How Solo Queue could look like

Exactly this.


it seems there are lot of complaints about this being bad idea
and they dont like new stuff and solo q bringing back some fun
p.s their issue? lvl 60s with no gear ruining ratings i think thats not possible

I didn’t know I am good enough to do that, but you flatter me.

in all seriousness, though, I can only imagine the frustration getting queued together with classes you do not synergise with whatsoever would’ve caused. Or if people used to zug-zug melee cleaves in 3s suddenly got thrown into some sort of setup comp and would need to do perfect cross-cc without voice chat if they want even the slightest chance to win against a bunch of button-mashers. You cannot change classes/specs inside the arena lobby in WoW. Right now, in normal 2v2s, I can teach my holy paladin partner to throw down a hammer of justice onto the kill target whenever I breath-sheep the other. They maybe won’t get it the first tim, but a couple games in they’ll start doing that and we’ll have a decent chance at killing people. A hpala-warrior hero I am only put together with for one game will use his hammer onto the healer on cooldown, leave us with no kill pressure and trash-talk me for not doing as much damage as the warriors, only to never be seen again.

But they’ll probably mostly face others who solo qued so it will majority be random crap comp vs random crap comp.
Being forced to always use the best comp, always use voice communication, always have the best tactic to simply play some arena is a bit silly.
Most who wants solo que are not looking to become the best gladiator player of the world and just simply want a more casual and laidback approach to arena and progress at a slower pace but more on their terms.

And me personally at least would rather bruteforce my way through with solo ques than doing the same thing but with the current group finder system.

I don’t like arenas.

I totally loved dueling in front of ironforge, despite paying druid, which was arguably a pretty bad class for pvp in vanilla.

So… Why don’t I like arenas ? I just don’t like being put in the same group as some jerk who’s going to act toxic because he don’t have an easy win.

I’d rather have fun losing 1000 times (in a fair way… Not in the oneshoting fest that PvP is) than winning with a jerk on my team.

So, I just don’t play in arenas, because the likelihood of being grouped with some stressed dude who’s going to be a pain in the a… is pretty high, in my opinion.

Solo queue would not solve that.
That said, I’d love 1v1 queues… But not in the current state of the game. Too much oneshoting fest and CC around in PvP. No skill involved, imo.

Just network to have 100 players with similar mindset and goals to you willing to play every night 4Head

To me the main people that are against the concept of solo queue are people who are already networked and have been playing for up to a decade.

Yes i get it, you have been playing arena seriously since MoP and have over 200 people on your friendslist who get 2400 every season, LFG isn’t a problem to you, but to 99.99% of the playerbase LFG is just pure pain.


Indeed. Rather whine at Blizzard to invest resources into creating a system to hold people’s hand instead of…


Talk with somebody!

There I said it. Imagine the horror I have suggested. Talking with somebody and getting a group/team going. Talking to someone in a MMO game. The horror…the horror…the horroooooor :fearful:

Go ahead, try to ‘‘talk’’ to someone in LFG, you can go on a 10 game win streak and have the time of your life, you make 1 mistake and overlap cooldowns and the person you just went on a spree with calls you every name under the sun and disbands the group faster than light speed.

honestly for alot of us would be a good win streak
if you can manage more than 1/2 or 3 wins

Never said it was easy and not everyone is going to become your friend either. Have a nice list of bnet contacts and friends which I try to do stuff with. All started in a pug group as random internet Joes. I may have made 5 contacts…doesn’t mean I didn’t get 10 peps telling me to go…you get the point.

Getting something like mage-mm-mw where more or less all your cc shares dr on setup-oriented specs against dh-warrior-hpriest is still a matchup heavily in favour of the latter because they can just win with pressure. Note how both the comps I picked are off-meta. Even between those you see a clear difference.

Which is the primary reason i don’t play arena, i feel like i have to play in competitive level with perfection even on 1400, because guess what, everyone plays ideal and perfect comps and if you don’t play a perfect good comp and play flawlessly you don’t win, which i don’t think it should be that way in lower ranks, doesn’t help i have to play against gladiators and boosters on that rank which is a really nice demonstration of how good our glorious elitist matchmaking is.


SoloQ is chaotic and unoptimal (i made that word) in any game that has it, even League’s challenger is a complete fiesta most of the time, but i’m pretty sure i would have more fun even playing a heavy setup based spec like WW in a soloQ with terrible comps than i do with the current matchmaking system, were i stand more time waiting and looking for decent partner than i do playing, and when i do get to play, i have to face off against meta comps 90% of the time even on low rankings, which force me to wait even more in the finder for an optimal comp aswell, otherwise it’s no game.

I rather play bad x bad than meta x meta if that makes it easy to understand, or even better, i rather play than scroll through the group finder.


Cant wait for people to get my blood dk as tank and then cry on the forums

Competing in a complete chaotic random scenario is the real way to show your skills imho.

I love blood dks. They yoink good hp

Most pugs dont :frowning:

I don’t get your point.
So one team wins and the other one lose.
That’s arena.
There’s always at least one comp thats good against whatever comp you’re playing and you will lose.
It happens now, it happens at 1100 rating it happens at 2200 rating.

Solo que doesn’t change any of that.
Given, that with random spec comps you will have a greater number of counter comps to whatever comp the matchmaking system put you in.
But you will also face a large number of random generated comps so it evens out.
Low to mid ratings with solo que will be completely filled with just random comps facing random comps.
So you might not have as steady win climb as if you’ve picket the best setup possible in the current meta but the odds of just facing random comps with no cordination is so high since there would be so many solo qued that you’d still progress as long as you have some idea of skills.
It’s like random bg. Both teams are just random mixes of specs, classes and skill with no cordination and the ones with the best skills win or the one with the best counter setup, healers vs no healer.

In a solo que arena bracket you’d have less controll over your chance to win but you can still progress playing on your terms.
Which is something you really cannot do now.

A solo que system is not something that takes anything away from how arena or rbg is now.
You would still be able to play and progress exactly as you do now. And no one would force you to use a solo que system and you’d progress much faster and easier playing arena/rbg normally.
A solo que system is just for those that don’t mind it taking a bit longer to progress in rated pvp due to randomness such a system would have but rather have it take longer at the benefit of not having to use the current group system which is preventing a lot of players from progressing in pvp at all.

Its the thing. SoloQ is not pugs , entirely random teams , and if it happens they should give nothing to the losing side so no leechers.

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I don’t support more solo stuff. It’s solo friendly as it is unless you’re into high end content.

Let’s not encourage this single player mentality into an MMO. WoW is the only game of its kind that remains successful after all these years.

Be social and friendly and many good things will happen to you. Yes, some people are bad but I also met a ton of wonderful folks in this game. One of them is the father of my kids.