Hunter Stable

Hello Everyone!
Since we already got some QoL changes in Anniversary like Dual Spec and boons maybe there’s a chance to get more stable slots! Nothing crazy like in retail, but 5 slots from WotLK would really be a lot of help!

These kinds of small QoL changes should have already been implemented as standard in Classic, so I’m totally for it.

No Changes players already play with tools (addons, guides, strategies, etc.) that did not exist in Vanilla and use and abuse the purchase of gold, AH speculation, boost, spell/meleecleave, purchase of items (hidden gdkp, runs) which no longer have anything “Classic” in them…

So yes to QoLs like this, Barbershop, etc.

Hypocrit. What I like should be changed, what I dislike is cancer killing Classic. Nice.

This genius who puts at the same level Boosting, GDKP, purchase of gold, items, RMT, melee/spellcleave, the farm of AV without making pvp to cap honor for farming R14/rep without deserving it (thanks the unemployed or the asocial without family) and all the toxic behaviors of modern players…

With QoLs such as having 5 pet slots for hunter instead of 2 or change your ingame hairstyle…
You have a gas leak in your brain ? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Of course, you ignored this part of my post:

Maybe because you feel targeted the progamerz?

keep it as it is, I never played classic wow and don’t have a problem with it, it’s just how it is.
it’s how the hunter story is being built, through the expansions the hunter get’s better and better improving his skills and abilities to tame more pets.
I feel like it should stay like that.
Helps create a story for the character itself as it get’s better over time.

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Because I cba reacting to the ravings of someone who has no idea what they are talking about. But fine:

Guides were harder to find, yes, but addons were much stronger, weakauras was called strongauras and all but automated your gameplay, decursive would automatically remove curses from closest target with spam of one button, healing addons would automatically downrank your heal and cast it no lowest hp target in raid etc.

RMT and bots were ubiquitous in vanilla, it was just more brazen, a few of my classmates actually made a side income of levelling chars to 60 and selling them on our version of ebay.

AH speculation? Done since beta when auctions weren’t even linked. You’d buy cheap in DS or SW, then sell in IF that was de-facto capital.

Boosting absolutely happened, even for gold, though yeah, people didn’t really figure out spell/melee cleave, that was a private server thing later.

The fact you were a kid or a noob and didn’t know doean’t mean it wasn’t there. It’s like that saying, things were always crap, you just grew up and noticed.

Your ignorance is grim, I was there in 2005 so I know very well how was WoW Vanilla and what you’re saying is worthless.

-All the toxic behaviors of today at Classic existed only in the extreme minority.
-The most intrusive addons (of the time) were only used by the big guild pve.
-It was very easy for a casual to find guilds that didn’t care about min-maxing or the Meta.
-The BGs were mostly pugs only as well.
-The RMT and the Bots were EXTREMELY marginal in Vanilla and just because a few players have made their small business as a high school smoker of **** by selling their account on Ebay does not mean that it is equivalent to the current black market. All this was marginal, rare, occasional.
-AH speculation was made by a few players who had fun doing the trader, there was no ultra elaborate addon that recorded all the data of the AH to speculate almost professionally.
-The Boosting in all form was not at all a reality in Vanilla and if it was practiced, it was again and again, extremely marginal.

You think you know everything when you are clearly a mythomaniac in need of attention. Grow up and stop believing that you are going to accomplish something of your life in a video game. :dracthyr_tea:

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For Anniversary? Fine, that can’t really hurt anyone.

For Era? No way! Here I am 100% a Classic Andy. Keep Era as close to the original Vanilla without adding any QoL changes. Blizzard already added too much sheit.

The players themselves have brought much more change to Classic ERA than Blizzard.

True but that is not an argument to add even MORE changes.

Well, then we don’t have anything to talk about, do we? Didn’t read your drivel past that point.

Yea, just for Anniversary, I wouldn’t want to see any changes being made to Era either, it’s supposed to stay how it is!

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Let’s face it, the vast majority of Classic players want a version of +. Same game but with sensible changes and tweaks that work.

The amount of sacred vanilla die-hards, “must never, ever be touched” is tiny in comparison. Go play Era.

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