How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

Nothing, I’m implying that you should not hold the raid to a standart of what pugs would be able to achiev, but what guilds would. Raiding was never ment to be pugable.

You can even voice ingame with Pugs now. What is the difference? My Gul’dan and KJ curves was on voice. I have started my own heroic raidgroups and used a discord voice (requirement in the group-text).

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Community, organization, actual connection with other people, you know, the things that make MMORPG an actual MMORPG, instead of soulessly caring only about yourself.

Do you have a problem with an comprehension of the English language or do you not understand the simple logic, I don’t know what it is. I haven’t said how the normal is high difficulty, but for a lot of the players is higher one than the LFR is.

Again I’m asking you to find me where I stated how the way how people are obtaining the gear currently in the game is good, and where I stated how the encounters in the game should be tuned in a way that’s enough to login and get the gear ? I’m pretty sure that I haven’t stated that anywhere.

The game is not losing subs currently because of the LFR but because of the myriad of other reasons in this xpac. Like the gating of the content, the gear progressions, the fact that raiding has been neglected and that we had only Uldir as a raid now for ages, the fact that we don’t have flying in the game, the way how some dungeons are tuned, the fact how cross-realm and the sharding are influencing community in the game, because we have the lack of engaging content ( especially for the guilds ) atm overall and because some of it like warfronts was released half finished before it was ready.

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I have a social guild that does raid with weekly sign-ups, that are full in the first 5 minutes. I just ‘never’ make it in the raid. Next to that I have a 1 evening a week M+ group. But I like to play more. So I pug a lot next to that.

Pugging and saying you only care about yourself is bu ll sh it. I am always social, try to get voice on, share my loot, and have fun with my temporarily team.


So are they focusing more on the raid content or not? Surprisingly it seems that LFR has nothing to do with the raid content.

But that’s just it, they want to raid

I can be various reasons why they don’t want to pug with randoms that kick them after 1 mistakes such as they havent learned their rotation or want a small peak at the boss before they search for a real team

And to be fair they could remove pugging in normal and hc in that case as well since it’s not really a place to be social at, players are only there for loot and doesn’t really care about any other than themselfs, nice mmo spirit huh


They clearly haven’t focused in this expansion enough in my PoV , but they would focus even less if less people would do it.

Well as a creator of many pugs I can say that making them required huge amount of communication. I think the first step to bad pugs was the introduction of gearscore (called ilevel now days). This replaced the actual gear check which for me meant checking gems, enchants and talents, I really didn’t care too much if the gear was high end or not.
Now days when I’m doing the content of BFA (afk in Zuldazar) I don’t see anyone using the general channel or the trade channel which used to be full of life. Now days even the gold farmers just sell boost runs and spam very carefully.

its also a game which took many years to get developed - and then exploded because of succesfull internet PR - Witcher 1 and 2 were also extremly good rpgs yet nobody heared about them outside of Poland prior to witcher 3.

I’m not going to go into a long and withering reply to this garbage because I’m tired of smashing my head against the wall trying to work out why people get so upset about what others do in a video game.

So i’ll just leave this. next time the OP or anyone else of like mind decides to post this type of self serving drivel again. Always. ALWAYS end your thread title with two words.

“For me” or (For me).

When you pay for everyone’s sub and you finally get to decide what everyone does or doesn’t do… then you can feel entitled to whine about a game mode.

Also. Free loot in LFR. Have they changed it so that every time it refreshes and you run it first time it automatically throws a piece of loot at you? That would be warfronts you’re thinking about there

So basically. I don’t whine about what other people do, kiss my rear if you think you can simply because you have or have not killed a set of pixels on a higher “difficulty”.


Well clearly it’s not just me that feels this way, there are ton of ppl who agree with me. Ppl have been asking for vanilla servers for years cause of the issues I stated.

Free loot means that you get loot and you don’t need to do or give anything for it, I think it fits LFR pretty perfectly. It just blends in with the fact that you get ilvl 385 items when you sneeze.

What are you calling your comment then if not whining?

This video is 5 years old now, but I still think it’s the best Preach has ever done.

Accessibility and Apathy (11 min)

The purpose of this video is to demonstrate the problems faced by new players when joining the game and why they do not feel the incentive to advance into the game. This video in no way is suggesting ‘wow is too easy’ or any other conclusions surrounding that statement people wish to force upon the video. The same goes for ‘rose tinted goggles’ or special snowflake’ and any other nonsensical arguments that are not mentioned in any way

Some Reminders:
No friends/guildies etc were in the dungeons.
I did 0 damage for the 5 mans and all of the initial LFR’s until ToT
I did horrific Damage to appear on the dmg meter in ToT
I was kicked a grand total of once after using /follow as a test.

