you can go to almost maxed skinning knowledge in few hour now. just after you get the weekly quest for skinning after that do a relog so the system can activate knowledge points again for you. after getting weekly ones you should be able to get 100+ of these with the way i said.
buy few skinning tools from AH
try to buy deftness and finnese stats
remember just dont get bait knowledeg skills just the other 2 windows.
. .
oh i see
delves take like 6-10 mins.
u get like 3 things so e.g. 3 tinderboxes.
tinderbox is 1800-2500 gold per piece
just boost and make 100k an hour
No they do not take only 6 to 10 mins.Most people can’t speedrun them as some of you do.
You rarely get 3 profaned tinkerboxes for a delve.Maybe like once in 100 delves or something.
I tried that sanctum farm before the nerf…did not work,not even then.
I just did 2x2 delves for the weekly quest (tier 8 for the bountiful) and got a total of 2 Profaned Tinderboxes from them, which currently sell for 1800 gold each. It went fairly quickly, taking about 10 minutes per delve, but that’s still less than 4k gold in over 40 minutes. I wouldn’t call this a reasonable farming method.
On my way to the delve, I stumbled upon a group farming a hyperspawn. I tagged their mobs for 2–3 minutes and got a few hundred gold, so this is basically the ideal farm for bots and the only reasonable source of steady gold (but you need a group).
I did not say it never happens, it does,but once in a blue moon so it is not a gold making farm for sure.
call me old fashioned (I am) I would like to see gear sellable on the auction house again.
But that means Acuity and Sparks would be not soulbound (and can be sold on AH). Result would be that the (purple and some blue) gear prices will be the sum of the reagents cost → no profit for crafters.
I believe the price would be so high that wouldn’t be a problem at all.
I combine bloodstones, undercoin, augmented runes (bonus dungeon runs that rewards 900+gold with runes) and scraps from my profession, very consistent gold production.
4k gold in 40 minutes sounds reasonable if all you’ve got is gathering and doing content.
We’re no longer in the era where we have a mission table that prints you 10k-20k gold a day.
Though if you have more gold to spend you’re probably better off playing the AH
Me too but unfortionately that’s about the only thing that justifies the patron order system existing so likely not until we get a re-remake of the professions.
Theoretically, 4k is a decent amount, but it depends on what you’re comparing it to. Changing transmog costs 1k, a flask for an hour is a few hundred gold, and even repair costs after a dungeon or raid are at least a few hundred gold.
WoW has developed a clear divide: players who farmed a lot of gold in the past (or buy gold for $) can play around with flipping the AH, enchanting non-BiS items, or trivial things like augment runes, and then there are those who grind for hours on pointless content just to afford raid repairs or craft an item (like plate gear).
Back in Legion, for example, when everyone could go farm old raids on their own, the game felt much more enjoyable, at least in my opinion.
it happens more often than not. I do like 10 delves a week and i keep adding tinderboxes to my warbank for crafting.
dont forget undercoin - then you buy the box. Sure its not a “valid farming method” but its passive income while you upgrade your character.
Also dont forget to do weeklies from dornogal - the chest contains 1,6k to 3,2k gold per char.
If you just keep doing a little bit here and there between your “Content” you shouldn’t be “broke”.
And mate - trust me I know what I’m talking about, ok? You can check my rio, achievements, history and just extrapolate I’m exped enough to give you this advice and I have no reason to mislead you or lie.
People just want to hit the jackpot and get 1 million insta in 5 minutes but the game gives you passive gold as long as you… dont throw everything away and ignore stuff.
For example - every seasonal event you can buy pets and certain items to sell on AH, that includes mounts. Even anniversary had a way to get gold from doing events. You could sell hatesparks the tiny or e.g. deviate fish. Classic crafting materials, due to certain achieves fetch good gold so if you kept doing TW during anniversary and sold stuff on AH instead of vendoring you still would get some extra gold.
“Always Be Looking For Gold” - and you dont have to sit on AH to do so. But minimum optimizing goes a long way.
Now - start slowly doing your own professions - its not expensive or hard and soon you will find you can do all your raid/M+ consumables for cheap price. r1/r2 mats and some concentration and you have “Free” r3 items.
Like, be reasonable and stop slacking
Your advice would even be good if you hadn’t added that comment about your experience, which is probably still much smaller than mine. You need to work on your ego a bit
I was asking from the perspective of someone who skipped an expansion, not someone who has been playing WoW for a week. Back in MoP, farming various things solo, you could make 130k gold in a day or two on an expedition yak, while still raiding Mythic at the same time.
Right now, I’m struggling to break even with repair costs, which I find problematic. I don’t expect to hit a million gold in 5 minutes, but I also don’t want to have to deliberately farm gold just to cover repairs. I was asking if the methods have changed—back then, you could do a loop of a few old raids or 20-30 daily quests when the gold from quests was much higher, and even the cost of repairs or flasks was significantly lower.
Good advice includes 2x4 farming (I tried it, and it does bring in gold), skinning, or weekly delves/quests.
oh malp i forgot to tell you about cloth 2x4 farming too.
its easier if you wanted to try it and it should gives you 20k to 25k per hour.
btw, if you also didn’t neglect professions, at minimal cost you’d be getting work orders that reward Crystllized Augment Runes that sell for 1,4-1,8k gold and 90% of those orders are way cheaper to make. So it’s pretty much also passive random gold for you.
Or you can use them if you go for logs and “save” gold
There are wq that literally give you x 4 what you need for repairs everyday.
Do those, lvl your proffs to max across the board sell recrafts when your lvled enough to do so.
Running dungs non mythic yeilds gold also unless theyre tw ofc. Have more than on chara to farm your mats on.
Research the how and why and which proff will yeild the most gold.
Look at guides to effective spec each proff you have and how it"ll affect your gameplay, bs for eg has a few skills to take so you increse the stats on a crafted item, thats gnna yeild bounuses that you can charge ppl for, every proff has them just take a few hrs to see what and how yh ?
The normal quests yeild gold also.
Consider instead of maxxing a chara out to 80 locking its xp at 68 and going through xpacs fully so you can fatm gold that way its also fun and full of rich lore nodoubt you will not know some of it.
I cannot stress enough how important your game is, we all play diff but i suggest you try the xp lockout method after 70 the quests gold is nerfed in the old expansions.
Most importantly enjoy your game ok, its not a race its a marathon thats what the proffs are based off of.
The days of maxing a proff in a few hrs are long gone i for one am so glad for it.
You buy Token for Enchants and other buffs. That is by the desing. Crafting is made for people who don’t get it. Crafting used to be profitable for players. Now its been made profitable for Blizzard.
You idiots.
This reset i havent found any gold WQ yet though. I think i find on average like 3 per week for about 800 gold. Am i missing something?