How much does the community actually want an old world revamp like Cata?

Not LIKE Cata. But whole world revamp. YES PLEASE!! Right now
Yesterday is too late

I would love to see them revamp and additions to old zones to make them feel more alive. I think it is sad that their expansion concept is just “lets make a new zone with some world ending backstory that has been going on begind the scenes the entire time that people can play for 2 years and then forget about and never go back to”.

I think it would be great if the game felt more alive and dynamic. Back in vanilla I always thought they would actually make the war between the Alliance and the Horde feel more meaningful at some point where the environment would change based on server progression. I know that might not be the best option anymore because it would just mean playing on some servers would literally suck lol. However, I think there is so much potential than just finding a new “big baddy” every time that is threatening the end of the universe. I just feel kinda jaded at this point when it comes to WoW lore.

I dont even know whats happening in dragonflight because the writing has been so atrocious other thanthat there are elementals and dragons that are angry at eachother, or something. I guess some people had issues with the aspects?

I have always quite enjoyed what they do to the world before new expansions where there are world events going on throughout Azeroth. I think this is a concept that they can expand upon. Rather than just making these minor events, they can actually go full at it where new houses and villages are built and where zones are changed and “conquered” incrementally. Also some good old assassinations and deceitful main characters would go a long way, such as Onyxia or the SI:7 doing an Alexander Litvinenko against Jaina… or something… you know what i mean.

Personally i have zero nostalgia on stagnant open world that never changes and i actually liked when cataclysm “messed” things up so i would be all up for second, third, fourth etc… new cataclysms that would redo the world. Hell i would actually prefer it 1000% rather than every expansion having new mystery island that nobody has found out its been there since dawn of time.

I have only a big NO! reaction to any suggestion of a revamp.


Here is the thing. The zones from cataclsym are already too outdated to be recoverable. A revamp can’t happen we are on the realm of remake only. The zones have to be made with Dynamic flying in mind and the zones Blizz makes these days are far bigger than the ones made back then.
To remake the whole EK and KL would take 4 expansions. Is anyone willing to wait 8 years for a full remake?

The compromise we have is Midnight and TLT. Which will remake a portion of the world that is relevant for the expansion. Eventually we might get all of it remade. But a single one like Cata isn’t going to happen again. A lot of corners would have to be cut to make it happen and it would be just as bad as Cata was.

I want updated models and some of the god awful cata content to be updated. As in: heal the world and get some better writing in.

Doesn’t have to be in one go, but not like they’ve been doing it so far: ignoring it. They have resources enough to do this gradually.

Most of what Cata brought was awful.

They don’t even have to bother with new items/drops. Just keep the old stuff and removed stuff.

I think among RPers, we want the world revamped and updated to the present day for the most part.
Zones lying stagnant for years isn’t good and being spammed by screaming elementals that have been dead in Ashenvale for years isn’t the one. And the perma tornados in Westfall and other things similar.
Move the world forward.

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It needs at least a redo on models and textures. But destroying entire zones, I don’t think so

What do you mean destroyed?

Destroyed was the wrong word. ‘Changed so much it doesn’t feel the same’ would’ve been a better choice

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You mean improved? Cause I’m all for improvement and reflecting the current state of things. It’s a pleasure for me to fly over the dragon isles and look at the beautiful zones below. That should be the case in the old world as well.

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I gotta say, I really wanna see current Gadgetzan in all it’s glory, one of my mains is a Goblin and that would be the closest to a proper racial capital for him.

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It’s going to happen anyways due to dynamic flight system.

I personally reallly want an old world revamp. I think classic justifies it, because if you have that nostalgia bite, there is classic, and soon cataclysm classic with probably the subsequent titles


I dont see the point of spending energy on that.
You barely spend time in these zones with how fast you level.
Quest rewards are very good and low level crafting not very accessibles (at least “old world” one) for new players (and useless anyway). These two things render any explorations unrewarding and so you’re more pushed into going from quest a to b to c and that’s it.

If they do that it should come with a leveling experience revamp to go with it, but it won’t happen since leveling is no longer meaningful today and the focus is max level contents

I’m ok with the way they plan to do things, which is to bring new max level content into selected existing zones and revamping them at the same time.

Reflecting status quo yes but improvement???
LAtter is in the eye of the beholder.
Also a problem is, if zones stay this way too long it can be immersion breaking especially if it is just a thing during a specific time.
For example we have still Kor’kron in Barrens but they are still aggressive once you went one with a certain level despite the quests with them where removed and the time of Garrosh is also over.

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