How many levls can you be rested for as a lvl 59

Wondering for tbc. if a character can be rested for more than lvl 60 cap. ( as a 59)

Why not? -

I’d guess the normal amount ?
But don’t expect to wake up to over a lvl of rested right as TBC comes out that would be silly XD

You can’t earn rested XP beyond the level cap. So, no. You can’t.

You can have rested max 30 bars (1.5 level). Since you are 1 level from cap 20 bars is the max you can have rested right now.

In order for your rested XP to grow after raising level cap you have to login into this particular character. Otherwise rested xp stays at 20 bars.

And this makes sense because level 60 chars will have 0 bars rested upon raising level cap

Your rested XP goes to level 60 and not beyond that, so if you are level 59 and 10% off 60 that’s all the rested XP you can have, 10% worth.

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