How to nerf MM Hunter without completly destroying this Spec

For the first time in 2 Expansions MM Hunter is finally good. I really dont want to switch to Survival for a another expansion to do well in Arena. Currently MM Hunter is broken, im not denying that. No Class/Spec should be able to One-Shot in a opener so i propose a Solution to this without gutting our Spec.

The first thing that makes MM Hunter broken is Stealth. Being able to use Double Tap and Aimed Shot while staying in Stealth makes it impossible for people to react. The moment you cast Aimed Shot from Stealth you should immediatly lose Stealth.

The second problem is the One-Shot Cheese potential. A lot of people who dont play MM assume that Double Tap makes MM Hunter so broken, but its not true. The Talent that let us do so much Damage in the Opener is:

[Careful Aim]
Aimed Shot deals 50% bonus Damage to targets who are above 70% Health.

This Talent makes our Damage broken. Using Double Tap Aimed Shot with this Talent is equivalent of shooting 3 Aimed Shots. I myself find this a boring Talent and Blizzard should just remove it or reduce the Effectiveness of this Talent in PvP. MM Hunter has a alternative than Careful Aim and that is Explosive Shot. It reduces our burst potential, but increases our overall sustained Damage.


You mean that and binding shot that needs either a damage breaker or severely reduced mobility time. It should not be allowing an unavoidable and unstoppable casting of multiple aimed shots before running out. Especially as you can’t exactly dodge it like ring of frost with an activation timer.

Double tap defo needs to only do a reduced damage on second hit as well.

Aimed shot doesn’t need destroying I agree but modifiers for it are a little too insane.

I’d suggest above only for pvp though I might add.

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They should be nerfed to the ground right after they have dealt with rogues.

Either remove all there stuns or stealth.

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What Stuns do we have ?

Was talking about Rogue stuns.

Hunters aren’t too bad atm.

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idk they will be destroyed this is disgusting class same with rogues

Sub Rogue/MM are not the only broken Specs.

Shadow, Ret, Fire Mage, Feral, Balance, Destro, Windwalker, Arms, Ele all of these Specs are broken. And if someone tells me they are not broken, then its obviously your Spec. :slight_smile:

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Mm hunter is clunky damage bot.Its designed like that.No sustain.If you do something with double tap or nerf aimed shot it will be unplayable.Needs to be redesigned.And yea 60 % of specs can do same damage.We just do it from far away :slight_smile: i would just fix camo opener somehow.Playing wow for ages and never complained about other classes damage.Looking at all this kids my eyes are bleeding :slight_smile: Hope corona gets em.


yes thay are but no to the point hunt and rogue are

So you think binding shot (unavoidable) followed by being able to unload a full arsenal of damage without impunity, unable to be stopped avoided or countered is fine?
Remember you can’t silence aimed shot so only interrupt is a ranged stun or LOS.

Yeah no its not fine.

Aimed shot shouldn’t be nerfed in damage on its own i agree. but modifiers that allow uninteruptable gameplay and double shot for literally no extra skill is madness.

Double tap should be unable to crit or have 50% damage reduction for sure.

The issue for hunter isn’t damage so much as how its delivered.

Rogues have always been broken.

Its about time they removed stealth from them.

A flat out 70% dmg nerf on the ability would be a start.

really no kidding if hunters can 1shot you from stealth meaning 70% dmg nerf still could take 30% of your life away. so still powerfull. in general they must nerf all dmg from almost all classes(some builds are useless with dmg) like minimum 50%. and also nerf for like 70% all hybrid healing like protpalas retri palas ench shamans and feral druids.

Where’s my ability to double cast Chaos Bolts with one cast? Kappa

I would reduce the Double Tap talent by 30-50% removing it from Aimed shot altogether wudnt be very fun.

Aside from that HP is going up faster than Hunter damage. Maybe stop aimed shot being castable from camo.

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