Human trinket racial to work only on stuns

Stealth and Detection are like a weapon skill: 5 points per level. So at level 70 we have 350 baseline. +30 for paranoia, +50 for perception, that’s the 430.

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lmao what. you had paladins in classic wow, that is even better than the horde racials for both pve and pvp. In TBC 15% stun resistance is nothing

#nochanges please

Blizzard got encouraged to do #somechanges and made horrendous decisions such as allowing for no RFD. Do you really trust these devs can rebalance wotlk arena? Tell you what, they are going to do a :poop: job and everyone will be upset again!

Don’t repeat the RFD fiasco #nochanges


thats a class not a racial lol

You really have 0 clue what you are talking about? How was the orc racial in vanilla? How much % was it again???

Right thought so

How exactly they’re going to balance it? I was trying to find an article or a note, but nothing. Is it actually confirmed info?

No, you stick to the way you’ve chosen in the very beginning. There were a lot of discussions regarding racials since p2, even videos with orcs resisting up to 5-6 CC’s in a row if not more, but Blizz kept silent, #nochanges. So, please, leave racials as-is in wotlk, because #nochanges.

After almost 3 years you suddenly want to make it “fair”? Remove all pvp titles (both classic and tbc), pvp mounts and honor kills from all horde players, since they were obtained by abusing of imbalanced and not “fair” pvp mechanics. What’s the problem?

Human racial is decent in s5/s6, strong for physical classes and healers in s7 and best choice for most classes in s8. However, its only better if the player has two of the best pve trinkets available, since its equivalent to the second best trinket proc.

Also there is the issue that not only does alliance not have any offensive on use racials (besides human in pvp), the horde racials are overall just better in terms of cc breaks/reduction and cc itself. Disregarding s7 and s8 (pvp) human, alliance has far worse racials than horde in terms of pve and pvp.

The argument at one point is that with patch 3.3 / s8 the expansion is “almost over” and because of that reasoning RDF and questhelper are not included. How can the argument regarding racials be that because one racial outperforms others in one minor part of the game at the very end of the expansion with all gear available, this racial destroys the gameplay throughout wotlk.

I have to say Im day to day more amazed about the mental acrobatics of people here.


Bro, if you are Human Rogue and suck in arena, there’s something wrong.

You pick a Feral friend and it’s instant 2000 rating in 2vs2. Just pop your racial with blue goggles and faceroll all openers. 90% of time you’ll get a sap on opponents because of the ridiculous range of Perception with increased others stealth detection method.

It is probably the most easiest way to get 2000 rating in TBC. Human Rogue with Feral NE. Or double Rogue, exactly the same history. Double Human Rogue are everywhere between 2000-2200. It’s like a forest of Human and Undead.

Same thing apply to Undead Racial vs Fear as Alliance. People can just faceroll without thinking about it.

human racial will be useless if they rework it only 2 stuns exist worth of making ur trinket on a 30sec CD

thats rogue and feral 5combo point stun

So basically the only class who would take that will be shadowpriest i asume its killing alot of comps and making alot of comps aloooooot weaker specially mages since they cant run double solace/solacebauble or baubleicc thing

but since i dont play it u can nerf it i hate mages

Deep Freeze would be good candidate as well.

However, I still believe we shouldn’t touch human or any other racial and just remove PvE trinkets from arena. It’s a design flaw that arena players (regardless of their race choice) have to do end-game PvE content in order to stay competitive in arena.

No more ninja looting or loot dramas due to PvP
No more feeling forced to do PvE content to stay competitive in PvP
No more human being a no-brainer choice once P3 hits.
No more unnecessary, ridiculously high gold bids for trinkets due to PvP
More incentives to do Wintergrasp


That is an invalid argument. What’s the point of keeping human racial as it is if pve trinkets are disabled from arena, the racial has absolutely no value in pve.

Im not sure you are aware, but for physical dps pve offsets are far better than pvp offsets, especially back, neck and rings, because they dont have agi or str as main stat on them. As soon as physical dps can reach a reasonable amount of resilience (~1-1.1k), its generally much better to use pve offsets with resilience gems over pvp items. Same with weapons. Since the ilvl and weapon damage of the best items are higher than the pvp ones, they are always far better. If you have pve and pvp weapons, you can even swap them depending on your current playstyle (offensive, defensive).

Imagine there would be only pvp trinkets, that currently exist. Since the battlemaster trinket is so weak for nearly every dps class, because it doesnt do anything offensive and even stays unused in some matches, players would use the wintergrasp trinkets that are ilvl 200 and 213 and have base resilience on them. If every dps was forced to use 2 resilience trinkets, the need for pve offsets/weapons would rise even more, because without the extra damage in combination with more resilience overall, it would be much harder to deal significant damage.

In short: PvE, especially in later seasons (7/8), will be necessary for any physical dps class and might be for casters, if they want to play arena on a competitive level.

Since human racial is equivalent to the second best trinket effect available (minus the base resilience on the medallion), it will just be the worst racial out there, if no new trinkets are added. Something human dps could go for in later seasons would be something like the on-use 700ap trinket, but they will lose 60 resilience permanently. Since most players wont want that stat loss, the human racial will become the battlemaster effect, which results in alliance losing their only offensive racial for pvp.

While your suggestion sounds nice, it doesnt remove the need to raid for competitive arena players (at least dps) and without higher ilvl trinkets available, the human racial is effectively the battlemaster effect.
Personally I would like to welcome higher ilvl versions of the wintergrasp trinkets, because it reduces the need to raid (at least for caster dps and more casual physical dps) like you intend, but knowing Blizzard the fewer changes the better.


If they nerf Human racial, they might as well remove racials from Arena. Because humans won’t be on par with other races, they’ll far far weaker. Only real pvp racial humans have is their trinket, if that gets removed, they have nothing else.

I don’t resist enough stuns, please buff daddy blizzard.

But to be fair, been an Orc since classic, ranked to 13 and felt the alliances pain when I resisted a charge AND the intercept.

We’ve had our time, blizzard didn’t nerf our racials back then, why should they nerf humans now?

We all knew EMFH would come and I truly hope the bois in blue keep it.

Screw you hordebiased company, you make us look bad if you change EMFH.


If you nerf human trinket then you have to nerf Orc/Trolls for PVE, lul.

Just leave the game as it was…


If Emfh work only on stuns, it would be completely useless racial.

You are the one who has no clue. 25% stun ress doesnt comes close to having holy paladins for pvp and pve. Git gud

What other classes can a paladin be other than paladin? Oh wait!

like i said before paladin is a class not a race/racial

They didnt care for pvp racial balance the last 4 years. If they suddenly do it NOW, its just another instance of helping the horde… Because alliance isnt allowed to be the winner apparently.

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