How much gearscore for BFD?

Hey guys i hit 25 like a week ago but haven’t done the raid yet, I’m wondering what’s the required gearscore that will get me in BFD? I bought those new BOEs and some things but I’m still lacking in a few spots that are hard to fill.

Classic+ ,25 lv , gear score addon ? Are you trolling or what?


what? It’s all I see people asking for in LFG xD I’m too shy to ask ingame :disappointed:

I suggest you to stay away from such a groups , get some blue/greens and go in


dog1: “Wouaf Wouaf What’s ya GS ? Wouaf "
dog2: " :poop: "
dog1: “Hmmmm nice GS ( :poop: ) let me lick your… (censored). Wouaf ! Hmmmmm "
dog2: " Wouaf ! Hmmmmmmmmm "
dog1: " Wouaf What about consumables”
dog2: " Ooooh dog i got some bones here, some croquettes, lick my… again Hmmmmm”


have fun dogs


No one in SoD cares about Gearscore…
Only a very weird few trolls and you should just avoid those.
All GDKP, Boost and GS Andys need get insta ignored in order to have a better gaming experience! Trust me
Besides… BFD is super easy, just know the tactics (YouTube) and u should easily clear it in under 1 hour even with crappy gear.
Merry Christmas and happy gaming


ppl ask for gs or gear because ppl dont want to play with lazy ppl who dont want to gear their character and they want to be boosted in raids etc
isnt that been clear to everyone for ages also ppl dont want to wipe in raid because lot of it happens 1 can leave and make effect that every single player leaves from raid and you are locked into raid with no full clear.

what fix big part of gearing is to add personal weekly saves for each boss. you can get items every 3 days 1 time per boss

you can get full pre bis in 1 day and clear same day full bfd raid.

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hahaha we cleared bfd without a death yesterday with half of the guys in low end greens lol. it is just no one in the raid was a dumbass, so it was easy.


yes it is easy raid and everyone knows it.
but is it bad to ask ppl to used little bit time on their character? just because you are lazy to gear up your character, you shouldnt get mad at ppl who ask for gear.
if you want grp with no gear req or anything, make it your self?

I ask every week ppl to be geared to join my raid and i actually get lot of hate whispers etc from ppl.
My group = my rules. Your group your rules? is that good deal for everyone and not to get mad at ppl who ask for something in their group

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are you a bot what is this spam xD


I only ask for an IQ that is past 100 and with a team like that any raid is easy because intelligence>gear. You can have full bis if you walk into 10 shadow murlocs. Also these people usually do their do diligence, despite not liking the mindless farm in low level instances.

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I Love this rogue,He is saying what i cant express in Game

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Have some decent gear and bring shadow protection pot. Read a guide if you didn’t do it, but the mechanics are basic enough i explain it to you in 5 seconds in the chat. It is good if the main tank and healer done this before. Good team composition. NO NEED for prebis. That is pretty much it. Most people already know this so I dont even pester them much. If you do half of that right you are set for a full clear.

It is hard to filter by intelligence, but people who show a basic care about doing things are generally smarter.

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First 5 bosses are literally free.

6th boss - FAP deletes phase 2 practically. 7th boss - a reward for killing 6th boss.

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I usually instakick any caster that doesnt have the WC quest staff, that is pretty much how far i am willing to go with gear requirements.

If u dont have WC staff u dont deserve to be raiding at all IMO.

GS = bad player in sod


GS mentioned thread is irrelevant

i think its not right to talk over gs for bfd, just get some prebs and u good

2 last bosses is actually hard and need gear check or full full buffs

No they don’t stop lying to yourself