How Solo Queue could look like

If it will be Separate queues for 2s 3s and separate rating from premades, start its just as a fun addition without rewards to test the mmr and popularity and impact on arena participation.

They should just implement 1v1 arenas at this point.

Pshero will be n1 there i think.
And other sub rogues too, some specs are much much stonger than others in 1 vs 1

If it do increase queue time for actual bracket it only means people enjoy idea.
Which means you who dont like solo queue idea are minority.
Imagine if they do whole game based on minority.

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Any swap to Solo will increase the normal Queue, doesn’t have to be a minority there…

Imo its just can’t work. It would be filled with bm hunters, fury warriors and other non meta weak classes. Noone will use it just the really bad ones and they will constantly get stomped by the premades to the point where they will ask for a separate solo que arena rating.

Entire point of Soloq Is a separate bracket from premade. They wouldn’t share the same bracket lol

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Like this I might actually do arenas. Being a fury warrior with 0 ranking, I joined up with a partner for 2v2 and my ratio is 4 wins vs 13 losses. 9/10 matches I got nuked within a few globals by stupid combos. The only way I ever get to practice this, is by joining friends, sadly they all have a higher MMR so I basically have no way to practice.

I’m lucky to have a guild for my warrior with rbgs, and I managed to get into an alt scrub club fun run (with my main sadface.jpg), and I’m enjoying a lot. Took me only playing actively since 8.1 to get an rbg win on my account.

Then whats the point? It will be an rng slot machine. Will you get the fury warrior or the enemy? Will you get the a paladin or you will get a mistweaver? It will be a rock paper scissor game with minimal skill ceiling.

did u even watch the video?

  1. all brackets would have seperate mmr
  2. if you constantly fail, you won’t climb, soloqueue is not a free rating for everyone
  3. everyone has 50% of rolling a good setup (either you get it, or you don’t), or bad one
  4. mistweavers, fury wars, outlaw rogues, unholy dks, everyone can try to climb, this system doesn’t favour metaclass stacking, it’s random

So you don’t see the problem with it? it would be the same like now the bad classes would struggle low and good classes will go high and gatekeep the non meta classes and keep them mid-low. On high it will become a rock paper scissor and wouldn’t require much skill just luck to get a good comp against a bad one. I don’t need to watch the video to see the problem.

now those classes aren’t playing since nobody wants to play with them, everyone favours meta and those people are declined

With soloque they would at least play the game

Wow is not LOL and soloQ is just bad idea :smiley: yes it sounds like a cool thing to just log by yourself whenever you want but if you play LOL soloQ you know that wow will be 1500000x more toxic

Even the skirmish would offer more than that. Rating will just pool the op classes mid to high and that will gatekeep the non meta classes to go near that. Solo q would offer the same progression for these players just like a skirmish match.
The game need normal balancing not stupid solo q and other things because that will not solve the root of the problems.

I think i’ll stop here, I’m sorry but you aren’t aware of basic principles in the game.
Skirmish doesn’t offer gear upgrading because of non-rating games and conquest points can be obtained once a day in skirmish.
In soloqueue you would achieve rating, gear upgrade landmarks and conquest points.

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You obviously can’t understand what am I saying if you think Im not aware of that. Anyway have a good day.

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