How small... 🤏

Gnome babies don’t actually exist, they are forged in the deepest, darkest depths of hell the Shadowlands and are then unleashed upon the world.

Curse those Necrolords! :rage:

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According to WoW wiki a female Gnome is 2’7" - 3’1", so 2’9 on average, that’s 0.88m.
The average female human is 1.6m. Therefor an average female human is about 80% taller than a Gnome.
The average human baby is roughly 50cm, so 0.5m.

Assuming Gnomes and Humans have similar biology in regards to child birth, an average Gnome baby should be around 0.24m (24 cm) in height.

If i did my math right anyway, programming Redux and dealing with customers all morning has fried my brain so I don’t care to check my workings. :^)

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I’m sure they’ll be in even more demand than their adult counterparts at the Goldshire inn on MG.

We can even have a song for them when they leave GNOME ICU.

(OK that joke was in bad taste but popplers sure are tasty…)

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You guys are sick.

You would be great people to play cards against humanity with.


Most likely not…

Gnome babies would have to be exceedingly small to pass through the birth canal of a female gnome.
They don’t exactly have “birthing hips”.
And gnome heads are gigantic.

I’d just like to say this was not what I expected when I saw the thread title XD


And what exactly did you think of? :face_with_monocle:


They belch them out. Obviously.
How else would someone give birth?



There are. You can meet two at the starting Zone of the Blood elf’s (Sunstrider isle)

Man the emoji to this thread felt like an innuendo to me. My poor innocent mind truley has been corrupted. :sweat_smile:


What you never had a grilled gnomelette?

Put them on wooden bbq stakes, slap those babies (sic) on the grill, drizzle some olive oil, garlic and some herbs on them.

Put on a bed of white rice with some sriracha sauce dip.

You’ll thank me.

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rare footage of a gnome about to give birth.


“CONGRATULATIONS!!! I assume Amy is the father?”

Best cartoon character ever.

Me neither xD

Can’t wait for the “How BIG is your…” thread ;p

Same :'D I thought it’d be one of those normal ponderings about how the anatomy of a wow race works, ended up laughing more than I should have!

Only if they aren’t marked as essential npc