So the new talent trees and changes for hunter are out.
I am really, really impressed.
But for the sake of being unbiased…as much as I want hunter, and especially MM to have good defs and cc…
2 charges of 40% dmg reduction on a potentially 1 min cd, being able to have Intimidation, Scatter, knockback and Binding all at once, potentially resetting Scatter on low hp, small sprint on trap activation…
So now MM have two Survival Instincts with shorter CD? I think they should just remove it from Feral at this point and let us die in peace… why every xpac feels Feral loses something and then its given to another spec? With the mobility creep you cant even catch most specs now coupled with root and slow spams… then pure dps can heal more than feral and now give hunters 2xSI(this was the case in Legion btw Feral had two charges) with a shorter CD
There are some fairly new stuff, my favourite is Kill zone…going to be amazing and actually make the pvp talent which increases Volley radius and duration useful.
And lol at the Barrage spamming Rapid Fires…
All of this is quite reminescent of old MM, which was king of control and microplay.
Old dps rotation was kind of boring tbh, played hunter on Cata classic and it is just so basic compared to today (not that modern MM is complicated dps wise).
You forgot to add a low cd(10sec) no-cost better than greater purge (tranquil shot).
These class changes have the potential to make them tankier than any other spec if they truly get to keep the 40% dmg reduction on 1min cd with 2 charges.
It seems to be the thing with reworks, they dont have a line where they say “this is fine”. They keep going until its on the extreme path.
If the dmg is the same as it is now, with these reworks even for BGs, MM hunters will be even more stupid.
I agree that hunters needed some form of rework, but this just looks dumb.
MM is only oppressive in BGs, but in arena where the game is balanced around 3v3, MM still has the issue of getting his head bashed in while being trained by 2 melees with a spellbook full of nothing but microcc
MM is fundamentally flawed because you have to play like a cockroach to survive as a hunter, which goes against having to stand still and cast aimed shot.
The best buff this class has received is not the damage reduction and neither are the hero talents, it’s the budget freedom you get whenever you trap someone and trigger aspect of the cheetah.
90% of specs get their heads bashed by two melees(usually a combo if warr, dh and ret) and the solution is to tone those stupid specs down instead of making others also annoying.
Warr for example either needs less uptime or less cc or less dmg or less tankiness or less anything really… batman needs to also be toned down and need less backed stuff in its two buttons
Pillars do make you immortal. What’s a monk or warrior going to do to you if you root them for 4 seconds and break line of sight around the pillar with the suppressed slow you get from trapping and speed burst from a free cheetah proc? You can keep kiting them while waiting for their burst to be over. If they commit a mobility you can scatter them.
You win by doing damage and not dying, and doing damage is easier when you don’t have to worry about dying 100-0.