How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game


Last boss of a Tier.

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I have 1 LFR Ghuun kill, and it took me 7 determination stacks, while I was trying to do the orbs… and they can not be soloed. And that was even late in the tier, like 1 month ago.

That’s just one example of an badly tuned boss encounter which wasn’t hard even on the higher difficulties to begin with but is not an actual proof how the LFR can’t have properly tuned fights and how it didn’t had in the past.

Do you want me to make a whole video of auto attacking through LFR?

Thats bad luck you need those 4 ppl who know what to do there.

I can’t really remember 1 shotting LFR Guldan, KJ or Argus in Legion either. That just never happened. And how about bosses like Coven LFR… damn it. The nightmares.

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Look I remember how LFR encounters were tuned for example in MoP and Cata, and how now are some fights tuned there like Ghuun, they were/are challenging enough for the groups which did them. You can do whatever you want, as I stated the LFR doesn’t affect me as a player, I think how its good for the players which are new to the raiding and the ones which don’t have the time for the more serious modes and which want to experience the content. Also it gives the reason for the Blizzard to spend the resources on the raid content in the first place, that’s what the lead designer said himself in the quote I posted above and I doubt how that will change.

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While I will defend the existence and continued existence of LFR, it is a semi-AFK fest where tuning is concerned. It probably also should stay that way, I really don’t want to go in there on a wipe fest.

G’Huun isn’t tuned beyond having two competent people to run orbs.

I agree with pretty much everything OP said, unfortunatly most people who liked the old wow times have left retail.
Do not worry my friend, we shall have classic wow. They can-t ruin that one, right?..right?

The role of LFR is eye candy. It has nothing to do with the game, it is so detached from reality of what effort -> reward means and it only segragates players. People should be insentivised to play the game, not watch a movie with a game-like mechanics… Normal is easy enough for the majority of the playerbase to finish, and it is very well made with the flex mechanic, but since LFR exists, very few are players are doing it. The game badly needs a better learning cure. Right now you have the free loot - LFR;WQ;M0;Warfronts with Titanforge and Normal raid hits you like a mountain. People’s gear is way higher than what Normal rewards, while at the same time is infinitely harder, so they just don’t do it, forcaking half of the game’s content. Remove LFR and suddenly you have an insentive to do Normal.

Some fights can be afk-ed there that is correct, but some can’t like Zul and Ghuun. I remember how the Kil’jaeden in Legion wasn’t an easy mode for the LFR groups when TOS launched up and was new either. There were plenty of wipes on those fights, untill people learned to do mechanics better on them.

Its not tuned for you, but for the LFR groups it is.

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Did you watch the raid design video from 2005? I can quote some stuff Jeff showed us there.

“Even the best individual skilled players, a non-guilded group will never play at the same level as a cohensive, less-skilled raiding guild.”

“Our goal is to have enough content to keep a full-time raiding guild busy each night of the week” They didn’t give a poop (plz don’t ban me Blizzard) about players life they wanted to make the game so it can consume your whole life.

“For the expansion, we want to deliver a “menu” of raid content, so that guilds can choose what they want to do, rather than feel pigeon holed into a particular raid or encounter”

“The world feels bigger for everyone if there is unbeaten content out there” How does that work with lfr?

I really recommend this video.


The segregation of the players before the LFR was introduced to the game was much higher, between the ones which were able to experience the content and the ones which weren’t.

Players which want to do the higher difficulties of the raiding and have time for that way of raiding are doing it now. And the game still has the learning curve, players can improve their skill through the easier modes of their raiding and easier dungeons to eventually get to the higher difficulty content if they wish to. And still the LFR fights can be tuned in a way that they present the challenge for the groups which do them.

Now you mix here all sort of stuff with an LFR, and everything comes to the ways how the gear can be obtained in this xpac, and people can get the gear currently from the other sources which is as good as the one from the raiding, sometimes even higher no matter of the difficulty which gives less incentive for the players to do the raiding. My personal POV which I stated in the other threads is how we should return to the gear progression how it was in Wotlk and MOP for example, so that players would be more awarded accordingly with the skill and the content they are doing and when the higher difficulties of the raiding were peak of the PVE content in the game and awarded the best gear in the game.

If LFR would be removed we would return back into the situation which we had in the past where only certain percentage of the players were able to experience the raiding content. And if that would happen Blizzard would focus less on the production of such content and the game would lose a lot of subs. I don’t think how that would be beneficial for anyone.

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Normal is not a high difficulty.

Let me draw you the learning curve:

Freeloot -> Normal normal raid - ______________________|

And this si the reward from free loot -> normal raid - IIIIIIIIIIIIIII|

Would you do that as a new player if you suddenly hit a brick wall that doesn’t give anything when passing it?

The same way the game is loosing a lot of subs right now?

When you wipe for over 10 hours on the same normal boss (Zek’voz, Zul or Coven, varimathas, Argus, KJ, Gul’dan, Tichondrius), I guess that is subjective.


Did you pug them?

So if players don’t want to play the game Blizzard has to make a shortcut for them.

It used to be rewarding to be good enough to get into the high end content, and learning by playing the game. Now you just take the shortcut.

Clearly that is not the intention.

I agree with this, completing LFR should reward some trashbags.

In my opinion raids were much better before LFR so I guess they should focus less on that. Returning back always sounds good with wow.

I pug a lot. So what? I also pugged Underrot 14 in time, or VotW 21. I got also all my curves with a pug.

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Pug groups are the best. 1 more reason to get rid of LFR.