Yes. But people hit for 2k with cooldown. Chaos bolt has 12!!! seconds cooldown. Raptor Strike not only has little 3 seconds but also with little luck you can chain it from 30% passive reset.
I forgot that Mongoose doesn’t have attack power scalling in vanilla, so they should focus on making that skill viable.
wait is someone accusing mage of having high damage in pvp?
It hits for 800-1k mutilate hits uptoo 1200, on no CD, which is q builder and not a spender lol.
Well tbh it does have arcane surge which can one shot, which is what im assuming hes referring to here.
Mage can hit hard tho.
You know that Rogue doesn’t have cooldown on most its skills because Energy is his cooldown, right? When you drop to 0 energy you have to wait 4 seconds to use Mutilate again dude.
But when it 2 shots, the faxt it consumes energy becomes irrelevent lol, u dont survive for them to deplete this.
Every class can brutalise other classes insanely fast, barring warriors, hunters just among rhem.
Hunter has the highest damafe on the lowest scaling, but fall off when gear comes into things thats always been the way, just like p1.
Everyone screamed about hunter early p1 dven after the nerfs and it shifted across to warrior / rogue once players got geared
unlike rogues mages are actually incapable of doing anything after. rogues literally rip people a new bumhole up.
You have to stop with the hunter, only the Dualwield rune needs to be revised, it would be enough to remove the +30% damage if you have two weapons of the same type and that’s ok, the hunter will go from top 1-2 to top 3 or 4.
And the mourners will be happy, they will complain about other classes and we will be at peace.
Because in PvP, honestly, a lone wolf + dualwield melee hunter, it’s a warrior without charge/intercept, without gap closer, it’s just a freekill for all ranged classes.
Well yeah its a meme, although being 1 shot isnt fun regardless of cost, frost mages can still perform very well in pvp, and fire can explode things albeit irs squishier and far more likely to get killed though
I think it would be best just to normalize raptor strike, because currently slower weapon = bigger dmg. And if that’s not enough maybe lower the 30% bonus dmg from same weapon type to 20% or 15%
But if they normalize raptor strike, they should normalize all abilities too since Divine Storm is not normalized as well I think and there are probably others as well
First of all ranged hunter won’t be a thing this phase, just the items alone are so garbage for ranged hunter that i don’t see it happening.
Second i don’t think melee hunter scales as well as the other physical dps. Third the numbers idd probably need some tweaking but removing any kind of synergy of the melee spec will make it unplayble.
Melee hunters don’t need to scale well this phase when their off hands with 1 handed weapons are hitting harder than mortal strike with the epic 2 handed weapon
NErf em back to ranged, we do NOT need more melee, oversaturated even before this hairbrained change
Yes! And let the rogue, the mage and the demo be only DPS. We don’t need tank and heal …
Its SOD guys, the poit is to try somethings new. Keep a open mind, we still have Era to play to an unchanged WOW.
I guess this is the right logic for someone whos getting carried on the last 2 bosses for sure.
Yes gnomeregan is doable and this reset will be my 3rd clear, it acually feels more like a raid then BFD but to say its as much of a joke as BFD, maybe do better on the bosses then! Atleast those who matters becuase 5th and 6th boss in there are where many seems to hit a wall.
So basicly you are struggling in Gnomer so you feel like it is a raid. Gotcha. You just need to get off forums and learn to play in that case.
Look up Mombless on Wild Growth and then compare your parses with mine!
lmao Bozo here trying to flex his shadowpriest logs on a fury warrior in a raid where bosses have more armor than lvl 60 Molten Core bosses. Giga cringe. And even after all that you feel like Gnomeregan is challenging
I mean I kinda can see how you can think that it is a hard raid, since you never parsed 99 in ur life
Do you know how the logs work? You are compared to other warriors
Gratz that you improved last boss tonight abit
Logs are affected by evrything, including raid performance , but hey it still doesnt change the fact that you couldnt push 99 parses for whole p1, clown