Human Heritage Questline

As the title suggests, what do you think what kind of storyline of the human heritage armour acquisition will take us?

Plus, what do you think how the armour itself will look like?

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I am sure Humans and Orcs are last in line of getting their heritage armor. Next up would be Draenei and Trolls I am sure of it.


My guess it will be something like some Lordaeron/Stormwind armor. Quests can be about war with orcs, as it’s the first and main reason why Alliance was created.


There’s a lot of possibilities we can go with. I’ll list some that come to my mind.

  1. HD Grand Marshal Armor - pretty self explainatory, still one of the best sets this game has even seen and it just screams WarCraft human, with Gryphon shoulders/Lion badges
  2. Anduin Lothar’s Armor - THE human looking armor of THE human character, that explains enough
  3. Varian’s Armor - looks sort of similar to Grand Marshal but in black. He isn’t likely to use it anymore so giving it to players won’t hurt anything or anyone. The Gryphon/Lion shoulder combo look especially cool
  4. Anduin’s Armor from BfA - I think it looks cool, especially the helmet, but I doubt it’ll be this one because I think we won’t get an armor associated with still living, important npc
  5. Arthas’s Armor from WC3 - if they want to go back to the strategy games this is probably the only thing they can do, it has lions and Lordaeron L on it so it’s as human as you can get
  6. Stromgarde themed “barbarian” armor - that’s if they want to go “original”. I think this one is probably the least likely of them all, just because it would be red. Not sure how this one would look like in-game, but I suppose it would use animal skins and some mean looking plate
  7. Footman set galore - we already have several of them, but if they did it right with nice ornaments I think it could still work. If they go this route, I think it should have several recolors like Mag’har heritage armor, blue representing Stormwind, white Lordaeron and red Stromgarde. Could even feature purple/orange/black/green for Dalaran, Alterac, Gilneas and Kul Tiras if they want to go full in.

I can see the quest-line going several ways too. It could deal with either the history of Stormwind (think the first war) or it’s future (reforming some order like Brotherhood of the Horse or Conjurers of Stormwind), or it can show us Anduin Lothar and the story of his life. It can also just as easily be about Sons of Lothar and the second war, maybe even featuring the Draenor expedition. If they want W3 call-back, it can be about Arthas’s journey. If the focus is the origin of humanity, maybe it can all be about Stromgarde and Arathor. Or it can be about rebuilding something - maybe Southshore? Really, a lot of possibilities here.


If I could pick, I would revisit the events described in an in game book The Seven Kingdoms.

In the end, it has a peculiar passage:

Though each of the city-states became prosperous in its own right, the empire of Arathor had effectively disintegrated. As each nation developed its own customs and beliefs, they became increasingly segregated from one another. King Thoradin’s vision of a unified humanity had faded at last.

So, it would be interesting to revisit the story of Thoradin and either attempt to fix what ended up happening, or do the opposite - to confirm that “King Thoradin’s vision of a unified humanity had faded at last”.

Problem is, monarchy of Stormwind has refugees from other human kingdoms too. The game itself did atrocious job at telling those stories, but on paper it would require to rethink what is going to happen with other parts of it. Like, should there be a human-related items done in Lordaeron style, or a part of undead will splinter from the forsaken and it will be their heritage set with such symbolism. Same goes for other kingdoms, existing and long gone.

Gilneas [worgen heritage quest line] afaia totally failed with establishing the nation, it’s place, and why it’s cool to be a worgen. So, I am not too enthusiastic to such themes. I do not expect the devs do justice, but that would be a welcome surprise to actually see the story of humanity in WoW presented, and not just hopping behind Anduin and pretending that nothing matters other than Stormwind.

gl hf


Man this thing puts me back to the simple days of Warcraft with Humans and Orcs. Miss them.


Since Lordaeron is now free, I think Alliance will return those lands back. Together with Turalion, Alliance will rise the faith into the Light, and they will rise this white armored soldiers of the Lordaeron!

