How old are you?

Since we mere mortals don´t have access to that sweet DATA that shows just what kind of age bracket play wow I was curious to create another “how old are you” thread :stuck_out_tongue:

How old are you? Where are you from? and what is your gender?

I´m a 42 year old male from Sweden. But technically my dad is from Africa and mom from Sweden.


30 y old … Male from Bulgaria. Living in Germany-Hamburg :joy:

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16 yrs old perverted male. I’m from earth but live on Azeroth.

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Too old for this shenanigans


Who’s askin’? You Five-O?


21 years old studying electrical engineering

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45 year-old male middle-class IT professional. Basically, I’m Blizzard in human form.

Oh, and I’m English (but voted to stay in the EU^) .

^ “English but voted to stay in the EU” is now the unofficial nationality of those of us who voted Remain. I’m hoping it’ll be added as an option to all those “Nationality” drop-down menus you get on web forms.


Same. I realised in Nov that I am way too old for anything like “hardcore” or raiding or… stuff. Levelling alts I can do, maintaining a character with all raiding consumables… is just too demanding for a ‘mature’ player :frowning:

(Edit; ok fine, I’m 39. I didn’t want to admit it, but it turns out there are a good number of people in the same bracket and beyond :slight_smile: )


Old enough to not want to reply. :joy:


24 year old male born in Poland, living at my parents’ expense in Iceland. I drive a s***** Toyota Yaris 2010 model that I bought from my sister. I’ve got a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering and doing my master’s right now.
Impatiently waiting for Classic.


42, from northern italy. A sort of salesman


25, Netherlands. Currently watching birds as a job. No not those, just regular Aves.


23, from Czech Republic, currently studying chemistry at university


Wait a minute. a/s/l is still a thing?


28, 29 next month. Female, I’m an IT tech for the tax man (no I don’t get a discount).

I haven’t been playing that long. On and off since end of WoD. Taking a small hiatus atm, but I do this with all games I play. It’s good seeing a wide range of ages playing the game.

Depends if you’re good looking :wink:

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Yas ;_; I’m a quarter Scottish, lets hope they leave the UK and stay with the EU. I’d so emigrate. gentle sobbing

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18 From France

1 female so far. Not bad :stuck_out_tongue: