How old are people?

I’m Old enough to know what’s right, but young enough not to choose it.


I am 22 years old. Next year 23.


ok, im bloody 50!!! Still not as old as Drae though… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Or me

Good god, I’ve drank Whiskey older than you.


50 > 14 :thinking:

But I’ve never been good at math, so who knows.

What should I say? Almost 1/4 of my entire life passed and I achieved nothing impressive so far :laughing:

OK, enough stories about the 1920s - time for your special medication and nurse will see you in the morning :grin:


ill quote my favourite Lego set. 4-99

I’d hate to be the person that had build the Lego inventor’s coffin - bet they trod on a piece…


yea i can understand that my mum used to always read before sleeping… i personally listen to music . to relax.

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Old enough to not give a crap about asking people how old they are just to paint a picture about them in my head and label them based on their age, and later use that as an argument while painting myself as one with superior morals and social skills to everyone else.


So 33?

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And I guess I get that from just posting alot and being active?

More or less, or just take part in a beta like some of us did last year and they forgot (?) to turn TL3 off again!

First post in one of the stickies tells your want you need to do.


I am 41 if you need to know not sure how it can be usefull but there you go.

I started playing WOW when I was young, now feeling really old, think its because Im playing Neverwinter, so awful today I delete it.

what a funny coincidence i am replaying some never winter and baldur’s gate games too.


I may steal that as my motto for life, with your permission Sir/Madame?

I mean I was going with the Firefly quote of “I aim to misbehave” but somehow I like your line better.

I mean to be fair, that is -generally- how it works! :slight_smile:

Drae mocks me for my age, but I still think he was patient Zero for the Black Death plague.

I had a similar moment at a weekend long LARP event, someone went “That leg armour is so -cool- so intricately carved.” “Yeah, it’s nearly 30 years old now, still in immaculate condition…”
“Damn, that armour is older than I am…”

I felt old.

Only 1/4? Pah! Younglings, Younglings I tell you!

But what if you -do- have superior morals and social skills than everyone else? I mean, for any of us it is unlikely, but -possible-…

You still have 4 years until you have to call yourself ‘Middle Aged’. I’d cling to that…I’m still holding on with my claws to being Mid-40’s, despite the odds not being in my favour!


I’m not born yet.

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You can but it’s not mine, it’s from a song called “New World Man” by Rush From 1982.