I like your ideas and concepts Northgrave. The story about King Thoradin and possibly the wall which was built between Arathi Highlands and Southshore is still an underrated story I guess. Those northern lands have seen many brutal conflicts between the humans and trolls, would like to live through that story.

Blizzard could really expand towards the rich history of the human race with the heritage armor quest and the Seven Kingdoms could possibly be the best way to tell that story.

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Tirisfal is still under controll of the forsaken Lordaeron/Undercity is just plagued.
No Alliance left there.

I’d love to see something like that.
The “Birth” of a Human Powerbase in Azeroth is far enough in the past to not piss anyone off, and can explore the time when Humans were united as a people.

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Exactly Ilyasha. Would also like to see and fight beside Anduin Lothar, maybe to witness the first fall of Stormwind if they decide to cut the Thoradin story.

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Considering half of the heritage sets already in- game are based on Warcraft 3 units, I think we can expect something similar for the human, orc, night elf, and troll sets. The draenei and forsaken sets will probably be crystal and plague themed.

For the human set, they might go with the Warcraft 3 paladin set, using the 9.1 Uther model as basis. I’ve already heard some people wanting that as the heritage set. It would also fit well with a Light- themed expansion, especially if we return to Lordaeron.

I also like the Arathi “barbarian” idea Northgrave brought up. I’m one of those warriors who favor mobility over armor, so something akin to the Diablo barbarian would be perfect, especially if the transmog comes with war paint.

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Because warfront armours from AB and DS were designed with humans/orcs and night elfs/forsaken I’m afraid they will be last to get heritage armours. Assuming they will get one at all.
As for what that quest might be, maybe us sent as an ambassador of Stormwind to other human kingdomes to renew their alliance, learning a bit about each in the process.
The armour itself would have to be something both a paladin and a rogue would wear. With parts useable for caster transmog. A mail armour with thick metal gloves, boots and shoulders. With a lot of cloth elements - cape, hood and some flapping ornamental elements like Anduin’s armour have. Oh and since we play as Stormwind humans than it would have to have some lions on it.

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It would be a cheap move by Blizzard if they didn’t. Warfronts were not as fun as Blizzard had hoped, and most people didn’t bother grinding them for gear that became outdated the following patch.
The theme is not everything. Heritage armor has an epic quest tied to it, and the armor has to be unique and exclusive to said race.
Besides, night elf players are expecting an iconic set that only they can wear, and an epic quest chain tied to it, after the tragedy that was BfA.


No it doesn’t have to be.

Look at the blood elf, dark iron, worgen, gnome, lightforged draenei heritage armors, they have armors that usually makes no sense for casters or rogues to wear.

Just like stopping with customisations would be a cheap move… yet here we are.

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I agree it was a cheap move, but they still might add more the next expansion.

My point is: There would be a similar- if not worse- backlash if they abandon heritage armor half way, and I bet leaving the humans, orcs, night elves, and forsaken out just because they got warfront armor would piss off fans of these races, given how the warfronts turned out.

Someone did ask Blizzard about heritage armor during Blizzconline. The good news is they haven’t abandoned it. The bad news is they’re saving it for “when it fits the narrative”. With that logic, we’ll be lucky to get them the next expansion.

I think then IF Shadowlands brings at least 1 pair of Heritage armours (A/H) then it will be Draenei and Forsaken, because of the Light/Cosmic theme + Sylvannas. But man I hope we get a rest from this Starcraft thing and go back to medieval times again… I mean WoW times… I’m kinda tired of this alien thingy…

Heritage quest lines usually looks at a Dark past so my guess is it will take us back to Warcraft 2 when Stormwind was on fire due to the Orc invasion and Varian’s mother died while fleeing the city.

They will not. Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken. Deal with it.

And Quel’thalas belongs to the high elves. Deal with it.

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everything you just said is wrong.