Hunters are doing way way way too much damage

Between 2K AoE explosive traps that can be shot 30 yards away at no mana cost, 1-1.5k autoshots, 2k Chimera Shots, Hunter just has way way too much damage compared to everyone else.

At least a Rogue or Warrior can be kited, Hunter does this damage from 40 yards away. What’s going on? Their damage is insane.


Bump in 10char


Again another “QQ PvP QQ” Thread.

Imagine how good the game would be if the mode was just removed?


Everyone playing SoD/classic for pvp would quit, servers would get small, playerbase would get too small to raid. Maybe the sod team could just invest more time into making pvp better? Add new bgs, better pvp events, less dog balance. Win-Win, pvers would cry about missing out.

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Missing out… on what?

I only play SoD to see how these runes & class changes would measure up inside the raids.

Some people play sod just to fish in the orgrimmar pond 3 hours a day.



Huntards are busted in PVE too.

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comeone man, demonhunter can easily just charge to them and own them what is problem

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The problem is that if I do that I have to play an elf

Hunters will do the same damage at lvl 55 as a warrior/rogue/druid/paladin at lvl 60 with some prebis gear.

How is this anywhere close to balanced?

They also have infinite mana now.

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5% of the playerbase would leave, 15% more would be unhappy but still stay, nothing would change significantly expcept the demographics of tryhards

Yes this is 100% true and hunters can ice trap you from 40 yards and then global you before you can react…

hunter are so broken/unskill atm :joy: i saw an ally dualbox 7hunt just to trap the bridge :joy:
you would get hit for 6k dmg aoe

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Blizzard, can you please nerf Hunters and Shamans?

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Hunters are supposed to be the best damage dealers because they are the only pure damage dealer class

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Yeah this is beyond the joke. 2-3 hunters waiting at Stonehearth Graveyard with explosive traps and frost traps AND entrapment roots. It’s mental! They are literally critting for more than Lava Bursts… there is no way this is anywhere close to being balanced.

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Hunter doing too much damage meanwhile

Shaamans are hero class

Ret Pala requires 0 skill to press 2 stuns bubble and do tons of dmg

Rogues 1 shot in a ninjastep

Warrior no comment with death grip harmsting perma execute

Spriest puts 2 dots and you are dead

Stop crying for pvp and git gud


sounds like a skill issue over here mate. Anyone with a brain can trinket a stun and just pingpong paladins.

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Sounds like a skill and gear issue.

Hunters are the worst PVP class now.
You should not lose a 1v1.
And group utility was nerfed into oblivion. Also viper sting is not viable.

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