Hunters and Warlocks: The Overpowered PvP Meta that it must be stopped

Right now, in PvP, the sheer dominance of Hunters and Warlocks is undeniable. These classes are running the show thanks to a mix of insane damage output, powerful crowd control, and near-tank-like survivability. If you’re not playing one, you’re probably seeing them everywhere — and it’s starting to feel like they’re simply too strong.

Hunter’s Damage and Mobility:

Hunters are in a league of their own when it comes to raw damage. With abilities that hit like a freight train, especially in the right spec, they can melt through enemies before they even have a chance to react. Add in their insane mobility (think disengage, traps, and multiple gap closers) and it’s no wonder they’re dominating the battlefield. If they can keep their distance, it’s almost game over. They can kite, burst, and escape faster than anyone can keep up.

Warlocks: Damage, CC, and Tankiness Combined:

Then there’s Warlocks. If you thought Warlocks were just about damage, think again. The amount of crowd control they can apply with fear, stuns, and snares is absurd. Not only can they lock down enemies for extended periods, but their survivability is on another level. With the right setup, a Warlock can tank through insane amounts of damage, thanks to their powerful self-heals and shields. They essentially become mini tanks in PvP — able to dish out damage while shrugging off attacks that would melt most other classes.

The Combo of Damage, Control, and Defense:

The real kicker is how well these classes combine all three pillars of power: damage, crowd control, and defense. Hunters can burst hard and stay alive through their mobility and defenses. Warlocks, on the other hand, lock enemies down, deal huge damage over time, and keep themselves topped off while being nearly unkillable in some cases.

The Meta Shifts:

With this perfect storm of power, it’s clear that Hunters and Warlocks are shaping the current PvP meta. And while the excitement of a good challenge is what keeps us playing, there’s a feeling that their dominance is a bit over the top right now. It feels like these classes are just too easy to succeed with, especially when compared to other specs that require more setup, positioning, or just sheer luck.

If things keep going this way, the future of PvP might need some balancing, because as it stands, these two are walking all over the competition. Keep an eye out — the battlefields are about to get a whole lot more crowded with Hunters and Warlocks taking center stage with their current meta.

I hope Blizzard makes it against the TOS to use ChatGPT for posting on the forums.


They are fine, both mentioned classes are not that OP in BGs.


warlocks survivability, tankiness and sheer power ? the amounts of stuns, crowd controls and snares? do we have a snare ability ?

is this some kind of a joke ?


Create a warlock and do some shuffle or wpvp.
Then come back here to write (you, not chatgpt xd) your “op” experience of “tankyness” and also tell us about the countless fears and stuns at cast time that you have done especially against melee comp


I would like to understand where you see all this tankyness in the warlock, which is the only class in the game that has to use a blue demon (with a 20 year old mechanic) to be able to complete a delve without dying.

I’ve been playing the warlock since 2004, there were times when the tankyness of the class was really enormous but in this expansion I honestly don’t see this incredible power of the defensive ones. I keep seeing classes that are superior in tankiness and damage.

Among other things, I would like to point out that I would gladly trade a little more of this “tankyness” in exchange for instant shadowfury or a very powerful melee ranged shot to put pressure

Which Level do you mean? I have hard trouble believing that you mean anything below 10. You can use Brann as a healer those Potions give you a hot btw which is stackable. Theres also a relic that multiplies those Potions by chance on any use. Id rather have your deathpact and wall than barskin :laughing:
The key is kiting around the potions cd and your own and not bodytanking everything.
Does your Voidwalker not die by the way? Heard that zek and delves are scuffed when it comes to pets and their usefulness.

C+, overall its a good essay, some formating error and a not so clear introduction. The middle section could also use some rework. Also please add references.

Good job!


hahaha what is going on :smiley:

Warlock 3 chaos bolts and you’re dead.

Hunter. 2x survival of the fittest that is buffed from 20% to 30% dmg reduction, Roar of Sacrifice that is not in GCD with 1 min CD and can be used together with survival of the fittest in a macro, Exhilaration heals you to max every 2 min, Feign Death 90% dmg reduction!, Aspect of the Turtle 2 min bubble that can not be dispelled, 2 stuns, 2 incapacitates, constant slow, Tranquilizing Shot, -50% constant reduced healing effect -70% momentarily, insane amount of dmg, pretty sure there is more, but you get the point.

