How old are you?

My dad look at video games like they are more dangerous than drugs or any medieval plague.

Funny thing is i know he would love gaming but he is way to stubborn to admit it.

@Alewin: Just on computer. :smiley: Father (and my late mother, too) did fly civilian planes, mostly Cessnas and Pipers in their youth for a little while, before the oil crisis made that hobby far too expensive. My vision is too poor to ever get the relevant licence. So we play War Thunder, mostly flying Sunderland Mk Vs, Do 217 M-1s, G5N1s or Tu-2S-44s or -59s at the moment. :slight_smile:

@Xartim: Any chance you could get him to at least read this thread? :wink:

I’m actually not surprised! Of my clan’s trio, grandad and dad had had military careers. Son I think decided to go into IT, but I can see why they gravitated to a war game. At one point, we think we had the oldest gamer in the UK (he was older than a bloke in a news article about the oldest gamer in the UK).

My dad was a researcher in immunotherapy, then when the lab closed, an insurance salesman, then later middle management in the national health service. At age 55 and mostly-deaf, he went back to university. Suspect he doesn’t feel there are many games that he can relate to…

Because obviously I’m a kung fu panda IRL too? I dunno. Sometimes people just don’t want to do the escapism fantasy thing :slight_smile:

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26 year old female from UK. Free lance artist and retail worker :ok_hand:


My dad can barely send a phone text so you are lucky :smile::sweat_smile:

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Too all you old gits out there, make sure you tell the young women that an old man can be just as moronic, and idiotic as a teenage boy, or a young adult, before they start day dreaming. Women today… “We like older men”, “Why?” “They’re more mature and treat you right, have more experience” (2 days later) “Cry, cry, cry”

Age is but a number. Remember that old gits.
And no, I never encountered a woman that shut me down becuase of an old man, they shut me down regardless. But I have seen tons of people get shut down, and women writing they want older men, rofl.

@Alewin: Different people like different sorts of games. I guess I was rather heavily affected by the fact that among other literature I “devoured” in my youth, were multiple books by Jorma “Joppe” Karhunen, a WWII fighter pilot, who flew with men such as Ilmari “Illu” Juutilainen and Hans “Hasse” Wind, all three decorated aces and among the very rare men, who bore the Mannerheim cross, the latter two being among the only four men, who received it twice.

Those guys were tough, with a capital T. Often going up insane odds. My father was only a few weeks old, when flight master Urho Heiskala fell not too far away from where I now sit typing this roughly 79 years later, going up alone, to stop one hundred and two Russian bombers. Had he not gone up, I might not be here to write these words…

But, I should get some sleep… ZZZZ. Good night all! :slight_smile:

If you want an interesting take on war fighter pilots, pick up Roald Dahl’s ‘Going Solo’ autobiography.

I won’t spoil it, but there’s one line that really blurs the boundaries of tough, and just accepting your own mortality. You’ll know it if you read it.

(Not that I am in any way belittling the bravery required to get into those planes - I’m saying that they knew the odds and did it anyway!)

Anyone else look to the side and pull a “what’s he on about?” face at an imaginary person after reading this?


37 (In July) Belgian male that ended up living in Sweden because he met this Swedish female (34 now) in WoW about 11 years ago. I liked it so I put a ring on it. :grin:


27 years old Portuguese/French male living in Paris. I work in the luxury business as an analyst and play Wow since vanilla but with long breaks.

38 from the Netherlands, started in 2005 - with many breaks after WotLK, hardly played Cata & MoP at all. Working for a Taiwanese computer company with an ace gaming brand, handling their logistics/operations for the Nordic countries.

No longer in a guild, because most of the guilds I was in for years ceased to exist or became ghost guilds. Just came back this weekend after a 6 month absence. Play both Alliance and Horde.

I feel old.


You might feel old but your not :smiley:


27 y/o male system administrator, Russia.
Playin’ since 2011 on local private WotLK server, on retail from SoO start in 2013.
Hell, almost 6 years ago…

36 year old guy from Hungary :hungary:
Sneaking around in Argent Dawn, causing trouble :3

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43 in a couple of weeks, UK, and repair the things that test your eyes at the Opticians :eyes:

Played since a month after launch but with some long breaks since WOTLK

You mean when you could rewind using pencil? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


19 from Norway, working my way up to a tattoo apprenticeship!


what does that mean :joy:

Im 23 and even I know that relatinship lmao

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