Hp/mana bar on my character?

I sick and tired of dying cause i didnt check my health bar… Is there any addon to make it appear on my character model, like happen on retail?

There’s a lot of HUD addons you can use.

I don’t know how it works on retail (can’t remember), but you can check out this one, it should keep you “aware”:


Try EnergyWatch it shows mana and energy normally with an option to show health as well, the one thing is doesn’t seem to cover is rage for warriors and druids (or maybe i just haven’t found the switch). You can size the bars to however big you want them and place them where ever you like on the screen. The only issue I have is that the mana/energy bar and the health bar are linked so you cant separate them

ArcHud is a good one, displays your hp one side and mana the other each side of your toon


So, no way to have the exactly same bars as retail have?

I had made a mod for it, but currently only supports the 50400 client. Eventually I will port it to classic.

It looked like this, supporting all resources: https://imgur.com/a/AU0orX1

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Yes man pls! This is the best!

Unlock your focus and move where you want it.

This mod is kinda complicated if you wanna edit anything, but not that hard to install

weak auras dosen’t do anything on its own, you need to create scripts or download them, after having installed weakauras
here you can download a script that show your Health and Mana
remove the dot between //wago and
C–yOGW3Z part should be ------- 2 - instead of 1 for some reason blizzard forums edits 2 minus to something else, so delete the one and replace it with 2 new -

to install it press the COPY classic weak aura import string,
Then ingame you click the weakauras on the minimap that opens up the menu for weakauras, press at the top New in the weakauras menu, which gets you more menus
Progress Texture
Dynamic Group
and onwards just click the Import and press ctrl + v to copy the weakauras script, now it should work.

while its abit complicated, the good thing is you can customize it alot theres also many helpful scripts for weak auras, like
that show all debuffs over mobs heads, with CCs and little icons counting down,
for debuffnameplates script to work thought you need to go into interface options, under Names and press on Unit Nameplates / Enemy Units

also theres not 3 dots … but only 1 to get the correct homepage
heres another health and mana bar

You can unlock your/enemy frames and reposition them to better place (i have them next to character model so i can easily track both).

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Nice info, but how can this post answer my question?

I have trouble getting the link the work https://.wago.io/C–yOGW3Z
but theres a screenshot of what the health and mana bar looks like, kinda similar to Ffs post and thought thats what you looking for

between the //.wago just remove the dot . seems that finally work

I removed the dot, but it says < 404 No results found >.

What I do is use the standard UI and drag my HP bar nameplate icon thingamajig to the left side of my character and then lock it, and do the target on the right side symmetrically.

That way it’s always in sight etc.

Based and redpilled

But you also drag you icon? I want only hp/mana bar, nothing else.

And by the way? How you managed to post twice in a row?

You can post twice in a row by posting once and then posting again.


well this is the string code you get from the link, im not sure whats wrong with the link
edit: well finally figured it out apparently blizzard forums edits the - when theirs 2 next to each other to another symbol
so remove the dot //.wago and remove the - between C–yOGW3Z and replace it with 2 new -


It doesn’t let me post again, after i have posted once… It says i have to wait for another member to answer first. Maybe because i am the owner of the thread?

Still, the same error!

What I usually do is edit my existing post in those cases where I have had no replies, I hope this helps.