The amount of control and defensive on a ranged dps class that is supposed to be squishy is just wrong the hunter survives more than a warrior deals more dmg has more upkeep on the dmg, has more reduction in healing and kites everything easily and out tanks them or destroy a ranged mage-shaman in seconds, even if you hide the ridiculous amount of pets will finish you off.

This class has it all to a ridiculous amount it’s just broken, its meta class broken op AF and should be stopped.

You gatekeep it cause you like being OP but ppl are quiting the game because of this.


I really tell you to try playing a destruction warlock and cast 3 chaos bolts in a row


it was more of a “provocation” that the warlock is not as tanky a class as many describe it. Just read in the EU and US forums to see how most of the warlock complaints are precisely due to the fact that current defensives are often useful for a death delay.

Personally, I have always played warlock since 2004, and I can tell you that it is very true that the class has been very tanky in various expansions and seasons, even a sort of raid boss in certain seasons (MOP). But now I can say just as easily that calling the class very “tanky” is more of a cliché than anything else and that other classes are equally so if not more so

I love this community of people who takes for granted the fact that being a caster isn’t necessarily that easy, specially being a caster that lacks mobility like locks or spriest, they simply assume you press 1 button and everybody dies.


assuming you are not being attacked 24/7, technically you can cast 3 Chaos Bolts in a row with 11 stacks of Ritual of Ruin + having 4 soul shards. 2 soul shards for each Chaos bolt and then there is ritual of ruin proc at 15 stacks which will grant a free Chaos bolt… but people have defensives, damage reductions, shields, grounding totems and so on.


NGL initially i thought this post was about affli at which point i´d been inclined to agree. He then switches to complain about chaos bolt n thats when he lost me.

If we look at it from a pure statistical point of view destro locks are one of the worst performing specs in the entire game currently in every bracket. 19/26 in shuffle, 23/26 in 2v2, 22/26 in 3v3 and 20/26 in blitz.

For reference fury is ranked 2/26 in shuffle, 4/26 in 2v2, 3/26 in 3v3 and 6/26 in blitz.
Ret paladin is 9/26 shuffle, 19/26 in 2s, 7/26 in 3v3 and 5/26 in blitz. Both the classes you play are performing CONSIDERABLY better than destro lock is n are up there alongside affli lock.

As for hunters i hate hunters with a passion but the only overtoned hunter spec currently is BM. MM and survival are performing at simular levels to destro lock simmering at the bottom.

If you´re going to have chatgpt write a complain post for you atleast be factual about it. I play warrior myself but nothing grinds my gears more than blatant delusional statements like this one. If you play not just one but two of the strongest specs in the entire game n complain about low tier specs thats entirely down to you not knowing what you´re doing.


it is only available to enh sham, literally 1 button burst which does not depend on any debuffs on targer so he can swap between targets with no penalty, insane stupidity :rofl:

Yeah, how come nobody is talking about them :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking: :upside_down_face: Like I feel they needed a bit of a buff, but is crazy that everybody is still complaining about hunters and warlocks, lmao.

I don’t understand why people complain about a class that has to hard cast spells and stay immobile to do damage, when there are casters in the game who seem to have come out from a 90s video game where the only thing they cast is hearhstone

if you read in the two EU and US forums, many threads about the warlock is “too tanky”. Still in the same forums, warlocks denounce the weakness of their defenses.

Last expansion I did my solo shuffle quite calmly and I did 2400+, now I’m afraid to even press the queue

its funny because i got almost every class to 1800 this season
and the hardest was Warlock, druid and Rogue ( still yet to complete )

the easiest was Ret paladin and Fury warrior
so please tell me where i fit into this "META "

  • i think most people like to moan about other classes without actually playing them
    warlock is not easy to play, nor is Rogue or druid … in my opinion

for reference here are all of my characters:

if you are making comments about other classes being " OVERPOWERED" but are not playing them… please kindly try playing one before making a silly post

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