How to fix faction Imbalance? Suggestion thread

It depends on the person actually, when I port to Uldum I fire people up via general chat with messages “Leave none alive, slaughter them zugzugs” and on objectives if Alliance near me is not attacking the Horde I attack and they generally follow when there is someone starting the fire.

I never get close to those rares unless I have a party :smiley: Vale is a horde place and it is good to avoid Vale rares.

Call to arms is ridicilous and harmful for PvP, it encourages low quality PvP. I have a topic currently going on, suggesting disabling kill counts in party for CtA quests. World PvP is fun when it is random, it is not fun when there is a group hunting single players with 5 people. So that people will have more 2v1 and 3v1 opportunities in which they can kill at least 1 player out of 2-3 instead of getting slaughtered without any chance of survival by 5 people.

It is the only option for now, that is what I’m saying, if Blizzard didn’t screw up faction balance by releasing disgusting races for Alliance it could’ve been a success rather than functioning as a permanent band aid.

U think horde has only OP racials or what? Just like there are better/OP on one side, there are same on other.

I think I’m just going to leave this as we disagree on most things.

Actually we don’t disagree on most things if you read carefully.

We agree on CtA is a failure, I’m not telling you Alliance is in a good situation and there are places in which we are unable to kill even a rare. Just telling you that WM is not perfect, it could’ve been better without Blizzard screw ups related to Allied races.

Fair enough but I actually don’t think this is an Allied race issue.

I think they screwed up shards early on which made the Alliance feel outnumbered and then it had a snowball effect of less and less people using it.

The bonus has hardly ever made a dent :frowning:

Will be interesting to see how it’ll go in the first weeks of Shadowlands when that extra bonus from warmode will be a substantial advantage for Alliance players.

And Allied races hasn’t had any impact on the imbalance. It bears repeating.

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Not completely but I think they had a negative impact on balance.

Since I skipped prepatch and until BoD raid I don’t know exactly how it was, but I remember reading Alliance complaints of r/WoW :smile_cat:

Believe me if it weren’t for the bonus you would find noone to fight

U think ppl will switch factions with equal racials?

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We will see what fair skinned blue eyed Velfs do.

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Collapse the population of the other Alliance races that can be same classes. Nothing else.

Fun game to have a team of 7 Belfs going up against 7 Velfs in a WSG. Excellent diversity. Much representation. :+1:

Said the female belf ex alliance player. :clap:t4: :clown_face:

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True. My hypocrisy does not elude me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Let me tell my prediction, nothing. It might boost RolePlay population of Alliance and bring a few normal players. Besides Blood Elves will have the same options perhaps we’ll see a backlash :smiley:

I’m still waiting for saxe blue eyes for Void Elves instead of old fashion blue eyes, it will be a good equivalent to Golden Blood Elf eyes.

Another nerf to arcane torrent might do the trick

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Because it’s so useful outside that one pull in Tol Dagor.


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1)freehold heals
2)underot undying buff
3)ataldazar boss priest
5)mass dispel in av
6)any raid boss/situation for power /mana.

I think it is about time horde fight horde and it could a balanced war mode between them.

Let alliance cheer. The more they cheer the more rewards they get and if they cheered the winning team they will get more. Like 2 gold for every win.

1 - Interrupt it
2 - Interrupt it
3 - Literally irrelevant on every key
4 - Won’t comment since I don’t do Arena but I’m fairly sure other racials are stronger than Torrent in that environment.
5 - Has no bearing on the outcome of AV games.
6 - The power gain is the main use for me but I don’t think that is the main complaint that I see on these forums. It also used to be substantially stronger than what it is these days.

Just in case anyone is interested: A faction imbalance topic made it to the wat— to the top of /wow.

My apologies for the tinfoil hat here now but because of the nature of /wow I personally believe that this posting is staged by Blizzard themselves to fire up the people for a possible cross-faction announcement next weekend. There is a chance that this might happen but don’t count on it. I just have a hunch.

I cant see them doing it before they’ve exhausted every other possible option they can think of. It’s so deeply ingrained in the system and so fundamental to what WoW has always been.