now, but for the past 20 years it is steadily growing.

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It is very hard to justify making a game only for the PC, it is much easier to justify making one that fits both PC and console. Take Skyrim for instance, much more enjoyable on PC due to control over the game-console, however it still sold millions on console platforms.

That is completely fine since consoles are pretty much a overpriced pc’s with bad components and software. The only mention worthy consoles are from nintendo since they actually bring in something innovative. I really don’t mind if games are made to all 4 platforms just make sure the fps isn’t capped at 30 for pc version.

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Skyrim is not a good example, because Bethesda don’t like PC due to the modding community, since they want to sell mods themselves. Witcher 3 is a great example. It was perfectly ported to console, it is one of the best SP games of all times and it made a lot more money from PC sales than console ones. The PC community is hungry, because the AAA publishers were starving them for a long while.