How long are AV premades gonna be allowed?

OP, take solace in the fact that Alliance generally have to premade+discord or they have almost no chance of winning vs. Horde PuGs

We now know that all the talk about Alliance being the better PvP-faction when fighting on even terms and that Horde “Only won wPvP because they outnumber us 3:1” is absolute rubbish. :slight_smile:


you should try alliance. Ally pug is max 30 players playing AV. (about that outnambered)
If you will kill elites in south with 5m group and there is 8 hordes defending, you can talk something about pvp quality.

As long as it fills BlizzVision pockets.

You really have a hard time understanding, there is no exploit, they are not grouping up. Because there is a huge faction imbalance they can press Join Battleground at the same time and enter at the same time.


Since when is playing with your friends considered an exploit?

Sincre blizz decided too add AV without the join as group button?

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Its gonna comtinue as long as alliance is outnumbered, as long as they have instant queue they will keep doing it.

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I mean it’s not really an exploit, they’re just more coordinated than you are. A premade isn’t doing anything that a pug can’t do. It’s a classic case of l2p.

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I wanna login for a few hours and relax in WSG or AV and not have to face premades every game. I don’t wanna spend hours searching and organizing people. I just wanna enter a battleground and face other similar people, not get farmed 24/7 by some kiddies that think they have to prove something in a 15 year old game.


Ah yes, it is a l2p issue obviously! Its not that alliance can do something horde cant, but its a l2p issue.

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Yep, worry not little alliances, your ego is safe, it’s not that playing as a +30 man premade on discord with a balanced amount of healers gives you any real advantage, is just that we as Horde suck.

Probably someday we will grow hands and l2p.

Who knows… ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯

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Ally can’t do world bosses on some servers, it must be an exploit then.


It is a coordinated effort to circumvent the design intent of there being no premades in AV. It is very easy to phrase this practice in a way that makes it an exploit if that is what Blizzard would want to do. Really the definition comes down to how much they as a company care. My guess is that they care very little so it’s not an exploit.


Retailers can go back too retail =) or post on your classic ally char…

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Retailers can go back too retail =) or post on your classic ally char…

translation: I am too dumb to come up with an answer therefore I will attack something irrelevant.

Try again.


Translation: I hide behind a retail toon and sprout nonsense.

Alliance can kill a world boss, horde cant queue as a premade. Whats the problem with understanding that?

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For ever. So yea i guess you cancel it. Bye we wont miss you. The population of horde is much bigger than alliance anyway.

Oh and since most allies got exalted and some will get bored of the massive drek rush and eventually will take a break from BGS,expect ur queues will hit an hour or so soon. That means you will wait one hour, to join a game to get knocked out in 6 min by an ally pre made zerg.

You still here? :slight_smile:


Horde can queue at the same time as alliance do, but it will fail because of queues. Just like alliance can try to kill a WB but it will fail because they are outnumbered 1:3.

You wanna keep humiliating yourself with those stupid posts?

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Aka, we cant.

And my realm is 50/50, so what are you crying about?

You mean what you’ve been doing all this time by insulting nonstop?