How much do you care about the lore, story and characters?

11/10. I’m primarily a roleplayer (M+ and raiding is a nice bonus, but it’s far from my focus beyond getting Curve/KSM) and what happens in the story directly affects what happens to my character.

I used to be 10/10 care before WoD and then Legion + Shadowlands.

Now is a 2/10.

0/10 Been like that sinse I started. I do watch cinematics and enjoy the occasional video with Lore.

I am much more interested in rl lore. There is so much to explore. So much interesting stuff to ponder. Who needs wow lore when you got the world.

just tell me what to kill and I am fine.

Till MoP i was interested in the lore 10/10
since WOD it is always 1/10
I only care about power progression and even that is now garbage