How will be battlegrounds in pve servers?

Hi i am tired about be ganking in pvp server so i want to play in a pve server as a alliance, but i was asking myself how will be battleground in the future due to the fact that in the server i want to play (pyrewood) server is 60-40% (alliance/horde) it will be long queues by alliance or it won’t be so long? maybe crossrealm with others realms (pve or pvp realms…)

thanks and sorry for my english

Battlegrounds will probably be server-type-specific. PvE vs PvE, PvP vs PvP, etc. Though RP will probably be merged in the same battlegroup as PvE or PvP, respectively, given how few of those there are, I dunno.

that is a good analysis

Since cross realm bgs is already confirmed I would also for the sake of shorter queues hope that battlegroups would contain both types since PvE server are usually ally dominated.

They were all merged together in vanilla, you had pvp with PvE servers

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it is confirmed? thank you

so essentially it’s going to be all servers vs all servers instead of pve realms vs pve realms or pvp realms vs pvp realms right?

I hope they’re going to do that, since I’m rerolling on a pve server, alliance side right now.

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That would be not only a deviation from Vanilla, but it would also be unfair towards PvE players - who didn’t have as many opportunities to farm honor as PvP players during phase 2.

That’s completely false, servers where grouped in Battlegroups of 3-4 servers from the same category (PvE or PvP) and you could only meet people from those servers. Those Battlegroups even had their own names.

Stop making stuff up.

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I remember having both PvP and PvE servers in TBC prepatch

Back in the day you had dozens of servers to connect so they had battlegroups for it.
These days are is a very small numer of servers so it woulnd’t surpsie me if they just connected them all together for best queue times.

I honestly doubt they’ll connect 3 PvE servers into one group and 18 PvP servers into another.
3 servers per group is also way too small so i’d expect them to be mixed up.

Yep I found old archives containing 1.12 battle groups and mixed servers were indeed a thing

Cross-Realm Battlegroups

Tentative for patch 1.12

Battlegroup 1

Bonechewer PvP
Demon Star PvP
Dragonmaw PvP
Eldre’Thalas Normal
Firetree PvP
Frostmourne PvP
Gurubashi PvP
Nathrezim PvP
Scarlet Crusade RP
Shadow Council RP
Shadowsong Normal
Silvermoon Normal
Skywall Normal
Smolderthorn PvP
Spirestone PvP
Terenas Normal
Windrunner Normal

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Yeah my bad about it. However, back then Battlegroups were balanced around a somewhat even number of PvE and PvP servers. It would be grossly unbalanced to have 3 PvE and 18 PvP servers in the same group. It would especially suck for Horde PvE players, who now not only are the less populated faction but also have to confront longer queues because of the PvP server crowd. Whereas it would change next to nothing for PvP players.

I doubt they will separate those realms simply it will mean longer queue times for everyone, especially Horde on PvP servers

Because of the faction inbalance on PvP servers and the fact that nearly every PvP realm is horde dominated you’ll still have higher queue times regardless of how they balance out the battlegroups. There is just way too many hordies than Alliance. Im personally happy about it :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah but as I said this would give a huge advantage to Alliance on PvE servers who will have both the larger pop for raids/dungeons AND faster BG queue times.

I guarantee that Alliance queue times will be instant 90% of the time, people on PvE servers will mostly do BG’s to get faction reputation rewards and some casual bg’s for fun, there will be a lot more Horde players grinding bg’s for hours every day

Yeah, I guess we’ll be so thankful to PvP servers for screwing us up even if we didn’t roll on them. I guess that’ll be another reason to hope for TBC instead of this mess.

Just like Horde has a huge advantage on every pvp server right now

Yeah but Horde will at least get slower queues on BGs so it balances out.

Alliance on PvE servers will have the best of both worlds.