Hunter Shadowlands Is Done?

Correct me if I’m wrong, I’ve been following hunter changes since the start of the alpha and I dont think hunters as a core recieved any changes besides the initial changes(kill shot/tranq shot coming back etc) and new system additions like legendaries/covenents/etc.

Alpha started in april, we’re in august now, about 4 months. Should we except no more changes?


Seems like it. I hoped to see some more changes especially for MM, but I dont count on it anymore.

It would be a shame though, the last days I read the feedback from several hunters here on the forum and there are some real good suggestions to improve gameplay in general and in certain areas like two target cleave for MM.

Maybe they come to their senses with Hunters Mark and make it a utility only spell. At least it not a talent anymore that locks a whole talentrow.

But to be fair, Volley and Chimaera shot deal with the two target cleave situation for MM in a certain degree. And damage seems to be okay from what I have seen in videos and streams, but that may change.


Yeah, I was really looking forward to see some more MM changes to adress its problems. I’m sad.


You’re not wrong.

Pretty much nothing has been done to the class since the initial changes that came with the launch of alpha.

Never say never I guess…

But yeah no, I find it highly unlikely that we will see anything major being done during the beta cycle.

Some tuning and the odd buggfix probably.

It’s funny, and sad, to see how they at the start of the alpha(even as early as BlizzCon 2019) asked us for feedback on the things revealed there.

They’ve asked us to test the class and look at what things we still want added or otherwise changed.

There have been a ton of feedback, not just on these forums. Still, next to nothing has been done to the class.


Probably but I hope not, BM has been boring as all hell for a while now, but I dont think they will change it because although its not fun it works and its easy.

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There won’t be any more major changes, but theres currently a document of 16 pages of bugs with various spells and abilities so hopefully a ton of minor changes like that.

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Shadow priests got a huge change during beta. I’m still…hopeful?

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Dangit… I was about to say the same thing.

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I do hope they do something as I’m currently going through Beta and Hunter is a major snooze-fest. I’ve mained Hunter since I started WoW so I’m used to Blizzard making a lot of weird changes but I hope they say that Hunters will get some attention “soon” otherwise SL is going to be quite a dull experience as a Hunter! Yeah, I get that we’re one of the most powerful classes in BFA and it’s nice to solo content but there’s no thought required.


I’ve also been playing Hunter for many years, I think come Shadowlands it’s time for me to reroll, the community isnt what it used to be and the class varies from overly simplified to being very broken and boring imho, Just waiting for pre patch now then I’ll decide on my new career.


I enjoy Demon Hunters (I know there’s a lot of judgement associated with them) but I’ve done everything on my Hunter main that to ditch it, even with the class in the state it is in, would feel almost like a betrayal.

Hope you find a class you enjoy!


Cheers, I was thinking of trying my hand at healing as DPS is much more competitive these days compared to old days and if you even press the wrong skill by accident everyone calls you a scrub being a girl small hands really need to invest in one of those mice with all keys on it, and logs… don’t get me started on logs I find it all very confusing ingame on the dps meters my friends telling me to chill out because im pulling 100k dps yet according to Wc logs i only pull 37k so yeah… sod it at this point.

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I agree that everything has become very meter-centric. I’ve always maintained that I play the game to relax not stare at numbers. DPS are far less forgiving compared to Healer meters.


I agree u just have fun ill play the class that makes me smile and the covenent that I think is a cool as all hell


A few really nice new changes in the latest build.

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I just saw the changes. Copy-pasting from wowhead.


This week’s Beta and PTR builds include some updates for Marksmanship Hunters, notably their generation and spending of Focus, and updates to some of the more problematic talents.

In Battle for Azeroth, Rapid Fire’s focus generation and the Master Marksman talent increase the amount of available Focus you have a by a decent amount, which almost pushes Master Marksman generation away from being necessary at all. Now:

  • Aimed Shot Focus Cost increased to 35 (was 30).

  • Arcane Shot and Multi-Shot Focus cost increased to 20 (was 15).

  • Rapid Fire duration lowered to 2 seconds (was 3 seconds). Total damage dealt by Rapid Fire should be unchanged.

The above changes should cause you to spend a bit more Focus, and passively generate less from Rapid Fire.

