How many premade posts should we do

…for Blizzard to put premade against premade in BG?


I think the best response here is just to ignore BGs.

I’m sure you’re going to say “but i really like BGs”.

To which I say, do you? Or do you like what you think BGs should be?

I think a massive drop off on people running BGs would be more likely to result in action than just doing them anyway and complaining about them.


i stopped playing bgs except for AV. did 4 bgs this weekend, 3 in a row against a premade. unfortunately thats what you get with realm clusters

None, as posting here will not make one iota of difference.

Right. It did not make a difference for Black Lotus for instance.

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Post as many as you want, you’re not going to get separate queues.

No really, post as many as you want. I thoroughly enjoy arguing with people that cry about premades.

I will never be as good as you spamming the forum (with a retail char) but I can try.

No, you only think it did, ingame reports made the difference.

You must be feeling special that Blizzard contacted you and only you to tell the reason they fixed the game.

And I stopped playing AV. It doesn’t feel good when you get stomped every match, does it?

Unlike you I have been around the forums for a long time and have seen Blizzard reps say only ingame reports go to the right people.

Right. Now you know me? Why am I surprised, another retail player posting here…

You have made 4 posts, wait 5 now.

I post on a retail characters as I am known on it, just goes to show how long you have been on the forums.

No one knows you. Sorry.

really? They even named a store pet after me.

A lot probably, but you have my full support.

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From the rules:

When multiple threads cover the same topic we will typically leave one of them open, lock one with an explanation, and delete the rest. This is done to allow other topics to still have a place on the forums. Which thread is left open typically depends on the thread length and how constructive the first post and the thread in general are.

Pity Blizzard don’t actually do it.

I don’t actually spam and I haven’t properly played Miylee in years. She was my posting Avatar long before this board was made and that isn’t going to change.

If you want an example of spam posts: look at your history in this thread alone. Five posts, five sentences. At least my words are all condensed into singular posts.

Oh I Miylee !

I think you shouldn’t speak as if you were in charge of anything about the futur of queueing in BG (because you really aren’t at all).

You should rather focus on easy predictions like I do, such are “expect many more threads about it”, which, with little surprise, became reality (two more threads about premades in only three days since our last conversation…the magic is real ! :mage:).

I’m not speaking as if I’m in charge, I’m speaking as a matter of fact. You want retail features in a Classic game, features that simply don’t belong there. Furthermore, you’re asking for a permanent fix (causing permanent damage) to a temporary problem.

And to add to that; you’re completely ignoring the core issue: the ranking system. It doesn’t matter what happens with Classic: whilst the ranking system remains, PVP will be about farming. Which, as I keep saying: is why it was removed years ago.

Easy and irrelevant predictions. I might as well say “Tomorrow somebody will complain about bots, multiboxers and/or Russians”

“Tomorrow somebody will get their world buffs dispelled and will be angry”

“Tomorrow I will wake up and get a cup of coffee”.

Know what purpose those predictions serve? None. They aren’t relevant to any form of conversation, discussion or argument.