Hunter melee nerf prediction

  • 50% OH back on DW Rune
  • Raptor Strike no longer have a chance to reset itself.
  • Normalization of Raptor Strike

What do you it will be ?

Whatever it is, if it happens, melee hunter will be history.


It will happen, it needs to happen.

I don’t know if it’s an impression, but I noticed that the damage from raptor strike doesn’t match what it should, it’s like the AP is no longer counted in the damage. If anyone wants to check.

Idk what needs to be nerfed, but raptor strike does ridiculous dmg, so much so that melee hunter is a better warrior than warrior, and the wind serpent pet is as annoyingly good as always. Id see those 2 things nerfed, and id prefer it if meleehunt was a 2h spec instead

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Good they are traitors to our class anyway.
It’s about time they get destroyed!

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because of? What reasoning?

In PvP i got a mele hunter hitting me with high dmg but the rogue does the same when he connects me, just with the diffrence taht rogue stunlocks me and i cant do anything into a non dr kidneyshot. Or shadowsteps to my butt, atleast melee hunter has to waddle up to me.

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Can you stop being cringe for 2 seconds please?


Yes while raptor strike is overtuned, why does it matter that a hunter is better than a warrior? Get it through your thick skulls, this is SOD not classic era anymore. Warriors don’t have to be top dps


Yes this is SoD, melee hunts dont have to be top dps either. Is this your argument?


Make shaman enh top dps, nobody will complain.

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Even if the difference between every class’ dps is 1% ppl will still complain. Damage isnt everything

Your comparison was to warrior, a typical classic andy crying that warrior isn’t the best of the best by a lot. I never said melee hunters should be top dps, stop twisting this conversation in your favor and learn how to provide solid arguments. And melee hunts aren’t top dps anymore, mages are if you bothered to check the logs

I dont even play warrior, my comparison was to common logic - a pure raw melee class being beaten by a hybrid melee/ranged with a pet in terms of killing power. Id rather face a warrior in pvp than a melee hunt.

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Warrior can also Tank. Hunters only role is dps


Same as Vanilla. And yet the Vanilla Hunter was not feared either.
Some things don’t change, because some classes still have the same problems as 20 years ago.

Hunter pet can tank


Hunter is currently the only pure dps class, if we go by your logic, a pure dps class should out dps a hybrid class since warrior is tank and dps. And no, hunter pet isn’t a real tank, at best he can only tank dungeon bosses. You can’t clear a raid with a hunter pet as a “tank”


We cleared BFD with a hunter pet in p1, dont know about p2 havent tried yet, but looks like you can.

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BFD is a joke compared to Gnomer. Go do tank mechanics on gnomer bosses with a hunter pet and tell me how that goes

Edit: Not only BFD bosses are a joke compared to gnomer, but hunter pet had overtuned scaling with armor and hp, now pets die easily from bosses in gnomer. I know since I taunted a few times in a tight situation with my pet in gnomer

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