Several talent changes are also coming to both prop up some underused talents, and replace others:

Level 15 Row:

  • Redesigned: Master Marksman (Passive) – Your critical shots cause your target to bleed for 15% of the damage dealt over 6 seconds.

  • Serpent Sting’s duration increased to 18 seconds (was 12 seconds).

Level 25 Row:

  • Careful Aim has had the low health benefit removed as it felt redundant with Kill Shot returning. Additionally, the high health threshold has been lowered to 70% (was 80%).

Level 35 Row:

  • Redesigned: Steady Focus – Casting Steady Shot twice in a row now increases your haste by 7% for 10 seconds.

  • Redesigned: Streamline (Passive) – Rapid Fire damage is increased by 15%, and Rapid Fire now also reduces the cast time of your next Aimed Shot by 30%.

  • Chimaera Shot now replaces Arcane Shot

    • Chimaera Shot’s cooldown has been removed for Marksmanship Hunters. It has a Focus cost of 20.

    • Chimaera Shot should work with everything that Arcane Shot works with, such as Precise Shots, or any Torghast Power, or Legendary effect.

    • Chimera Shot no longer causes both the Frost and Nature attack to hit a single target. This is a bug fix.

Level 45 Row

  • Lethal Shots proc chance has been increased to 30% (was 20%).

Level 50 Row

  • Lock and Load’s proc chance has been increased to 8% (was 5%).

The above talent changes should open up some diversity in talent choices, and Chimaera Shot replacing Arcane shot opens up some alternate 2-target cleave options without increasing your action bar bloat.

Focus cost increase makes some kind of sense since our passive focus regen was increased from 3 to 5, I think. And I liked that the rapid fire channeling duration is 2 seconds instead of 3(exluding our haste) but deals the same damage.

I also liked the new streamline talent, however i dont know how its going to work with trueshot CD, because the aimed shot CD inside our trueshot is already equal or lower than our GCD, so it seems like this talent is more useful outside trueshot CD.

New master marksman talent is fine, 25% crit chance on aimed shot was OP(in my opinion) but I dont like what happened to serpent sting. Serpent sting already deals too low damage. It deals as much dmg as my buffed arcane shot, but it deals this damage in 12 seconds, but now it deals that damage in 18 seconds even. The good side is that its going to interfere less with our rotation with it being 18 secs now and its 10 focus and arcane shot is 20 focus, but I dont think its worth it. I’d suggest increasing its damage and focus cost.

I’d even go as far to say that serpent sting in its current state should be baseline, and we should have a talent to buff it and/or make it aoe.

Careful aim makes sense.

I’m conflicted about chimera shot as it no longer deals fire and frost to a single target. I think I’m going to pick streamline, but it looks okay if people want to pick it, I guess?

Lethal shots, lock n load and steady focus, nice little buffs.

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It’s damage is increased by 50% as well. You cannot increase it’s focus cost because MM is pretty focus starved already after these changes.

Chimaera is now just an option on 2 target cleave encounters, which is perfect.

Not really sure what you mean by this. The cooldown would need to be sub 1.5 seconds to be faster than the GCD which it is absolutely not. The problem with trueshot right now is we are absolutely focus starved during it due to the focus increases. Focus cost increases were needed (Before we could barely get rid of it on beta) but this seems slightly over kill in the opposite direction now.


Oh I didnt notice that. Then its good, my bad.

True. But its worse than arcane shot for single target encounters I think? Thats why I was conflicted. But seems a perfect choice to make to be honest.

Edit: Nevermind. Reading the tooltips now, arcane shot deals 60% attack power damage, chimera shot does 79% attack power damage each. So its simply better. I’m not conflicted anymore.

What I mean is , I’m going to give an example in the live game since I’m not in beta yet; upon using trushot, my aimed shot CD becomes 1 second while my GCD is 1,25 seconds. This means even now I have to wait an additional 0,25 seconds to make the best of this CD reduction.

Steamline is going to decrease aimed shot CD even more, by 30%, but it wont matter because I’m going to have to wait untill 1,25 seconds anyways.

Does this make sense?

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The changes from yesterday have really helped me decide whether or not I should play MM in SL. The chimaera change is just <3


I feel exactly the same. Aff lock was top of my list until now.

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