The video shows how to “complete the game” without doing anything, and why that can have negative effects. It does not draw conclusions or make recommendations

Since then, of course, M+ has been introduced, and that makes a difference for people who feel that it’s meaningful to repeat the same dungeons on different difficulties many times. And much of the playerbase has been led to feel this, so that works for most existing players - maybe not so much for new ones. OTOH, gear is a mess right now, so that is a nagative factor that wasn’t considered here.

Anyway, while some of the specifics have changed, I think the demonstration holds up quite well.


Well yeah cause ppl don’t have time or they don’t want to play the game they need to have a shortcut to the end of the game.

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But the LFR ‘Free loot’ is 340 ilvl (Uldir tier). What is wrong with that?

It’s free, you did nothing to deserve it. I’m not saying that doing warfronts are any better it’s in fact even worse. This also contains world quests, honorbound lootboxes and assaults.

The content in BFA is pretty much being afk, for low end player warfronts and LFR which are done by being afk. High end player Islands which means that you are pretty much afk.

The last part was me explaining quite clearly that I have never felt the need to whine, declare, scream, type, meditate on oir whatever medium you would use, state that a game mode is ruining MY wow experience because of “free loot”.

Now. Explain to me HOW LFR is detracting from YOUR experience. If LFR bothers you so much the answer is simple.

Don’t do it. And demand everyone in your group/s NEVER does LFR. Proiblem solved. You will never have to deal with it again.

OH and as for a lot of people agreeing with you. Lets narrow that down.

People on the forum at a rough guess make up to 10% of active players. The other 90% are either playing doing their own thing or maybe 10% of that 90% are like me, they only visit the forums occasionally to see how many whine posts are new today.

People will also link Youtube opinions, who lets face it. Most ifnot all are just parroting each others whine videos jousting for views and likes, If you need to have someone make your opinion for you on Youtube, then you may as well stop playing and just watch your favourite 'Tuber.

you also mentioned free loot several times. Again. Show me a video of yourself logging into LFR and soon as you enter it drops 3 pieces of 340 into your bags. By your definition of free loot, that should be happening. I’m not going to stand/sit here and defend LFR. If it was upto me there would be 3 tiers. LFR. heroic, mythic. in fact I’d do do away with heroic as well.

People asked for Vanilla servers for a number of reasons. let me state this again. If WoW Classic, was to be released today, as it was 14 years ago. it would be ftp in a year. Are you REALLY suggesting that a bare bones game where at least half of the player base didn’t even get within a sniff of a raid spot let alone a boss kill on ragnaros was good for the game? I know a lot of people cant grasp the fact that WoW has moved on but WoW is like all things. it needs to move on. And I see NOTHING wrong whatsoever with allowing every player at least a watered down chance of seeing end content.

So i ask again. Why is it so desperately important to you that you feel the need to remove something from the game that probably doesn’t even affect you in the slightest? Or am I allowed to write a long and preposterous op ed on why PvP should be removed because it gives loot to players and it doesn’t affect me but it should be removed anyway because… PvP and i don’t like it/play it pick my nose with it.

LFR was put into place with Dragon Soul. its still here. Unfortunately for a lot of people, it’s going nowhere.

But still. you’ll have your Classic soon I guess.


I did, I cancelled my subscription and it will end in 5 days.

I did lfr twice and did 0 healing and 0 dmg both times and I got couple pieces of loot. I consider this free cause I did nothing to deserve it.

Yes. At least it was better than what it is now.

I agree it has moved on but I think it would be better if it moved back a bit.

It gives a shortcut to the end of the game which affect ppl so they don’t actually want to try and play the game when they can just complete the raid without any effort.

I have a lot of complaints about pvp as well, first of all pvp vendors are needed and the new pvp gearing is fricking (plz Blizzard don’t ban me) stupid. Also pvp gear should be for pvp and it should suck in pve (resilience).

Yeah cataclysm was the expansion that started the doom of wow.

So…the mongoloids going afk in lfr are actually hard-core raiders trying to prove a point? Lol…you really need to rethink your place in society.


So rather then the elite players carrying the run it appears that at least one of them was merely leeching from the efforts of the others in the group. I know that due to the way the mechanics and damage outputs are tuned that it doesn’t require all 25 players to be pulling their weight to clear the content but that is in part due to people like you who refuse to pull their weight in LFR. If it wasn’t for you Blizz could up the difficulty a bit more.

I am sorry that WoW is no longer the game for you and it appears that you sincerely care about the game however so do I and I have been playing this game for a long time and for me if it wasn’t for LFR I would almost never see the inside of a raid again.