How RDF will save the state of dying servers

This doesn’t make any sense though because the polls were made way before the release of the game so we still didn’t know whether there would be RDF or not so the polls are totally not biased to either side. If you really want to know what the majority of people want you can go and /w people about it or just ask around other places and collect the data you get. I’m talking like that because as I said before most people I’ve interacted with in the LFG/guild/discords etc. were for the RDF. That’s why I made the forum post to begin with. Wouldn’t argue about a thing only 3 people are for and 93 against I’m just not that kind of a person.

Blizz have bunch of data supporting that LFG is not what people want, esp from ppl telling them why they are unsubbing.

Blizzard have always been nitpicking though. They have a bad history of doing so. You would be able to see that if you’ve been playing the game for the past 6 years. I’m not saying that not having RDF for the 1st phase is bad, but they have messed up tons and tons of times you can only see that within the community. We get what we want only when we cry long enough about it and there is nothing we can do about it tbh. Example:

  1. No one wanted boosts but we got them.
  2. No one wanted to free server transfer from a specific realm cuz it would ruin the faction balance (and that happened).
  3. No one wanted store mounts but we got them.

None of the points I mentioned are part of the “classic experience”, are they ?

I’ve been here for all those years and trust me mate, bad decisions are obvious but people are used to them so we rarely complain anymore and that’s really bad for the game.

Yea, classic andies expect wotlk experience when OG wotlk had 10 milion players, and now it has 100-200k. So enjoy playing on dead realms and forming a basic HC dungeon grp for an hour and making raid grp longer than playing it. Not to mention lvling in dungeons is non existant, with my lvl 49 on Golemagg not being able to find a single dungeon group whole day, thus making it a single player game. And finding arena partner is harder than finding time lost proto drake. So yea enjoy your dead game, I’m a dragon now.


If you want easy levelling and RDF, have you thought about playing retail instead?

If you want living world, extreme immersion and slow leveling have you thought of going to Era?


If you want socializing, “hard” levelling and hours worth of looking for people have you considered Era?

Oh, Era is virtually dead and only has 1 of those things?

Gee golly, wonder why that is.


Wrath isn’t about the leveling experience, is it ? You could argue that the only 2 expansions that the leveling experience is worth going for are vanilla and TBC. Wrath though isn’t about that imo. Because when does classic stop being classic ? Most of the people here would say Cataclysm but if we use your logic the classic experience will never end. Because it will just be “classic this, classic that” and a never ending cycle begins. Blizzard saw that “no changes” doesn’t do them any good and that’s why we got changes, so why not get all the QL ones like the RDF ? The only reason they don’t want RDF is because they will get less level boosts and therefore less money out of the whole thing so the arguments against the RDF are ONLY AND ONLY out of some nostalgia about the game that you no longer have. So just let people have their fun now, cry about not having RDF so they add it and go on. That’s what the whole post is about. Correct me if I’m wrong.

I want WOTLK. I have WOTLK.

OP doesn’t want WOTLK, he wants retail in WOTLK skin.

Not sure though, how you think “living world” and “extreme immersion” relate to classic in any way at all - rather it shows you as the charlatan you are. Commenting with no clue about WoW, just throwing a tantrum to get retail features added into WOTLK.

Really, just go to retail.

What the hell, the whole “world being the main character” is anti RDFers whole stick.


That comment makes no sense. All Classic realms are much bigger than a full realm was back in wotlk retail.

Nope you have WotLK Reforged. You have WotLK reimagined within certain parameters. You have WotLK with soon to be implemented Heroic+ esque mechanic that will serve as an emergency catch up tool. WotLK that will mess around with item balance and phases. So nope you don’t have WotLK


Bro you got a Wotlk Chimera Reforged in Vanilla like with no RDF and Retail like with Heroic+
What are you talking about lol

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It makes a lot of sense. ATM you are waiting 30 minutes for bg queue on low levels, even arena you wait in long queue and play against same team over and over again. That is if you even manage to find arena partner on your dead realm. And I already mentioned low level dungeons which are non-existant. I think RDF is actually a lot more social, there is nothing social about single player game we are playing now. And if you manage to find a grp for low lvl dungeon, you do one dungeon and everyone splits, while with RDF you can enjoy playing multiple dungeons with same grp of people and have fun while doing so. Anti-rdf guys are simply deluded and super toxic, I dont need social with these kind of people anyway.


As others mentioned, no you don’t have WOTLK you have the WOTLK “most people” wanted. I can pinpoint a couple of differences and I hope you see why the current version is actually VERY different than the WOTLK back in the day:

  1. The A.I. of the mobs is reworked (that’s from Classic Vanilla, I think) if you’ve tanked a couple of times you might notice that mobs are trying to get behind you in order to “fix” the issue of druids/rogues using backstab/shred specs to level up.
  2. You get the 3.3.5 talent trees, not the busted and untuned talents from back in the day.
  3. LFG tool - basically a RETAIL THING, you heard me right IT EXISTS IN RETAIL WOW not in WOTLK.
    4.Level boosts and other store stuff that were added in Cata/MoP

And that’s just what you get now. You’ll have buffed items in Ulduar and Heroic+ as others mentioned. So yeah you aren’t playing 2008 WOTLK you’re playing the current one so get used to modern stuff , rather than pursuing the so called “I want to play the game as it was back in the day” because it simply won’t happen and that’s a fact.


I’d like to see a citation of stats showing that “most people” wanted 3.3.5 talents, no RDF and Ulduar changes honestly.

If you changed “most people” to “that idiotic council thing Blizzard parades once in a while” I’d agree, but I don’t get why they get to talk for me, I certainly didn’t vote for 'em.


I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. The reason I put “most people” in quotation is exactly for that reason. If you’ve read the comments before I’ve said that Blizzard is always nitpicking the changes they want to make. It’s the same reason I’ve used quotation for

Meaning it hasn’t fixed anything rather it just made positioning mobs harder.

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  • Applying a glyph no longer requires being near a Lexicon of Power. The same rules apply for changing glyphs

Do you see the book flying near the Scrib professions trainer ?
I haven’t see any of this “RPG players” crying about that and saying “omg this is retail we can change our glyph everywhere everytime”

This is just one exemple among a hundred.

So yes, we get everything from 3.3.5 at 99%

@Morghoth: I have to agree with Bodie. It really, really does not. Even taking the most pessimistic values I can come up with from various sources, Gehennas alone has far in excess of 12 000 active horde players. Add horde from Faerlina, Golemagg, Venoxis, Whitemane and Mankrik… Total now exceeds 60 000 minimum. Add Flamegor and Grobbulus… and we are past 80 000. Alliance from Benediction, Firemaw, Everlook, Pagle, Pyrewood Village and Earthshaker, total now exceeds 120 000. Add more data from smaller and less covered realms and we go above 190 000 in confirmed raiders and PvP players. Adjust Jin’do from 50 to 2 000+, which is more realistic than 50 using another source. After that, if you think that smaller EU and US PvE players (excluding Jin’do for which I already adjusted), non-logged raiders, China, Korea and Taiwan amount to less than 8 000 players in total, I have a bridge to sell you in central London, just 100 000 pounds. ;):smiley:

You know there’s an easy check for that. You can simply log on Jin’do during peak hours and use I dunno Census Add-on? Not perfect but does decent job as far as /who can allow.