How to prepare for TBC?

As the most know by now anniversary realms are basically the waiting room for TBC.

What are your thoughts about preparing for it besides getting to lvl 60 and gold/prof farm?

Currently? Just having fun ingame. Yes I know, “Fun” is so overrated… :dracthyr_tea:


Farm 10000 gold/character you plan to play.

BWL not even out and some people will start to min max for TBC.

I just got a couple gray hairs after writing that.


Aye. The big question, if they already see classic as over when it´s not even fully released yet, is why even prepare vor TBC, after all it´s “only” a year away…? That’s just halfarsing it and wasting time, they need to be preparing for Wrath and the closing of the servers :joy:

Maybe start to draft up their 10k word complaint threads about how classic anniversary was way WAY too short, superrushed to the point of not being able to enjoy it, not in any way engaging to begin with, full of nothing but rushers and minmaxers, yaddayadda… and save them as drafts so that they only have to click “post” in 3 years :rofl:


You can prepare by enjoying the “now” and worry about “then” when “then” comes.


Has it occured to you two love birds, that some people (myself included) may genuinely prefer TBC to Vanilla and think it subjectively a better game in every (or most) ways?

Yeah I don’t mind passing the time doing raids and farming Winterspring cat, but it really is just a TBC waiting room.

You have your Era always up, but there is no TBC. It’s coming in a year, probably for a year, and then there’s no TBC again. No wonder we sit here waiting for it, passing time in an inferior version.

As for OP, there isn’t really much to do unless you have some completionist tendencies, in which case you already know what you want to complete anyway. Gear doesn’t matter at all, you replace even T3 BiS well before max level, usually with lvl 65+ blues. You can save some gold, but why? It inflates somewhat in TBC anyway, plus you get dailies for easy and stable income. So just hit 60 and relax, the real game is coming in a year.


Aside from your continued idiotic jabs, your and other´s preference for TBC changes the communitcated release schedule how exactly?

If you´re only there for fresh TBC, you can just as well start leveling in December and still be more than prepared, because all of your cherished purple pixels will be gone by level 61-62 at the latest and replaced with questing greens.

But sure, it makes more sense to start whining and /or “preparing” a year in advance :rofl:

And I actually agree that TBC is the superior game, as it´s when Blizzard started to understand their own game mechanics and adjust classes and gearing accordingle (protpally being a good example)… But with today´s community, esp. thanks to players like yourself, there’s no way in hell I would subject myself to playing it and tarnish the wonderful memories I have of that time. :beers:


I really don’t understand what you are trying to say, and I read your post twice. I raidlog a 6/10 videogame now that I somewhat enjoy while waiting for it to turn into a 9.5/10 blast in a year.


Very good, scutter away to your Era then. Bye.

Where do you see any whining? This is a thread for discussing what one should do in preparation for TBC, you barge in with your unwanted classic andy trolling and completely derail the thread. Era community for you.


Well, first and most importantly you should


Like seriously just chill have fun and so stuff.

If you really want to prepare then consider what you want from TBC

Drums, leatherwork and skinning are your current goals. Get them maxed and maybe hold some top level mats for a slight headstart, can’t remember exactly what recipe options exist which would push you 5-10 over 300.

Take that approach for which lever profession.

JC, get a bank alt and bank up enough stone, ore and gems as you need (or can) so your good to go.

Prepare your alts, get them to 60 and maybe parked in blasted lands.

But seriously, it’s a little early for all that. Just play and enjoy.

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I just hit 60 yesterday and was super happy and proud on this little guy and figured out that I have just started my adventure and there’s a lot of fun things I can do and some people already preparing for TBC, even though phase 2 just came out few weeks ago.

Classic is not a race, it’s a marathon, enjoy the ride, take your time to explore, make some friends, find guild where you will enjoy. Do some dungeons, raids, put some efforts in professions, go fish in the cozy places, do PvP in BGs and the open world. Bond yourself with characters, do RP, make lore about it. Send mystery meat to random players and let them ask what is it.

A lot of stuff to do before the preparation… :slight_smile:

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Runic leather headband and pants will take you to 320 and 330 respectively for a couple gold a pop in mats.

I genuinely appreciate being called a love bird.

And yes, I fully understand you prefer TBC. In fact, I do hope you guys build momentum and get us all a TBC Era server. Now that would be something.


Go into hibernation.

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Get two/three alchemists maxed ready for primal
Might multi transmutes

1 engineer for mote farming

Gather mats for insta 300 JC

But sll this can wait until end of this year; for now slowly working my way through classic world.

That is why I’ve reserved the name I wanted but won’t start playing on these servers before summer earliest.

And if we know by then, that there will be no TBC Era, I won’t even bother and delete that char right away.


With each subsequent Classic I felt I didn’t actually enjoy the previous. Too many characters in my case, not the point. So best to just enjoy the game for what it is.

BC quests start giving gold and nice gear, BC loot is of much higher value. Combined with my fear of level 50-60 Classic zones being hopelessly farmed, I simply couldn’t care less.

Of course, it helps if you level all skills to 300, so that you can gather and craft properly on day 1. Including cooking and fishing daily, as well as free gold from bandages.

It also helps if you don’t feel the need to return to pre-BC but can focus properly on new content. I plan to have a filler character (draenei shaman), but that’s it.

Me thinks it’s how to win the race to 70 and raids and…
Either because the race is fun, or because the Firsts likely gain advantage on the AH and else.

Beside the oddball “I didn’t fully enjoy BC, how do you do it”.

To each his own I’d say. I only returned to classic vanilla because TBC will come again and I personally want to go into it with a very prepared char. This means naxx gear, proffs at 300 and gold for flying.

That doesn’t mean I’m not having fun now, but I’ll have way more fun in TBC.


You dont replace t3 before you are doing the raids… tbc was not like the modern expansions

Depends on a class I guess, for a mage, you replace everything from T3 BiS but wand before even hitting heroic dungeons. Individual pieces get replaced as early as auchindoun normal dungeons.
Actually you keep T6 in Wrath longer, at least parts of it like T6 shoulders are in fact only replaced in hc T7 raids.