Then I expect you to be R1 next expansion. Goodluck
But it’s totally useless vs anything that is not sp?
Aren’t we going to be able to dispel a good portion of assa and uhdk dots this way?
p.s. I Know both sin and uhdk burst and deal damage from other sources as well, but seems like smth that would ease up healing us against these two comps.
Nope, dk just instantly re-applies disease without cd, there is no ramp up or anything that would make it worth.
Rogues damage currently consists 90% from bleeds, poison and envenom damage is absent, so tue only thing you actually dispel is mortal and move speed reduction, which can be also re-applied next global with any attack or throw knife.
So the only real application of this is dispelling ramped devouring plagues from sp, that’s all
Another edge case is vs feral to remove infected wounds, but I’m not sure if it’s worth sacrificing a talent point else where.
It’s 2 points, since you r forced to take useless 4% ms for it. And currently there is no room, knock trap + shackles looks a lot better vs pretty each comp
Movement speed is very undervalued.
Sure, it just loses some value when you have 12% from pet, 15% from enchants (which we can lose next expac though) and short cd freedoms
But it all adds up. I don’t know if you played in Shadowlands but most classes played with movement speed gems over stat gems because moving faster than your opponent is extremely powerful. The best gem was actually giving 5%. It’s kind of the same thing.
Where is two charges of disengage? Why cant they make exhil work like lay of hands? And can we attack in turtle? And when we fake die we remove everything? I dont see any real changes.
skill issue
Cries in Disc
We don’t need anything from this. Like, you have to be silly to say no real changes here.
If you go Dark Ranger (which I plan to do because it works better with the spec, no matter the tuning on Sentinel), for every Exhiliration you get a small duration SoF, and when you use SoF, you heal yourself a bit. With the cd reduction talents, Exhiliration is not a bad button at all.
This is on top SoF having 2 charges, going 1.5 min cd, Posthaste, mini sprint upon landing a trap.
There is a talent in which you can Intimidate without a pet. You can get Intimidation, Scatter, Binding, Explosive trap and tar trap all at once. Plenty of tools to kite. There is even a talent which makes our Aimed Shot reduce the cd on our stun.
Our talents have been streamlined and the ordering makes sense for the most part. I just got of beta, and they spiced up our damage rotation, buttons feel impactful and our damage is a mix of upfront physical burst and magic and dots.
We are overall considerably more durable and have more cc going from DF to TWW. The redesign in my eyes has been a massive win. The rest is up to tuning, but the class and MM and survival in particular have a really strong foundation now.
Can you elaborate why dark ranger works for mm better?
This is my opinion ofcourse and it comes purely from my interest in class design, not from min-max point of view.
Sentinel is currently overtuned numberwise on beta and it produces better dps numbers. Even the absorb shield you get from the owl procs is overtuned. The capstone is a ground aoe simillar to Wild Spirits covenant spell.
The whole tree is almost entirely passive and it strikes me as more suited for m+. In pvp you wont be able to stack the owls so fast, shield will get eaten due to constant damage and people can move from the ground aoe.
Dark ranger gives us more Aimed shots, the defensive node is fantastic, Black Arrow gives us guaranteed Deathblow proc and Kill Shot should be more powerful and frequent because we will get more crit chance and crit damage.
It overall fits Marksman better thematically and gives us another dot (and there are quite a bit of other talents who boost our dot effects).
Well, ranger dot is garbo, aimed resets are meh since it doesn’t make aimed instant, and with stat squish u almost never drop out of charges, killshot even with proc is barely justified to press, all other talents are pretty deadline useful.
At least with sentinel you have additional damage on target, owl is ok since your kill target will be locked in a stun, and it will synergize with with volley 8% + some execution potential when I drop target to 20%.
If ranger won’t be overturned, there is 0 reasons to play it besides sylvanas wannabes
Like I said, my opinion was from design perspective and what I envision MM spec fantasy should be.
I don’t care really care about Sylvannas but she is probably the most well known MM hunter ingame and Dark Ranger is a well established archetype within WoW.
But Sentinel is just…I"ve expected smth different I guess…
As for your other points, they are fair but that is the matter of tuning. In my opinion, Kill Shot is an iconic hunter ability. It fits the theme and feels (or should feel) fun and impactful to press. If it is barely worth pressing, that is a design flaw.
The point about AiS reset also stands and that is also a design flaw. Aimed Shot should have no charges and it should be limited only by our focus.
All of this can change with some tuning. PvP damage on beta overall feels low, I had almost 7 million hp and nothing feels that impactful (on pvp dummy that is).
and longer duration.
yep they did
every rework is dumb cuz it´s blizz
i want my second disengage
After trying the hunter mm a little with the rework, I dare say that it will be VERY BROKEN if it comes out like this after the rework